A/N Explaining Myself
Okay, so I'm reposting this fanFICTION. Only difference is that I'm keeping this disclaimer at the beginning of this FANFICTION.
I must REPEAT, it's fiction.
As in fictional.
As in, it's not actually based off of "fact". It's more or less based off of my own personal hell of addiction.
I'm an alcoholic pill junkie in recovery and have been in recovery since I started this Wattpad account back in 2015. Alice In Chains saved my life & has continued to motivate me to stay off of BULLSHIT.
Either way, I've removed the main chapter that seemed to trigger random bystanders. I feel like I have the right to keep this fanfiction up. It was therapeutic for me to write and a few people have told me that they have enjoyed this fanfiction. And that it has helped them as well.
So, here's the original disclaimer:::
I posted this on my "conversations" board. And now I'm going to post it here. So. Here:::
Okay, so it has come to my attention that there have been people (on other sites) complaining about my fanfiction "Died". It's very interesting to me, considering that my fanfic "Junkhead", which contained basically the same subject matter, has gotten (mostly) positive reactions versus the one being scrutinized.
It wasn't my intention to disrespect ANYONE when I wrote "Died". To be honest, I didn't even expect to get much attention for any of my AIC fanfics. I write from my own personal life experience and as a form of therapy. So, yeah, my writing can be graphic. I like to start most of my fanfics off with suffering and gradually recovering—BECAUSE THATS HOW ADDICTION IS.
No, I honestly don't know much about intravenous drug use. But I know the disease and, trust me, I know drugs. Unfortunately.
I decided to write "Died" as a way to portray how addiction cannot only affect the one suffering, but their loved ones as well. Yes, I have used real life characters in this story, but it was a way for me to explore that side of the suffering and come to terms with it.
I'm not trying to state that what I had written was FACT and that it actually happened in real life during that time—I obviously don't know what happened.
And, just to be real, there is way WORSE (as in disrespectful) fanfictions out there regarding Layne Staley.
...so yeah, I just wanted to take the time to explain myself.... I hope you can understand. I'm a HUGE Alice In Chains fan (it's painfully obvious). I would never intentionally go out of my way to disrespect Layne or his family. Because, in a way, Layne has saved my life...
I might unpublish "Died". Please, if you have any oppositions to this fanfiction, just let me know. I want to know if I should keep it up or not.
I never meant for this fanfic to harm anyone at all...
This fictional version of Demri I have created in this fanfiction is actually a reflection of myself and how I used to be back when I was heavily addicted to drugs and alcohol.
I know that nonfiction Demri was a sweet girl.
I'm finished over explaining / defending myself now.
The end.
(Well, not the end of this story. But...the end of this disclaimer majig...)
I've missed this.
Like a lot.
Why am I so immature?
Will I ever grow up?
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