Act II: Final Chapter (12): Cult Of Chucky
January 10 2017
Anne was seen reading some documents and papers from her work, She has been busy with her work as Anne placed then on the drawer, She was going to get ready to leave until she heard the telephone ringing as Anne sighed and didn't want to answer it since she was closing her office for tonight.
Anne was putting some papers and other things in her bag until the telephone rang again as Anne looked at it and decided to answer it.
Anne: Hello?
Charles: Hey.
Anne was confused as She fixed her hair and spoke.
Anne: Charles?
Charles: Thats me, You don't recognise my voice?
He started laughing a little as Anne was shocked and also confused to how he knew her telephone line in the office, She only gave her home number to him.
Anne: Wait, How did you find my office number?
Charles: You don't have to know. Anyways, I'm outside your building.
Anne: Wait really?
It confused Anne even more as She looked through the window and saw Charles standing inside the telephone booth as Anne kept looking at him.
Anne: I can see you down there.
Charles: Alright, Come outside then.
Anne was gonna say something until he disconnected the call as Anne decided to get up and grab her bag as She saw the time was eleven twenty p.m as Anne left her office.
Soon, She was outside as Anne saw him looking at her as She walked towards him.
Anne: I'm here now, What are you doing here though?
Charles: I was gonna ask why you were at your office this late?
Anne: Just needed to finish some stuff up, I'm been there since the morning.
Charles: That explains why you didn't answer the door.
Anne: You went to my apartment?
Charles: Just checking up.
Anne looked at him and smiled a little as Both of them were walking as Anne was looking around the road where it was quite empty.
Anne: I'm just asking, How did you find my office number and building?
Charles: I kinda saw your business card.
Anne was shocked as He was looking at her.
Charles: Remember Your business card fell down and I gave it to you?
Anne: Oh so you read it?
Charles: Thats right, Sorry.
Anne shooked her head as She just forgave him, Although He was just trying to be nice and wanted to check up on her, Anne smiled a little knowing that he cared as Charles bought two water bottles as Anne noticed that he was in a bad mood since she came outside.
Anne: You seem to be in a bad mood.
Charles remembered that he had another argument with Tiffany over the dishes, However The argument didn't lasted too long and They were netruel but he was still in a bad mood.
Charles: Nothing, Its just my annoying neighbour.
Anne: Oh? What happened?
Charles: Nothing, She was just whining too much.
Anne: Ohh I see.
Charles murmured something as Anne heard what he said as She spoke.
Anne: *Stares* Language.
Charles: What?
Anne: I heard you saying that word.
Anne started laughing as He just stared at her as She continued laughing, Charles smiled and shooked his head and wrapped his arm around her as They continued talking as They were getting close to Anne's apartment.
Anne: I have a question if you don't mind me asking. What's your childhood like?
Charles looked at her as She gave a smile to him before he fixed his hair and tilted his head.
Charles: I'm actually an orphan.
Anne was shocked as She felt sad for him as Winters spoke.
Anne: Oh. . . I'm so sorry.
Charles: My parents were killed by a Hackensack murderer when I was a kid.
Anne: Thats horrible. . .
Charles shooked his head as Anne saw her building but she still felt sad for him.
Anne: I'm sorry, I should have not asked.
Charles: Don't worry about it. We are here now
Anne kept looking at him as Charles looked at her as Anne continued looking at him before she suddenly hugged him as Charles was confused by the sudden hug and narrowed his eyes.
Anne kept hugging him as Charles didn't hug her back and just looked at her before he just wrapped an arm around her as Anne broke the hug.
Anne: I just wanted to give you a hug.
Charles: Its alright. . . Take care of yourself.
Anne: You too, Be safe.
Anne smiled and walked away as Charles had a smile on his face as He continued staring at Anne and smiled as Anne went to the apartment complex.
Charles was thinking about her as He was making his way back to his apartment as He was thinking about the hug as He smiled a little.
Maybe he really does care about her. . . More then his girlfriend
Flashback End-
The three dolls were seen talking to eachother as Anne was looking at them while kneeling on the floor as Nica was watching them as Anne spoke.
Anne: So, Who's gonna kill Andy and his new friend?
Chucky 1: Now I'm gonna kill them.
Chucky 2: No, I'm gonna kill both of them, I earned it. I'm been through alot today.
Chucky 1: You get to suck milk today, Look what happened to me.
Anne: *Giggles* He's seriously arguing with himself.
Chucky 3: Hello??? Look what Andy did to my hair.
Anne: Um Yeah, Take a look at him.
Chucky 2: Oh you win.
Chucky 1: Absolutely. Sorry pal, You get to kill then real good.
The short haired Chucky had a smile on his face as Anne was smiling at three of them as The short haired Chucky walked away as Chucky was talking to the other.
Chucky 1: You, Guard the door and Kill anyone that tries to get in.
Chucky 2: Right.
Chucky 1: And Annie, You just go outside and wait in the car. I'll be back. *Looks at Nica who's looking at him* I'll take care of her.
Anne: *Smiles* Okay.
Anne walked away as the other Chucky walked away as Nica was looking at the only doll in the room.
Nica: *Looks away* Just do it already, Get over it.
Chucky: If I wanted to kill you Nica, I would have done it earlier. I never wanted to kill you, Nica. Believe me, There is worse things then death.
Nica was staring at him until Chucky said the spell that will possess Nica's body as he yelled it out as lightning striked as Nica was staring blankly.
Until she got up as her bones cracked as Nica was now standing up as She was staring until she tilted her head as She was now possessed by Chucky.
Nica fixed her neck as She took off her sweater, Foley was waking up as He saw Nica standing as She smiled and turned.
Nica: Hiya Doc.
She smiled and looked at herself as She gave a sinister smile to Foley.
Nica: This is definitely the perks of being supernaturally possessed.
Foley kept staring at her as Nica was wearing red heels as She stood near Foley as She was staring at Foley.
Nica: This is for Nica.
Suddenly Nica/Chucky started stomping Foley's head as She continued stomping on his head in rage before his head was completely and all that was left was his brains.
Meanwhile Anne was seen walking around the asylum as She was making her way to leave the asylum and wait for Chucky, Suddenly Anne heard something from the other room as Anne was still wearing the nurse coat as She decided to peek.
She saw Nurse Ashley's corpse with a drill as Anne saw Malcolm standing and talking to himself.
Malcolm: I killed her, I gave what she deserved.
Anne: No you didn't.
Malcolm turned and saw Anne standing as Winters smirked at him as Malcolm was looking at her before he smiled again.
Malcolm: I killed her! Cause I'm Charles!
Anne: *Stares* In your dreams, Trash. Everybody calls him Chucky.
Malcolm: No one calls me that-
Anne just stared at him as Malcolm looked at her and was confused before he saw Ashley's corpse as Malcolm looked at Anne.
Malcolm: Wait. Wait. . . Who am I?
Anne: Your a poser, Your sick and not in a fun way like my Charles.
Malcolm stared at Anne as Anne tilted her head as Malcolm kept looking at her.
Malcolm: . . . Who are you?
Anne: I should be asking you.
Malcolm stared at her before he dropped down on his knees as He was speaking.
Malcolm: I just wanna be someone that matters, But I'm not Mark. . I'm not Michael. . I'm just Malcolm. . . Multiple Malcolm!
Anne: *Smiles* Sounds like it's getting crowded there.
Malcolm; I can hear him! I can hear Chucky still inside my head!-
Suddenly Malcolm was drilled from his head as Malcolm was screaming as Anne was standing and looking at him, The drill went through his eye as He continued screaming before Chucky removed the drill off his head.
Anne started laughing maniacally as Chucky was smiling at her.
Chucky: And it was such a nice place to visit.
nne and Chucky both started laughing together as Anne kept looking at him as the couple's laugh was heard.
Meanwhile Andy and Alex were seen sitting in the ground as They were really angry and were now stuck in the asylum for a while.
Suddenly Andy noticed something from the door as He saw one of the doll's smiling at him.
Andy and Alex stared at the doll as Chucky opened the door with a key card as Andy and Alex stood up and stared at him as Chucky entered the cell.
Chucky: Andy Barclay, As I live and breathe.
Chucky suddenly threw two knives as One knife stabbed Andy on the knee as He fell down in pain as Alex was also stabbed in the leg but was deeper.
They were both in pain as Andy tried to take the knife off but Chucky ran and kicked it and stepped on Andy's leg as Barclay was in pain before Chucky tried to grab the knife but Andy grabbed the Doll's arm and Alex took the knife off his leg and crawled towards the doll.
Chucky was yelling as Andy told Alex to remove the coveralls as Alex took off his coverall as Chucky was scared before Andy and Alex both started ripping the doll's stomach off as Alex saw a gun inside and grabbed it as Andy looked at Chucky.
Andy: This is the end!!
Alex shot the doll on the chest as Andy immediately moved back and got up as Chucky was in pain before Alex shot him again on the head.
Both of them were really angry before Andy and Alex both started stomping on Chucky's head.
Chucky was dead as Alex was breathing heavily until he saw someone standing as Alex immediately turned and saw Nica as He aimed his gun.
Alex was shocked as Chucky/Nica was smiling at both of them.
Alex: Nica?. . . .
Alex was in shock as He couldn't believe it, Nica was smiling and looking at him.
Nica: You kill me, You kill her. Think about it.
Alex tried to shoot but it was out of bullets as Andy was looking at her as Nica smirked.
Nica: Yeah, Thinking is for losers.
An alarm was heard as there was a lock down happening as Chucky looked around before Nica smiled and spoke.
Nica shut the door as Andy and Alex ran and Andy smacked the door as Chucky locked the door and let out a sinister laugh before running away leaving Alex and Andy there.
Soon, Chucky/Nica was walking outside the asylum as She saw a dead guard and smiled before he Anne smiling and looking at her
Anne: Good to see you on your feet again.
Nica smiled and walked towards Anne as She moved a strand of her hair.
Nica: You look great, Anne.
Anne: *Smiles* Thanks.
Both of them opened the car door as Chucky was talking to Anne.
Nica: Some things never change though.
Anne: "A true classic never goes out of style" Thats what you eiad when you stabbed a man thrity nine times.
Nica chuckled as Both of them got in the car as Anne was on the driver's seat smiling as Nica noticed that Anne was looking at her.
Nica: What?
Anne: Reminds me of the old times.
Chucky smiled remembering the time Anne bought her first car and how Anne drove around the car with him.
Nica: Same here, And you never changed at all.
Anne giggled as Nica was smiling at her as Anne started the car as Both of them were looking at eachother.
Anne: So What happened to the other doll?
Nica: The one with the haircut? Its dead.
Anne: Aww really? I'm gonna miss him.
Nica: *Laughs* Looks like you cared about that one alot.
Both of them started laughing together as Anne and Chucky continued laughing together before Anne drove away.
Their story never ended.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the finale for this book, I will make another sequel for this book though. I hope everyone enjoyed it!
Q1: How was Act II?
Stay strong!! :)
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