(20) That Was A Close One
⚠Killing, death of a non-main character, blood, cussing, someone being scared, crying, forced suicided, dirty jokes/suggestions⚠️
"Now off to Tarian's aunt." Invader said before leaving once again now headed to Tarian's aunt's house...
He ran across the roof tops once again, it being the safest option for him at the moment.
He had gotten the address from Tarian's house. He had found an address book that Tarian's mother had probably wrote.
He also figured out that the crazy bitch was a widow to three different men, a villain as Tarian had told him earlier, she had a son but he ran away from her at sixteen because he was a Trans man and she didn't accept that. Killing her was going to be benefiting Tarian and that poor boy.
Once Invader reached the house he saw that it had a high security system. Lucky for him he knew how to hack almost anything.
"Alright, let's get started." He muttered as he pulled a small hacking device out or his pocket.
***15 minutes later***
'Bing!' "Fucking finally." Invader mumbled as he finally cracked the system.
He moved quickly and stelthfully into the house. He came through a broken window, sadly for him when he opened the window it made a loud creaking sound, instantly alarming anyone that was there that he was there as well.
"Fuck." Invader cursed under his breath as he rolled inside of the room, now hiding behind a large desk.
"Who is there?!" A women's voice rang out before the door was thrown opened.
When no reply came she began to search the room, her gun in her hand ready to shoot anything that moved.
Once Invader could see her he was quick to invade her mind.
"Shoot yourself." A powerful voice echoed in her mind.
"What?" She thought aloud stopping in her tracks.
"Shoot yourself now! You know you are a terrible person! Reaping a fifteen year old boy, becoming a villain when your power could help the world greatly, using your nephew's parents death for the money. So shoot yourself, end it all now. Maybe then you won't have to deal with the guilt of it all." The voice boomed again, this time much louder then before.
Hearing these words she began to tear up. "I am a terrible person..." She sobbed as her hand begun to raise, the gun now pointing to her heart.
"NOW!" The voice boomed for the last time, this time so loud that she could have sworn it wasn't coming from her head instead coming from the room.
Instead of putting the gun down and investigating she pulled the trigger.
BANG! The loud shot fired, the bullet going through her chest and back, ending up in the wall behind of her.
Invader's hands went up to his ears as quick as possible to try and muffle some of the sound but it didn't work too well.
After a moment of ringing ears, Mandex looked around the corner to find Tarian's aunt dead on the floor, a pool of blood coming from her chest and back staining the ugly tan rug below them crimson red.
"You got what you deserved you fucking jackass." Mandex stated sending the now dead body one last icy glare before leaving the house and returning to his own.
"I barely got any blood on me, impressive." Dex whispered to himself before walking back into his house.
He began to take his outfit off in the hallway on the way to his room when he heard a door open.
"Dex? What are you doing up so early?" Tarian asked as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
Slightly panicked Dex looked over at the closest clock and saw that it was already four fifteen in the morning.
"I just had to use the bathroom, go back to bed." He answered not turning around to face T in hopes that in the dim light he wouldn't be able to see his bloodied hand or shoes.
"What happened to your hand?!" Tarian asked as he began to walk over to Dex, his eyesight having already adjusted to the light so he was able to see.
"Nothing, just a little paper cut. I'm going to go and take a shower so unless you wanna join me you should go back to sleep." Dex said attempting to get Tarian flustered so he would leave him be for long enough to get rid of the bloodied things.
"Could I join you?" Tarian asked completely shocking Dex.
"If you want to have some hot shower sex then sure. I don't know if I would be able to control myself if I saw you naked dripping with water and steam coming from how hot the water would be. I'm getting a boner just thinking about it." Dex half joked now walking into his bedroom and chucking his shoes into the very back of his closet along with his belt and everything inside of it.
"We can kiss if you want but I already told you I don't want to fuck you." Tarian said as he walked into the room before sitting down onto Dex's bed.
"Fine but no promises I won't try and touch, my hands tend to have minds of their own. Also is there a reason why you suddenly want to take a shower with me? I mean I don't mind because I have no downside to this but I'm just curious." Dex asked as he took his outfit off and threw it into his dirty hamper before grabbing himself a clean pair of boxers and a pair of sweatpants before closing the closet doors.
"I don't know. I've never showered with anyone else before for one. Two, I don't really want to go back to sleep yet, and three I don't want to out here by myself again. I didn't get out of my bed and come over here because I didn't know if you were asleep or not. I didn't want to wake you up. But then I heard noise so I figured I would come and check. So is that a good enough answer for you?" Tarian asked as Dex grabbed an old washcloth and begun to wipe the blood from his hand.
"In that case do you want to take a bath together instead? It would be calming enough to make you want to sleep and you wouldn't be alone. Also for future reference, if you are lonely then just come and knock on the door. If I don't answer then I am asleep but will probably be awake later on that night. If I do answer then you can just come in and we can cuddle okay?" Dex said even though in reality if he didn't reply then he wouldn't be inside of the house. If he did reply then he would be in the house and fine to cuddle.
"Okay and I haven't ever had a bath before but I hear they are really relaxing and peaceful." Tarian said as Dex threw the now fully bloody washcloth into a Walmart bag so he could be able to burn it later.
"A bath it is. Go and grab your pajamas if you want to change out of those and into something different. I'll be in my bathroom starting the bath so come in there when you have the clothes." Dex instructed before leaving the room and walking into his bathroom where he turned on the bath.
"That was a close one..." He thought before shaking his head and focusing back onto the bathtub.
1,242 Words! I will try and get the next chapter out tomorrow!
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