Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi (oneshot)
Hey everyone, this is just a little oneshot that i couldnt get out of my head, i just had to get it down, so i hope you guys enjoy it!!!! There is some steamyness involved so don't read it if your not prepared for some smexy boyxboy action!!! Love to everyone who supports me, and reads my work!! Sorry the picture of Zac on the side is a little glitchy looking!
I just couldn’t take it anymore.
Zac had dragged me to this retarded party. I hadn’t even wanted to come! Let me tell you I’m perfectly content sitting in my room playing video games, blowing heads in COD or just doing fucking nothing! Doing nothing would be better than this hell that I’m in, but still here I am at Josie Whitley’s’ stupid house party.
Can you tell that I’m a little bit sensitive with this subject?
Let’s go back a little bit just to see how my perfect day was ruined.
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(Earlier that day)
“Die you mother fucker!” I scream as I shoot down the enemy soldier with the screen name of “IMaBOSS19467” and the only thing I can think of when I plow him down with no mercy is “Who’s the boss now bitch?”
Reaching over I grab my diet Wild Cherry Pepsi and go to pour it into my mouth, only to find that the little tin can is empty.
“Damnit” I sigh refusing to take my eyes from the screen in front of me. Although taking Down “IMaBOSS19467” is extremely fun and uplifting to my spirit, he is not the man that I’m looking for. I’ve been trying to hunt down BoReDandApAtHeTiC for two fucking weeks. One second I would have him, and then the next…gone! With a poof, either that or he would plow me down like some sort of beast! I’m starting to doubt if he’s even human.
Staring at the screen I shoot down a couple of noobs, before I catch it.
That red screen name shining against the obscure war backdrop.
This new development has me shooting up from my slouched position on the floor, and soon I’m stalking him through the game. After trailing him for a good amount of time I find myself in the perfect position. You know that spot that is destined for the most amazing kill in the world? Yeah this is that spot. He can’t even see me from where he is, I can finally bring him down after all these days. Placing myself perfectly I line up for the deal breaking shot, but suddenly he is turning around and looking right at me. He doesn’t do anything for a second and I wonder if he is even looking at me, but then he shoots.
“Shit!” I scream at the top of my lungs, “How the hell did you see me?” I press my keypad as fast as I can attempting to hit him, dodging back and forth between cover and fire, the intensity of the battle making my body shoot to attention, my whole being moves closer and closer to the screen as I shoot fervently.
“Hey, hey baby!!!!!!!!!!!” A loud obnoxious voice bursts through my bedroom door, along with a hulking, stupid body. The sudden noise is the breaking point of my A-game, and I turn for one fateful moment only to be blasted into oblivion.
“Fuck!!!” I scream grabbing my TV in my hands, “Nooo, Damnit Zac!!!!!!!!!!” all the energy leaves my body and I’m throwing myself back against my bed in defeat. Now….There is no point in living.
“Jeez it’s just a game Liam, keep your pants on!” Zac groans as he stands in front of my door in all of his stupid glory. His blond hair is cut in a short buzz, and his black muscle T brings out his biceps and abs. Zac is a football player so as you know girls totally go for that shit, despite the fact that he is a complete idiot.
“First of all, I’m not wearing pants dipshit, second of all do you even know how long I’ve been trying to kill that guy?” I squint at him, “I almost had him, and then you had to show up-
“Shit dude fine, I’m sorry, now get up so we can go party!” He orders pumping his arms in a little dance motion. Speechless I just stare at him lazily before shaking my head. “Aww come on Liam, please you’re my best friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He begs dropping down onto his knees, “There might be some hot guys there that you can get with!!!!”
“Oh my god, did you really just try to play that card with me Zac?” I snap in annoyance, giving him my best scowl. Zac and I have been friends since elementary, so when I came out that I was gay he didn’t seem to care that much he just smiled and warned me not to lay a finger on his sexy body. I in turn just scoffed and rolled my eyes. As if, what sexy body? He’s such a meat head, although deep in my mind I was crying, because I did in fact have a crush on him, and that was the beginning of the end.
“Aw come on Liam, how long has it been since you’ve gotten some action, you totally need some, your being a bitch!” He complains bending over to power off my x-box 360.
“Excuse me sir, I don’t think getting action is a determinant factor in my attitude!” I storm as he turns back to look at me. When I say this he gets a confused look, his eyes squinting as if he doesn’t understand what I just said. Then he nods.
“Uh yeah dude, trust me it does, so get your sexy ass up and let’s go party!!!!!” He screams jumping to his feet and pulling my arm in an attempt to yank me out of my comfortable position on my floor.
“Uh” I groan letting him drag my body the few feet towards my bathroom, “I don’t want to, who the hell is having a party anyways?”
“Josie Whitley.” He responds dropping me.
“Figures, that whore can’t live without fucking up her parents living room once a week.” I scoff pushing myself to my feet, “And like I said, I’m not going!” With that I turn around and throw myself down onto my bed, burying my face in the soft blankets.
“We can have a sleep over and I’ll buy you two twelve packs of Diet wild cherry Pepsi if you come with me” That has me freezing. Shit, he knows my weakness.
“Two???” I hear myself asking curiously. No dammit, you don’t want it Liam you don’t!
“Yes, two and I’ll buy you an extra to drink at the party, what do you say?” I lie on the bed and try to convince myself that I’m thinking this proposition over but in actuality my soul has already been sold.
“Argh, fine, leave unless you really want to see my sexy ass.” I warn pulling myself from my bed.
Zac blushes and nods before slipping out my door, shutting it quietly behind him. Standing I strip off my clothes and head into my bathroom getting into the shower.
When I get out I throw on a white striped tank top, and some black skinny jeans before pulling on my socks and vans, and briefly running my hand messily through my dark hair. When I tromp my way down the stairs Zac is waiting for me at the bottom leaning against the railing of my stairs while chatting with my mom. When he sees me his eyes widen and he seems to get a strange look on his face.
“What the hell dude, I’m not that ugly jeez!” I snort defensively, turning to my mom, who gives me a questioning look, “We are going to a party because Zac has managed to bribe me with my drug.” I manage drolly.
“Oh, you’re buying him diet wild cherry Pepsi.” She nods knowingly. Zac smirks and nods, “It’s the only way to get him to party with me ma’am, I did what I had to do.”
Mom chuckles at that and nods, “You boys have a good time, don’t come home too late okay?” We nod and Zac leads me out the door jangling his car keys in his hand.
“So first stop Wal-Mart.” I order, making myself comfortable in the front passenger seat, as he does the same, shoving his keys into the ignition.
“Sure whatever you want.” He smirks, knowing he’s got me in the palm of his hand. Whatever, next time Zac….just you wait…..I will slaughter you. When we arrive at the Wal-Mart I hop out and bounce gleefully on the balls of my feet, the excitement of what’s to come shooting through my veins. I miss you Pepsi…I miss you, wait a little longer and you will be in my hands.
“Come on come on!!!” I hiss at Zac as he gets out of the car, taking his sweet ass time. When he hears me say this he purposely slows down, irritation flows through me and I grab his wrist pulling him towards the Wal-Mart. Upon entering many female eyes drift towards Zac, and I feel a pang of irritation at the show of attraction, but then remind myself that I no longer have feelings for him so it doesn’t matter.
When we reach the soda aisle, and I lay my eyes on that Pepsi can I can’t help the moan of pleasure that escapes my mouth as I step forward wrapping my arms around the cardboard twelve pack. “Holy shit Liam, don’t have an orgasm okay?” Zac smirks.
Shooting him a glare I move to grab another box, “Whatever you just wish you were this box of goodness, don’t you?”
Zac snorts but just stares as we make our way to the checkout, as we wait in line he reaches into the little refrigerator at our side and grabs me another cold bottle of the wild cherry goodness, placing it on the counter, and I swear to god I love him right now, almost more then I love my own mother.
“Wow, you boys having a party or something?” The girl at the register asks, blowing a huge pink bubble before letting it pop between her teeth, while giving Zac a good long stare.
“Psh, no Mr. Sexy over here is an addict, it’s the only way to get him out of bed.” Zac smirks not realizing that this comment only makes him seem so much weirder then he already is. Almost on cue the girl raises a stenciled eyebrow giving us both a once over. “What, you guys dating or something?”
“What n-
Taking this opportunity to ruin Zacs' life I grab his face between my hands, “Yes we are, can you tell he loves me so much, to even go out of his way to buy me my favorite drink isn’t that sweet!” I smile at the girl before turning to Zac who is looking at me with a taken aback expression on his strong chiseled face. “Baby, I love you so much” I coo leaning in close and rubbing his nose with mine before giving him a sultry look, “Tonight I’ll give you a present of my own,” cue lip bite, hell yeah I’ve got the situation under control ladies and gentleman.
Zac flushes bright pink as the girl at the counter giggles and starts to squeal about how cute we are, and if she can get a picture. And I? Well I just lean back and study my masterpiece with a feeling of satisfaction. Hahahahah yes……..I told you,you would get it Zac….and here we are.
“Sure you can!” I smile letting the girl pull out her phone.
“Wait what?” Zac gasps in shock, his face still the color of my glorious Pepsi cans.
“Smile darling!” I coo as she moves to take the picture, and right before she snaps it, I lean up and give him a kiss right on the corner of his mouth.
“AWWWW, you guys are so perfect!” The girl cries out joyfully at the picture on her phone, “Give me your number and I can send it to you!”
Zac groans and rubs his forehead in gloom, while I cheerfully let her have my phone number waving a goodbye at her as we walk ourselves out the door. “What the hell was that?” Zac demands still with that rosy color in his cheeks.
“Think of it….as payback!” I grin cheerfully as I open the text that the girl just sent me. I let out a loud guffaw as I open the picture before showing it to Zac, “Aw we totally do make a cute couple!”
Zac takes a look at the photo and shrugs before getting in his car and slamming the door shut.
When we get to the party Zac waves me away and disappears into the giant crowd of bodies, leaving me all by my lonesome. God, it’s so typical of him, he always forces me to come to the damn parties then he just leaves me by myself so he can go off and get laid somewhere! I don’t know how many times, I have been left ride less, begging some random stranger to take me home.
For a while I wander around the house, then after about an hour of that I get bored and go outside where I sit for another half hour.
And here we are, back to the beginning kids. Me sitting outside on this stupid ass bench, in the stupid ass cold, wearing nothing but a white tank top and holding my best friend in the world. Diet Wild cherry Pepsi.
I mean sure Zac doesn’t have to hang out with me for the whole god damn party, but if he brought me here I expect him to at least make an effort to chill with me. And no, I am not being a whinny bitch because the man I love is totally dissing me for the thousandth time, no. Still, I gave up on him so that we could have a normal friendship and this is how things have turned out, the only time we’ve hung out lately is when he’s getting drunk off his ass at some stupid party.
Groaning I go to take another gulp of my Pepsi when something falls from the air onto my head. “Ow!” I growl looking at the ground where a can of Diet wild cherry Pepsi is laying on the ground, spilling its contents out onto the ground. Perturbed I look up to where a boy is standing “What the hell man?” I shout up at him.
“Sorry!” He shouts down at me, and I watch as he makes his way down from his perch on the porch above me to where I’m sitting. The boy who appears is super-hot, his hair is dark brown and his lips are plump and have that kissable look to them. “I didn’t see you.” He says with an apologetic smile.
“No your fine, sorry I yelled at you.” I blush turning away from him, he just stares at me before coming to take a seat next to me.
“So what’s your name?” He asks in attempt at conversation.
“Liam,” I respond, “Yours?”
“Kyler.” I nod, unsure of what to say to this cute boy in front of me, mayhap the gods have blessed me?
“This may seem kind of weird but I feel like I need to say it.” He blushes, his gorgeous features taking on that same reddish hue that Zacs’ did earlier this evening. Zac….ugh why does he have to pop into my head right now?
“Go ahead and say it.”
“You’re really cute.” Kyler rushes out in one breath of air, “And to be honest, I’ve had my eye on you all night.” Ok that’s a little weird, and at the same time a little flattering. Who am I to judge, when I guy says I’m cute well shit I must be cute.
“Yeah, you seem to be alone, are you alone?” he asks again with a boyish grin. I think about this for a second. Technically I came here with Zac, but Zac and I have no relationship so I can say I did. “Yeah I’m alone.” Maybe tonight I’ll be the one to leave first.
“Really, thank god, you know I thought for sure a cutie like you would have a girlfriend or….. a boyfriend?” He asks with a hint of curiosity.
Smiling I run a hand through my hair, “I’m gay, but I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Great!” He beams, and the joyfulness has me chuckling, “Then can I ask you something?”
“You just did but go ahead.” I grin taking a swig of my Pepsi.
“Can I kiss you?” I nearly spit out my beloved soda, but quickly push it down before I can embarrass myself in front of this sexy man specimen. That was really sudden, I mean what do I say? It’s just hooking up right, so I mean why not kiss him? It’s not like I have to be in love with the guy to get something from him right?
“Um….yeah I mean I guess.” Damn was everyone so straight forward these days? I seriously need to take notes.
“Awesome!” He says before grabbing the back of my head and crashing his mouth against mine. The kiss is rushed and violent, his teeth biting roughly while his tongue shoves its way into my mouth. I groan unsure of how I should take this action, I mean do I like it? I can’t tell. His hands reach around my torso slipping beneath the hem of my shirt and rubbing the skin of my abs. I let out a shocked gasp only to have it blocked out by Kylers' loud moan of pleasure. The air in my lungs begins to deplete at a rapid pace, and I find myself yearning for oxygen but unable to yank myself away from the bigger boy.
Right as I think this, a loud voice shocks Me and Kyler apart, “Liam, what the hell are you doing?!” Jerking around I look up at a very pissed Zac.
“Zac, I’m just-
“Your just freaking letting this douchebag stick his tongue down your throat?” He growls in anger. Kyler chooses this moment to talk, “I thought you said you didn’t have a boyfriend.” My mind is blank as I try to understand what is happening.
“I Do-
“Well I guess he lied, because I’m his fucking boyfriend alright!”Zac yells, behind him a crowd of people is starting to gather. Zac angrily grabs my wrist yanking me to a stand, “Get the fuck up Liam, we’re leaving.”
“What the hell, no Kyler, he is not my boyfriend.” I assure him standing my ground, only to be interrupted by a raging voice.
“Like Hell I’m not!” Zac growls, pulling me close and reaching into my pocket, grabbing my cell phone in his hand. Nervously I reach for the cellular device struggling violently against my best friend. What the hell is his problem, he isn’t drunk I know what he’s like when he’s drunk and this isn’t it.
“Give it back Zac!” I yell, but he finds what he’s looking for jamming the picture into Kylers’ face, Kyler looks at the picture and pales standing up and backing away.
“Sorry man, I had no idea.” He defends holding up his hands.
“Sure you didn’t, you’re lucky I’m not decorating the pavement with your brains right now asswhipe. Liam we are leaving!” He growls at me, and I can tell that he is actually angry with me right now, which I don’t understand at all. Why the hell should he be angry at me, I didn’t do anything wrong! Still Zac pays no mind to the crowd of shocked classmates behind us as he pulls me to his car throwing me inside before getting in the front seat.
On the way to my house we don’t say anything, but I can tell he is pissed because his jaw has that tick that it gets when he is clenching his teeth in order to keep from blowing up. I’m pissed as well, I mean he had no fucking right to do what he did! He told me to meet a guy and hook up did he not? Why do I have to have permission to make out with someone? When we pull into my driveway I don’t spare a moment’s glance grabbing my soda boxes and dashing out of the car, trudging my way up to my door.
“Liam!” Zac calls from behind me anxiously, but I ignore him storming up my stairs and into my bedroom where I drop the soda boxes. Zac enters behind me shutting my door before walking over to me. “Liam-
“Don’t Liam me!” I hiss so I don’t wake up my mother who is no doubt sleeping in her room across the hall. “What the hell was that Zac, huh, what the hell was that?” He looks at the ground in shame.
“First you tell me to go to the party and hook up with some guy, and when I do you throw a crazy bitch fit, and tell the whole god damn school mind you, that I’m your boyfriend!” I turn to glare at him, “What the fuck is wrong with you man I mean I don’t care if this is some fucking game to you but do you even realize how much talk is going to go around now that you’ve done that, what if the guys don’t want you on the team now, what are you going to-
“I don’t care what the guys think!” He shouts staring down at the floor, his shout silences me and I look up with wide eyes. He takes this opportunity, grabbing my biceps in his hands and looking down into my eyes, “Liam, after you told me you were gay I had a hard time, not because I didn’t want to be around you, but because I had been having the same feelings towards you and I didn’t know how to handle it, I didn’t want to believe it was true and I thought it would just be better if I stayed away and didn’t get involved.”
What the fuck, am I seriously hearing this right now?
“But then I would see you with all the guys you would hook up with, and all the looks you would get when we went out, and I would get so fucking mad you know, I felt like they had no right to look at my shit that way!” the look in his eyes is so sincere at this moment in time, so I find myself shaking with the emotion of everything that’s happening. “ Then I realized that you weren’t mine, and today I had this desire to make people know you were mine, I wanted to hold you and be with you, so when I saw you with that guy I just flipped you know. I’m sorry, I’m a horrible friend.” He groans slumping down onto my bed placing his head into his hands.
For a moment I just stare down at him, unsure of what to say obviously stunned and trying to search my mind for some logical response to Zacs’ confession. The guy that I had had a crush on forever, had just told me that he’s been harboring the same feelings for me. What do I say, I mean to be completely honest my feelings for him have never completely subsided, but I locked them up in the vault of my mind so that I wouldn’t need to worry about it. And now that he’s said all these things the vault is unlocked and my suppressed emotions are rushing in.
“So you’re saying that you like me?” I ask quietly staring at him in the moonlit darkness of my bedroom.
He groans, “No, I’m saying that I love you Liam.” My heart stutters.
“But you’ve never been with a guy, hell I’ve never gone all the way with a guy, are you sure your just not curious because I’m gay, and you want to try it out to see what all the craze is about?” I ask hesitantly.
“Liam why don’t you tell me if this is curiosity!” He growls, and unexpectedly reaches out grabbing the back of my head, bringing our lips crashing together, just like Kyler did at the party. Only this time the kiss is so much better. How do I even describe it? It feels like magic, I don’t want to say fireworks because that is so cliché, but seriously it’s like suddenly everything is perfect in the world and I know that this is where I’m supposed to be. In my room, in my best friends arms making out with him.
The gasp that comes out of my mouth at abrupt action creates an opening for Zac to poke his tongue through, the wet muscle roughly jamming inside to meet my own tongue. The kiss is passionate, quick and hot, and seems to end way faster than I want it to, as Zac pulls away from me his eyes running over my face. I let out a breath of air before opening my eyes to look at him, his eyes are still on me roaming over my lips and face. We stare at each other, and it’s almost like he’s waiting for me to blow up at him, and slap him in the face or knee him in the balls. To be completely honest I totally would do both of those things, but the clenching twirling feeling in my lower belly has me gradually becoming hotter and hotter as I stare up at Zac and I see the lust in his eyes.
Without warning I’m throwing myself at him, latching my mouth onto his whilst plowing him back onto my bed. His hands grab my waist as he lands against my mattress with me on top of him, our tongues rubbing against each other. Zac slides his hands down my hips, towards my ass and to my thighs where he grips flipping us over and landing in between my legs perfectly. I pant as our kiss is broken and I’m thrown down onto my bed, looking up at Zac who is towering above me.
“Liam, I’ve wanted you for so long, I don’t think I’ll be able to hold back tonight.” He says, his voice rumbling sexily in his chest. With that husky lust filled sound ringing in my ears I just moan and nod reaching up to grab the hem of his shirt trying desperately to yank it over his head. He chuckles at my eagerness pulling the black material off before throwing it into some black corner of my bedroom. “You are okay with this aren’t you Liam?” He checks leaning down to bite my earlobe hotly his heated breathe lighting my skin on fire .
I groan and grip his shoulders before managing to croak out some words, “Stop talking, and just do already.” Again that stimulating chuckle assaults my ears and I feel my member twitch to attention in between my legs. Zac reaches for the bottom of my tank top, pulling it roughly from my shoulders, allowing it to join his shirt in the vast vacuum of my dark bedroom.
Once my shirt is off Zacs’ large hands are already roaming over my skin, he slides them up my sensitive stomach towards my pert nipples, where he lets his fingers slide achingly slow over the little nubs. Groaning I unconsciously arch my body into his hands wanting to feel his touch everywhere. A deep sensual chuckle has my eyes opening to look at Zac, who is above me staring at my face. “What are you laughing at?” I flush turning my head away.
“Oh nothing, you’re just like a kitten is all.” He grins, running a hand through his short blond hair.
“A kitten huh?” I question, raising an eyebrow, before pushing myself up onto my elbows shoving my face into his neck letting and out a sultry mewl before dragging my tongue across his skin “Well then this little kitten wants to play, so stop stopping.” Zac groans shoving me back down onto my back and lowering his head, taking a nipple into his mouth.
Gasping I clutch at my messy sheets, and run a hand through Zacs’ hair massaging his scalp, as I feel his teeth nip me lightly and his tongue twirl around my sensitive nipple. My hips jerk up into his against my will, and he moans against my flesh sending me into a frenzy of pleasure. I can feel his erection straining against his jeans, and I suddenly want us out of our pants.
As Zac kisses his way up to my neck, stopping to suck at the sensitive flesh at the base of my neck I reach between us and tug at the material of his jeans, “Pants. Off. Now” I pant. Zac nods standing up to undo his belt, which he makes look so fucking sexy I might add. The belt is undone in a matter of seconds and he tugs his shoes and jeans off before reaching for my leg and yanking off my shoes and socks. I take this opportunity to undo my belt, lifting my hips as I pull the material out from the loops of my pants. Zac watches as I do this, the lust in his eyes getting stronger and stronger. When I’m done with my belt he yanks my pants off of my hips dropping them to the floor then he settles down in between my legs once again, our erections rubbing against each other deliciously.
Zac pants as I move against him bracing himself against my bed his hips jerking forward as I grind us together.
The friction of him against me, through our think underwear has me gasping and gripping at Zacs’ biceps as I wrap my legs around his hips pulling us closer together. My hips jerk up against him uncontrollably, relishing the pleasure as I reach my release. But before I can touch it Zac is pushing my hips away. “No, no stop not yet, you can’t yet.” I groan.
“Why, I was close, weren’t you close?” I ask gesturing towards his incredibly huge cadet who is saluting me from the depths of his briefs.
“Oh trust me, I was close, but I want to be inside you before I come, you on the other hand..” He doesn’t finish his sentence as he reaches for the waistband of my underwear jerking it down over my erection. Gasping I flush attempting to use my hands to cover myself, but Zac shoves them away, “Don’t shield me from what’s mine!” He scolds grabbing underneath my thighs as he pushes me further up onto my bed
“Then don’t shield me from what’s mine!” I scowl referring to my previous oh so imminent orgasm. Zac smiles before kissing my neck, nipping at my skin and leaving tender bites wherever his lips trail. He moves down over my nipples, paying that each an aching amount of attention before licking his way down my abs, over my stomach to where my shaft is quivering, and a throbbing against my belly.
“I won’t shield you from what’s yours any longer.” He says then he takes me into his hand, and lowers his mouth onto the head of my erection. Gasping I throw my head back shoving my hand against my mouth to block out the sounds of pleasure that are escaping my lips, as Zac bobs his head up and down on my shaft. He starts to toy with me, moving fast one minute, then painfully slow the next rubbing his tongue against the underside of my erection as he sucks. My mind is blank, and all I can think about is the fact that my best friend is sucking me off right now, and I’m aching all over wanting him so badly. My hips jerk helplessly into his mouth and I cry out against my hand as I feel myself on the precipice. Then right as I go of the edge and scream, Zac rips my hand from my mouth and my cry of passion echoes off the walls as I come into his mouth.
The world is fuzzy for a moment as I ride the wave of pleasure, my hips jerking with the aftershocks of my orgasm, then I panting as I stare up at Zac. He grins and licks his lips, “You’re delicious.” Blushing I attempt to turn my body around, but Zac pulls me back.
“Why did you do that, what if my mom heard?” I mumble.
“All the better, now she knows that we are together, and her dreams can finally be complete.” He smirks, then he stands and pulls down his briefs, and the sight of his erection has me licking my lips. “Now I want you, do you have any lotion?”
“Yeah,” I reach over toward my bedside table reaching into the drawer, pulling out the lotion at the bottom of the drawer and handing it to him. Zac pours a good amount of the moisturizer onto his fingers then reaches down between my legs. I bite my lip as I feel him rub the cold substance over my entrance, the feeling raising a swarm of giddy butterflies in my belly. God, I’m so nervous right now, how can I be nervous right now? Zac grabs my thigh in his free hand and pushes it up spreading my legs wider, then he shoves a finger inside me. I gasp at the feeling of slight pain, then as I adjust and Zac adds another finger I’m writhing and moaning beneath him, running my hands over my body that feels like it’s on fire. Zac arches his fingers inside me, touching the spot that has me seeing fireworks and I cry out in ecstasy moving my hips against him. Before I can get to into it, Zac pulls his fingers out, reaching for the lotion and pouring it out onto his hand before rubbing it over his shaft, gasping at the biting cold of it. Then he grabs my thighs up in his arms pushing himself over me, positioning himself perfectly. “I love you.” He whispers as he brushes his lips against mine, and my heart picks up in my chest. Quickly I reach out grabbing his neck and pulling his lips against mine, slipping my tongue into his mouth and kissing him slowly, lovingly before I pull away a little bit and look at his lips, he pants his eyes flickering back and forth between my lips and my eyes, then he shoves into me without warning.
I scream at the painful invasion throwing my body back, and arching against the bed. Zac leans down and kisses my throat gently, “Relax, don’t tighten up, just relax.” At the sound of his voice I release a breathe that I seemed to be holding in, then I loosen up as the pain slows to a dull throb inside me. Panting I stare up at him, “sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, you’re perfect, I’m so happy I’m your first.” He pants nuzzling me.
Grabbing his face in my hands I lean my forehead against his and whisper, “And my last.” The look on his face is one of complete adoration, and suddenly he is grabbing my hips and thrusting inside me passionately. I cry out at the sudden onslaught of pleasure tilting my head back and shutting my eyes tight.
“No don’t do that, keep your eyes open and look at me,” Zac orders, I shake my head as I moan in pleasure, refusing to obey him. “If you don’t I’m going to stop.”
“You wouldn’t dare!” I moan as he pumps inside me, then he abruptly stops.
“Oh wouldn’t I?” He asks, “I can just torcher you slowly if that’s what you want.” He smiles giving his hips a whirl.
“Ah! Ok fine, fine, I’ll look at you.” I blush opening my eyes up to meet his, as soon as we are looking at each other Zac continues to move inside me, thrusting his hips at a blissful pace. I stare up at him and gasp our eyes searching each other, and it feels so much more intense. The look on his face as he moves inside me is so sexy. He’s staring down at me while his mouth is parted slightly letting out labored breathes and the ever sudden groan of pleasure. I moan as I stare up at him biting my lip, his expressions making me that much more turned on. Zac leans down and takes my mouth with his, getting me in a mind boggling kiss as he moves inside me.
He pulls away to catch his breath, and starts to pick up his pace thrusting inside me rapidly, my bed shaking and pounding against the wall as I moan and groan, and mewl. I can feel myself nearing the edge as Zac repeatedly drives himself against my prostate, lighting up my vision despite the fact that our eyes are staring deeply into each other. “Oh god.” I moan, “Zac!”
Zac leans down shoving his face into my neck as he groans, “Liam.” My name comes out husky, rough and attractive on his voice, and I jolt at the sound. And suddenly I can feel that moment, that peak of pleasure rushing up extremely fast to meet me. “Zac…I-I’m…Coming!” I cry out, and his next thrust sends me spiraling in ecstasy screaming his name into the air over and over again as he releases inside me his hips bucking wildly against me. I can hear him moaning my name as he comes, his hot release filling me, and from that I come again gasping and reeling from the pleasure.
When it’s over Zac collapses on top of me, both of us panting and gasping for air. When we finally catch our breath Zac pulls out of me, collapsing on the bed next to me. He reaches down pulling the sheets over our warm, sweaty bodies then pulls me into his arms. “That was the greatest sex I have ever had.” He says kissing my neck. Blushing I snuggle up to his side. “Me too.”
“I thought you said you were a virgin!” Zac gasps sitting up to look at me.
“Well, Your my first man, I’ve had sex with a couple of girls before, but it definitely wasn’t as good as you.” I assure him pulling him back to lie down beside me. “And that was before I knew I was gay to, I always had trouble getting it up when I was with them.”
Zac chuckles, “I take it you didn’t have that problem tonight.”
“No, definitely not,” I pause, wondering if I should tell him that I’ve like him for a long time. Did it even matter now that we are together? Are we even together? What does this mean for us? Suddenly the happy feeling that I was basking in seconds ago is gone, a feeling of intense dread taking its place. “You know.” I decide to tell him. “I had a crush on you for a long time too.”
“Really?” He asks, and I can hear the excitement in his voice.
“Yeah since freshman year.”
“Holy shit, how did I not know that?” He scolds hugging me closer, then he yawns. “Aw Jesus, sex with you drains me of all my energy.”
“Go to sleep, we can talk in the morning.” I assure him, still feeling a little bit down.
“Ok, tomorrow then, goodnight Liam.” He says sleepily.
The next morning I wake up to the feeling of somebody moving beside me. Groaning I burry my face into the pillows on my bed, trying to hide from the sun so I can sleep a little bit longer. The sound of a camera going off slaps me awake and my eyes jerk open so stare at Zac, who is wrapped in my sheets lying on his stomach with a cell phone in his hands. Panic shoots through me, and a million things go through his mind. Was it a dare? Did his football friends get him to do it? Is this the end of our friendship? Suddenly I feel like crying.
“Hey, don’t look so horrified, you just look so beautiful and peaceful like that, I wanted to have evidence of this to last me a lifetime.” Zac informs me leaning down and kissing my nose.
How could I be so stupid? Since when have I become some sort of paranoid freak, thinking that everything Zac does is against me or to make fun of me? He genuinely likes me, why can’t I just accept that?
“You talking to yourself again?” Zac pulls me out of my dream like state, snapping another picture of me.
“What, I don’t talk to myself!” I defend, with a pout turning onto my back.
“Uh, yeah you do, all the time.” He grins leaning up towards me, “I want to get one with both of us, get closer to me.” He informs me. Embarrassed I scoot up to him into the view of the camera, Zac counts down and then right as he presses the button he leans down capturing my lips with his. I moan as the photo is taken, then blush as he pulls away placing an extra light kiss on the corner of my mouth. “This is going to be my screensaver.”
“What, no what if someone sees it?” I gasp in horror. A serious look crosses Zacs’ face as he raises an eyebrow and that familiar dimple forms in his jaw. “So what if someone see it?” Blushing I don’t answer, Zac just sighs rubbing his head with his hand, “Listen Liam I don’t know if I was clear enough last night when I was fucking you into your mattress, but I want to be your boyfriend, I want people to know about us, I want to walk down the street and hold your hand, I don’t care about what they say and I don’t care if they don’t want me on the team. I know what I want and that’s you and nobody is going to keep me away from you.” He pauses staring at me seriously, “Unless of course you don’t want to be with me.”
Still in shock from his outburst I struggle to form words, gulping and stuttering in nervousness. Holy shit, of all the times to get all anxious I choose now? Zac frowns seeming to take my loss of words as a bad sign. “Maybe this was a mistake.” He mutters as he starts to move off of my bed.
Scared to death that he is going to leave me here I bolt up and grab his bicep, “Wait, no it’s not a mistake…… I want you too Zac.” I blush in embarrassment looking down at the sheets. “And I want people to know that you’re mine as well.” What the hell is this guy doing to me? I’m turning into some sort of fucking sap, never in a million years would I Liam Jacobs have ever said such a ridiculous thing, but here I am.
Zac grins pushing me back onto the bed as he climbs on top of me hovering between my legs, sending shivers through me as he leans down, his lips brushing mine gently. The moment is so intense that I find myself loosing air as I hold my breath. Zac smiles before pressing his lips against mine, dipping his tongue into my mouth softly, in and out, in and out. I moan as he bites my bottom lip tenderly giving it a lick before once again dipping into my mouth. I let out a shaky breath, feeling my arousal grow beneath the blanket. Zac braces himself on one arm reaching beneath the blankets with his right hand grabbing my now hard member in his fist. I let out a gasp as he moves his hand up and down, warming me up before he grabs himself along with me in his hand and pumps us both together, our shafts rubbing roughly against each other. I let out a whimper, as I arch against me bed relishing the feeling of us together, I reach up with my right hand and join him in pumping us. When he feels my fingers he groans his tongue darting out to lick his lip as he glances at me through half lidded eyes. I moan as he quickens the pace of his hand dragging my hand with him as we both rush up to meet our peaks. When I start to feel like I’m reaching the point of no return Zac says the words that drive us both over the edge, “Together.” And then our hips our bucking together as we orgasm all over each other, a cry of pleasure emits from my mouth as Zac groans my name. Then we both come down from the bliss, and as soon as it’s over my sister barges through my door. To let you know ahead of time, my sister is actually my step sister, who is in college majoring in photography, just like my mom did she has always had the habit of going around the house when she comes to visit and documenting anything she can find with her camera. Usually she carried around a normal film camera, but the one she is holding in her hand now looks all fancy and small, and I’m starting to wonder if she’s taken up directing.
“Good show boys, good show!!!” She screams waving her camera at us.
“What the hell, did you film that?” I squeak in horror sitting up on my elbows, as Zac is still in position on top of me, seeming not to feel the least bit embarrassed by his earlier actions.
Lindsey scoffs as if I’m the stupidest person in the world, “No dear brother, I don’t do cheap porno movies, plus this is a camera doofus, not a VIDEO camera.”
Zac takes this moment to add an extremely inappropriate comment, as he gazes at me lustfully “Although filming a porno doesn’t sound half bad.”
“Shh,” I blush turning my attention back to my sister, “So you were taking our pictures?”
“Yes, but don’t worry you big baby any no-no areas were covered by the sheet, I mainly focused on your beautiful faces together in the amazing light coming through the window. I seriously was not planning on doing that, but you guys looked so fucking perfect I just had to, and now it’s going in my portfolio!!!!” She cheers dancing up and down.
“Bitch you are so lucky I’m naked right now, or I would be baking your ass!” I hiss.
“Ohh!!!” Lindsey coos wiggling her eyebrows, “Someone got laid, and by your best friend no less, I always knew you guys had potential, I could always feel this strange sexual tension!!!” She claps happily as if it’s her dream come true, “Now as for the original reason I came to your room, mom says for you boys to get up and come eat breakfast, since you must be starving.” Then she dances out of the room, like some sort of freaky whisp creature, shutting the door behind her.
Zac groans laying his head on my belly and gazing up at me, “We have to shower now don’t we?” he sighs stroking my skin with his fingers.
“Yeah, we smell like sex.” I smile, Zac grins pressing his nose against me and inhaling deeply and I blush.
“Smells like fucking heaven.” He tells me placing a wet smacking kiss on my stomach.
“Ok well, heaven is going to go and take a shower.” I scoff pushing Zac off of me, and standing up from my bed, stretching my back, and wincing at the throb that shoots up my spine from my lower back.
“Can I shower with you?” Zac asks staring at me from the bed, looking fucking adorable wrapped up in my white sheets.
“Sure.” I blush walking into the bathroom, listening as Zac scrambles off of my bed and follows behind me.
When we get out of the shower and head downstairs, mom is sizzling away with some bacon. My stomach growls loudly at the sight of the tasty meat, and I hear Zacs’ do the same next to me. Mom turns around when she sees us and smiles at me, before turning to Zac and giving him a curious stare. I take a swig of my Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi before setting it down on the counter. “What’s up mom?” I ask enthusiastically taking a seat on a bar stool and gesturing for Zac to do the same, like he needs permission, this is practically his second home.
“Nothing much, how are you feeling?” She asks turning back to the stove.
“I’m feeling good,” I assure her, “Why do you ask?”
“Oh well, I just thought that from the hardcore sex you were having last night you might be a little sore.” Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi is spurted all over the ground as I choke, Zac grabs me in his arms patting my back and offering me some of his water as I gasp and cough. When I recover I turn sheepishly back to my mother, and laugh awkwardly, “So you heard huh?”
Mom snorts, “Heard, I think the whole god damn neighborhood heard.” I groan face palming myself as Zac cleans up the mess on the floor that I have created, expecting a huge lecture and grounding, I half expect her to say that I can never see Zac again. To my surprise she doesn’t say anything, “What aren’t you going to say something?” I ask
She gives me a curious look, “So you’re not going to tell me that I can never see Zac again?!” The excitement in my voice evident.
Mom bursts out in laughter, “Even if I did say that, we both know that it wouldn’t happen, you guys have been friends for years, I’m friends with Zacs’ mother you would see each other all the time, definitely not I would never subject you to such torture.” I sigh in relief as Zac returns to standing behind me.
Mom directs her eyes on him, “And as for you young man, what exactly are your intentions with my son, you weren’t planning on using him to experiment then go on your merry way now were you?”
Zac isn’t the least bit intimidated, but I can tell he really tries to play the part for my mom, forcing a stoic expression on his face, “No ma’am, in fact Liam and I are dating now.” He wraps his arms around my shoulders nuzzling my neck, I blush as my mother gives us a smile. “And your mother?”
Zac stiffens, “Uh, actually I was hoping you could help me with that, do you think she’ll be pissed?” He asks my mom, clutching me tightly to his chest. “Because if she tells me I can’t see him, there might be some difficulty since I’m never letting him go ever again.” My heart palpitates and I turn my head up at him giving him a peck on his lips.
“Please your mom will be, fine, actually we both thought it would be so fun if you guys would fall in love and get married and adopt adorable little kids!” She coos happily continuing her cooking.
“Mom, don’t you think it’s a little too soon to be talking about that?” I ask in embarrassment, giving Zac a quick look before turning back to her.
“Oh nonsense, it’s never too soon, you’ve known each other for years.”
“But we’ve been dating for a day.” I quip back.
“What you don’t want to marry me?” Zac asks from behind me before turning to lean in on the counter, giving me an offended look “You don’t want to have babies with me?”
“What…..we….I….I’m going to shut up now.” I say quickly before filling my mouth with Pepsi. Mom and Zac laugh, but then mom turns to look at me and gasps.
“Liam Troy Jacobs, what are you drinking at eight o’clock in the morning?”
Zac bursts out in laughter, and I pout “It’s the best thing in the world momma!”
“I don’t care I want you to stop drinking it immediately, god, teenagers these days, you think they live off that shit in a can.” And with that she strolls off into the kitchen.
Zac pulls me from my stool, leans in and gives me a mind boggling kiss before pulling back, “Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi.” Then he pulls me into the kitchen and as for me, well let’s just say that my new drug is no longer Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi.
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