Chapter 13 ➸ Back
Underlined and and Bold ~ Journal entries.
'Italics' ~ 'Thoughts'
Y/N ~ Your name
M/N ~ Mom Name
H/C ~ Hair Color
S/F/C ~ Second favorite color
F/C ~ Favorite Color
H/L ~ Hair length
D/N ~ Dad name
F/F ~ Favorite Flower
3rd Person POV
Garroth was told to wake up Y/N, who was still sleeping.
"Gar-Gar? Can you wake up Y/N please?" Zianna asked as she made some eggs
"Sure mommy!" Garroth said as he ran up the stairs. Garroth walked to Y/N's room, opened the door which creaked a bit making some sound.
"Y/N?" Garroth said as he looked at the girl sleeping peacefully in front of him. He shook her while saying her name.
"YYY/NNN" Garroth said as she punched him in the face
"AAAAH!" She screamed as she sat up. She look at Garroth who was laying on the floor. "What are you doing down there?" She said, not realizing she had punched him only seconds before.
"J-Just hanging" He said simply. "Mommy said to go down for breakfast"
"Sweeet! Food!" Y/N said as she hopped out of bed, leaving Garroth on the floor.
After breakfast, Y/N ran up to her room to change into her uniform. She quickly brushed her teeth, did her hair, made the bed, and put on her shoes when she heard Zianna call out,
"BE DOWN IN A SECOND!" Y/N shouted back, as she grabbed her backpack and went downstairs to walk for school
Y/N, Garroth, Vlad, and Zane were walking to school (With Zane being a couple feet behind)
"Hey Y/N?" Garroth asked
"Yeeees?" Y/N said
"Do you mind if Laurence walks with us?"
"I don't mind at all"
"Great! Because we are already here in front of his house" Garroth said, stopping in front of a house. "And Cadenza occasionally walks with us" Just then, a girl with long fiery hair, and had blue eyes walked towards the group. And says,
"I'm joining the boy group tod- But she stopped mid sentence to stare at Y/N. Just then she squealed. "Finally a GIRL in the group!~" She said as she smiled at Y/N, Y/N waved back awkwardly. "I'm Cadenza!"
"U-Um, hi. Im Y/N" Y/N said. Cadenza was about to say something when a familiar head of brown hair started to talk.
"Sorry guys, Hayden's car is out of gas, and it was hectic because CADENZA!" He said staring at Cadenza "Used all the gas for some DIY (Do it yourself) Videos"
"Those gorgeous candles were worth it Laurance!" Cadenza said giggling with Y/N
"Uh-huh" Laurance said. He turned to Garroth and started a conversation about boyz stuff. (And yes I meant to put the 'z' in 'boyz')
"So, Y/N, Tell me~" Cadenza said. "Who do you like in this school?" Y/N opens her mouth in shock, she barely met Cadenza, and yet she was asking her, her crush.
"I-I don't really have crushes" Y/N said looking away
"Oooh!~ You said crushes! So that means its multiple boys! Or girls, or whatever your into!~" Cadenza grinning
"Ah, Cadenza...Leave the poor girl alone!" Laurance said, along side Garroth. (#Garrence)
"But she's so interesting!" Cadenza complained
"Yea, and your nosy!" Laurance said
"Am not!" Cadenza said
"Are too!" Laurence said back
"Am not!"
"Wow you really are brother and sister" Y/N laughed. Laurance and Cadenza looked at eachother and lauphed.
"Okay we made it!" Cadenza said looking at the huge school in front of her.
"yea yea..." Zane said as he walked away. (Bet you forgot about him...)
"Hmmm" Cadenza said looking around, as if she were looking for someone.
"What are you looking for?" Y/N asked
"My friends!" Cadenza said.
"Oh" Y/N said
"Hey Y/N?" Cadenza asked in a whisper voice
"Yes Cadenza?" Y/N said
"Why is everyone staring at you?" Cadenza said as she looked around, to see students stare at Y/N as they pass by.
"U-Umm...That's a long story" Y/N said
"Oh, okay, some day you'll tell me.... Right?" Cadenza said
"Mmmmaybe" Y/N said
"Well, I'll find out sooner or later" Cadenza said. "My friends!" Cadenza said looking at a group if girls. "Come with me Y/N!"
"No thanks..." Y/N said as she declined
"Awww common!" Cadenza said, whining a bit.
"I don't want to!" Y/N said stubbornly
"Y/N!" Cadenza said. "Okay...If you don't want to then...I'll be over there" Cadenza said as she walked towards her friends
Y/N juat shrugged as walked towards the water fountain, ignoring everyone that was staring at her. Y/N sat down, and didn't notice one particular pair if eyes that were slowly coming up behind her. In fact, right next her
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