Chapter two
It was a cold night, everyone who had a house would usually be going to sleep now. Or those who atleast have shelter. But not for this smiley masked wearing blonde. He was currently walking towards the kingdom of his enemy. What would he do there? Ask for help.
Not directly, ofcourse. He would ask to spend the night. But things would soon become something much much more than what either of two were expecting. He walked over the bridge to the entrance of the kingdom. He looked around, seeing all the different houses and shops. He felt the need to steal. But pushed it aside. He had to push it away.
He didn't have anyone at his side anymore. He, even though hell never admit it (or will he? 👀), needed someone at his side. Someone to help him with his fears, his troubles, his temptations to hurt himself. He didn't know where to go, what to do, why he was the way he was and why people do the things they do.
But he did know that this was going to ruin his reputation.
He walked up to the castle and knocked on one of the big doors. Two guards were on each side of him, guarding the castle. But their jobs weren't to speak. Soon, the doors opened up, revealing a tired brunette with a yellow shirt and a red beanie. The brunette yawned, "what's up?" He said calmly in a british accent.
"How can I help you?" He added in before taking notice of the blonde. "Dream-?!" The blonde tensed slightly. "Uh yeah- that's me-" the blonde kept himself composed, shoving the anxious feeling deep down where it couldn't bother him, or atleast so most of it would go away. "What are you doing here?" He asked completely waking up now. His voice slightly cracked.
"I need to stay here. For..a night." The blonde stated, slight hesitation in his voice. The brunette stood, thinking for a minute. "you aren't pulling my leg, are you?" The blonde shook his head. "I s-" a tired, yet intimidating pinkette approached, speaking over the two. "What are you doing here." It was more of a monotoned, yet threatening time of voice. "He needs to stay a night." The brunette spoke up.
The brunette had taken notice of the shape that the blonde was in and decided to let differences be put aside and he was going to accept for him to stay, until the pinkette had walked down the stairs, wearing his royal robe and crown. An intimidating look on his face, fire in his eyes. He was ready to kill. "He can't stay here." The pinkette stated, voice darkening slightly.
"He needs a place to stay." The brunette argued. "Well, he has to find one far from here." The pinkettes voice grew slightly darker. "What are you muffins fighting for-?" A tired charcoal haired and skinned boy asked, rubbing his eyes. "Dream?" He asked getting closer to the two. "Dream here, needs to spend a few nights here-" the brunette was cut off. "A few? A few? you just said one night. One." Once more, the two fought.
Now, the charcoaled haired boy with white glowing eyes was trying to break them apart, getting the attention from another male. This one had brown hair, a blue hoodie, and sweat pants with white socks, he also carried a pillow with him. he had just woken up.
"Bad-? Why is everyone so loud. Some of us are trying to sleep." The charcoaled haired boy both comforted his friend in a hug, while trying to get the other two to stop. "Enough!" He shouted. "You dundermuffins.." he muttered before continuing. "I'll show dream where he can stay for the night. Or a few if he needs." The brunette nodded in agreement, fine with it.
while the pinkette rolled his eyes, walking back up the stairs and slamming his door shut, causing everyone to slightly jump, especially dream. The charcoal haired boy looked at dream, "here, follow me I'll show you to a spare room." He received a nod back from the blonde as they walked to that direction.
The one who wore the blue hoodie followed along with them. not wanting to stray too far from his friend at the moment. They walked up the stairs down a hallway that was to the left and near the end. "This is where you can stay." Bad said as he opened the door, allowing dream and his friend to follow in. "There are extra blankets in the closet if you need them. It gets cold. Especially at this time of night."
The blonde nodded. "Is there anything else you need?" He shook his head as bad nodded, leaving the room with skeppy following him.
"Hey..bad?" The tired boy asked. "Hm? What is it skeppy?" Skeppy thought for a moment, he stopped walking, catching the charcoal boys attention. He stopped aswell. "Skepp-" "you're my best friend, bad." Skeppy held both of his friends hands, "you're mine too skep-" he cut him off again. "but there's something I need to tell you.."
"what?" the blue boy hesitated, hands sweating and voices screaming at him that he can't do it, that his best friend will hate him. "Nevermind..uh- lets- let's go back to bed, yeah?" "Are you sure?" He nodded, dragging his friend back to their shared room. It had two beds in it, don't worry.
But let's switch over to..
I sat down on the bed, placing my hands on each side of me. Suddenly, just the touch of my hand on the soft, silky sheets, was just- I don't deserve this treatment. I kicked off my shoes, curling up into the soft sheets, they were just so, soft like how you'd imagine a cloud to feel even though it's water- it was amazing.
I hadn't realized just how tired I was until I layed down. When the others were arguing, I kind of just stood there, awkwardly not knowing what to say. I would've joined in the fight but, I was a bit too anxious for that. I slowly closed my eyes, not bothering to take my mask off, sure my face would hurt later on from the mark the mask would leave, but I was too worried for my privacy.
I grabbed the other pillow and held onto it tightly, it was the only way I could actually get any decent sleep. To hold onto something tightly. slowly giving into the tiredness I didn't know I had, I couldn't seem to get the prince out of my mind. long messy pink hair with slight wavy slightly falling off of his head and royal robe on, falling off his shoulde-
I'm just tired. yeah, that's it. nothing more than a some sleep should be able to fix these puzzling thoughts.
Let's move to..
I walked up the stairs, into my room and slammed the door shut. Why did he have to be here?! Why?! I looked at myself in the mirror. Looking at my dark ruby eyes. I calmed myself down, watching them light up a bit more. Yet, they were still quite dark. I guess if he's going to stay here, atleast it's for one night. Just one. No more than one.
I could handle that. Just one night of that annoying smiley masked blonde. And then I can be rid of him for, hopefully forever. Just one night..I sighed, falling into my mattress. I closed my eyes, rolling over on my stomach and putting one arm around the pillow and underneath it.
Hopefully he'll be gone by morning..I opened my eyes before closing them again, attempting to fall into a state of unconsciousness. One where I would be alive, but all senses lowered. Gaurds down, I hated sleeping. It was hard most nights to even get a wink of sleep. Letting your guard down? Yeah, I'll pass. Thanks. I sat back up, if I can't sleep, maybe I should go kill something.
I stood up, grabbing my crown that had fallen on the bed and placed it back properly on my head. Sure, my royal cape was slightly falling off of one of my shoulder and sure, my long hair was sort of in the way of my face. A good portion of it was infront of my hair was in front of my left eye. I then heard the rain begin to pour.
On second thought, maybe I should just go find my dog. That seems like a better idea..
I carefully headed down the stairs holding onto the straps of my bag. I was running away. Not for long though, I was going to see Tubbo. The others don't like it when I do because he's in another kingdom. Where eret is. But I couldn't care less about what the others say. I'm going to Tubbo no matter what they do. I'm going to see my best friend.
I could hear shuffling from Techno's room, I quickly sped walked down the stairs, nearly tripping, I made my way out the back door and headed past the training stuff and the horses. I climbed over the tall wall and jumped off and into a tree. I would be back. some time. I grabbed my diamond sword out from my bag and held the handle tightly. I'm going to see Tubbo.
No one can stop me from seeing my best friend Tubbo. Even though he was quite clingy..I'm still going to see him. I'm tired of being bossed around by wil, phil and even techno..atleast he trains me. I sighed, slashing through a few zombies that stood in my way. Besides, I could survive out here alone. I was, and still am getting lessons from the blood god.
(A/N: how'd I do? 😉)
okay so, I may have worked on this at like January and never can back to it and I don't really remember what's written and I'm *definitely* not too lazy to go through it, just too b u s y. busy being a writer who takes ages to upload. my upload consistency on new chapters are like Technos youtube upload schedule.
so take whatever this is. I'll go through it later or something and make a new chapter when I get spammed enough to care.
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