(7) Leo & Sag.
⚠Cussing, Leo & December Sag bashing, talk of trauma⚠
Tarian instantly moved one of his hands to go over his mouth as Dex looked at him with a mix of curiosity and something Tarian couldn't figure out.
"How old are you again T?" Dex asked as he continued to run his hand through Tarian's hair, no tugging for now.
"Eighteen, I turn nineteen on August first." Tarian replied, his embarrassed blush still very clear and bold.
"So you're a Leo. I'm eighteen as well, I'll turn nineteen in December, I'm a Sagittarius." Dex replied with a smile when he saw Tarian lean into his hand.
"Makes since, December Sag's are supposed to be crazy after all." Tarian said with a small smirk getting an almost harsh tug on his hair making him choke back a moan.
"And Leo's hide their trauma through jokes, love to be seen and loved but hate being in the spotlight, and love affection but hate asking for it weather it be verbal or physical. Explains your hero complex quite well don't you think?" Dex snapped back as he let go of Tarian's hair.
"I-" Tarian attempted to defend but then thought about it. He had always used his jokes to hide from his trauma, he did love being loved but hated being the center of attention, and he also loved affection of any kind but always thought it was to embarrassing to ask for any.
Because of this realization he stayed quiet and moved his gaze to the bed sheets.
"Hey, look at me." Dex said as he lifted Tarian's head gently with his finger.
"I know I was right so I am going to be nice. If you want affection then tell me, I'm touch starved too so I don't mind. If you need to talk about your trauma to get it off of your chest then I can listen. Finally if you feel like all of the attention is on you and you don't like it then tell me so I can do something about it. But if I find out you have a praise kink then I am going to tease you to no end." Dex said the last bit with a smirk making Tarian blush.
"Thank you but for the kink thing, I have no clue what kinks I do and don't have. I have always focused on hero work and school. Actually, come to think of it I've never dated anyone before." Tarian said shocking Dex.
"That's quite impressive. I mean I bet you had everyone all over you. With your hair, body, clothing style, everything is very... hot." Dex said wanting to see Tarian's reaction.
Tarian pulled his head back and away from Dex's hand as he blushed brightly once again.
"I mean look at your muscles, I'm sure you have at least a four pack, your biceps are quite large, your hair is so cute too, I mean it's so fluffy! Oh and don't even get me started on your eyes." Dex continued to praise Tarian's body making the boy blush more and more.
"S-stop." T muttered as he covered his face with his hands.
"Do you actually want me to stop or are you just trying to be nice dear?" Dex asked making Tarian's blush darken impossibly more from the pet name.
"Actually stop." Tarian replied even though if Dex had continued he wouldn't have been upset about it.
"Okay. Well I'm hungry, do you want some lunch? We skipped breakfast so I could go and find some dead body's and you drew a tree." Dex said as he stood up from the bed, walking to the door.
"It's a Willow tree and yes please." Tarian replied as he too got up, following Dex to one of the five locked doors.
"Why is the kitchen door locked. Actually, why does your kitchen have a door in the first place?" Tarian asked as Dex opened the door to reveal a large kitchen filled with lots of fruits, vegetables, meats, and other good foods.
"Because the kitchen is where these are *He pulled out a knife from the large knife rack* and you could use these to kill me while I sleep. Also don't even try to get through the locked door because it will only take my finger print and a code that only I know." Dex stated before pulling the knife back and grabbing a pan from under the cupboard.
"Makes sense. You have a lot of nice things here." Tarian said with a nod as he looked around the large room.
"Yes well I don't exactly go shopping very often so I grow everything and then make things with it all. Are you allergic to seafood?" Dex asked getting a head shake 'no' back in response.
"Use your words honey or we will have a small problem." Mandex hummed as he started to pull frozen fish out of the freezer. He had caught the fish earlier on and was planning to make it for their lunch.
"No I'm not allergic to seafood." Tarian said not wanting to know what 'problem' he would have to deal with if he didn't.
"Good and I hope you can stand fish because I'm not making anything else." Dex said as he had started to season the food.
"I like fish." Tarian nodded as he sat down onto one of the counters making Dex look at him.
"And why do you have your dirty self sitting up on where I could put food?" He asked before putting the fish into a pre-heated oven.
"I'm not that dirty, I could be much cleaner if you gave me clothes and told me where the shower is. Also I'm sitting up here because the floor is uncomfortable and this makes me taller." Tarian replied as he kicked his feet back and fourth slightly.
The sight was honstly quite adorable, him just being in Dex's hoodie and his boxers, his feet swinging as he sat on top if the counter. He was too cute for it to be fair.
"Come with me, this will take about twenty-five minutes anyway." Dex sighed as he moved over to Tarian, picking him up off of the counter.
His hands lingered on Tarian's thys for a little longer than nessarry but Tarian didn't seem to mind.
They pulled apart and Dex brought Tarian to a bathroom.
"You can have this bathrooms shower considering you already have a half bath with just the toilet and sink." Dex said as he pointed to the shower.
"Could I not just have this entire one and not have the other one anymore?" Tarian asked thinking that would be the most logical thing.
"No because this one is much farther away than the other one is. Now because you, for the most part, have been a good boy I will get you some actual clothes to change into. I'll bring them in a minute, go ahead and get in the water once it's whatever temperature you like. I swear if you use all of the hot water though... there will be an issue." Dex said getting a nod from Tarian.
So Dex left and got Tarian a pair of clean boxers, sweatpants, and a baggy white t-shirt.
He brought them back to the bathroom and knocked on the door before coming in.
"Your clothes are on the top of the toilet when you get out." He said hearing an "Okay thank you." Back before leaving.
Dex went back to the kitchen to continue working on their food.
***10 minutes later***
By now the fish was done and so Dex was pulling it out of the oven to let it cool off some.
He heard a knock on the door and went over to open it, forgetting that I locked back on its own.
"What the Hell happened to you?"
1,322 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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