(19) Don't Fuck With A Yandere Person...
⚠️Cussing, crying, past child abuse, murder, death of a non-main character, killing, bl**d⚠️
"I swear that if she comes anywhere near you again I won't hesitate to kill her. Are there any other family members or people in general that I need to know about?" Dex asked as he pulled Tarian closer to him, the boy's tears slowly stopping.
Tarian nodded against his shoulder having moved his head up from his chest when he was pulled closer.
"I won't make you tell me who they are right now or what they did to you, but can you tell me how many of them there are?" Dex asked as he rubbed calming circles onto T's back.
"About ten? Maybe more, I can't rember right now." Tarian answered before hickuping.
Dex's eyes widened at the answer. Ten?! Maybe more?! How many people have screwed this poor boy over?! He seemed like such a happy person too.
"We'll talk about those evil people later. For now you need some water and to calm down some." Dex sighed as he started to stand up only to have Tarian's grip tighten on him.
"I'm okay. Sorry for crying, I don't do that often." Tarian said as he let go of Dex, wiping his eyes with his hands. An embarrassed blush spread across his face and up his neck to his ears.
"Don't apologize for crying when what happened to you happened. It's normal to cry." Mandex reasured as he brought Tarian's hands down from his face.
Tarian looked away from Dex, his blush still there but lighter then before.
"Sorry, growing up I was told that crying or showing any emotion other then happy and mad was week. If I cried when I was younger my dad would always yell at me saying if I didn't stop then he would give me a real reason to cry about. So I almost never cried and when I did it was for something serious. Because of that I have a crazy high pain tolerance and great acting skills." Tarian appoligised again this time with a small humorless chuckle.
"Well your dad isn't here and you live with me now. It's normal to cry and show all emotions, not just anger and happiness. I will never hurt you intentionally from here on out, the only reason why I hurt you before was because of the whole hero and villain thing. Now stop appoligising for things okay?" Dex stated as he pulled Tarian back into a hug, resting him against his chest.
"Okay sor- um, okay." Tarian said as he relaxed against Mandex. He was warm, comforting, and comfortable.
They stayed like this for another minute before Dex looked at the time and saw that it was already eleven o'clock.
"We should get to bed, it's pretty late." He said as he looked back down at Tarian only to find the poor boy asleep.
"Damn, crying must have tired the kid out." Dex thought even though Tarian isn't that much younger then him.
With a sigh he picked Tarian up princess style and carried him into his bedroom before laying him down into the bed.
"Night Wonder Boy." He mumbled before leaving and walking to his own room.
"Time to kill some evil bitches." Mandex stated once he was in his own room, instantly going to his closet to get on his villain outfit and already bloodied shoes.
Putting on the outfit quickly he left the house making sure the security was on high so nobody would be able to get in and Tarian wouldn't be able to get out and potentially get hurt.
He pulled his phone out to see where the person that neirly hit Tarian with his car was. Beforehand he had asked someone different that owed him a favor to trace the licens plate.
The person had found the address of the man along with the man's name and some background information on him.
"1234 Smith Avenue, James Smith the evil dude that neirly killed Tarian. Wow, his name and the street name match up... so classy." Dex muttered with an eyeroll before jumping from roof to roof until he reached the house.
This James Smith dude was a single man, just lost his job and license for drunk driving so technically he was breaking the law when he was driving earlier. You would think he would be a little more cautious if that was the case wouldn't you?
"I'm doing this dude a favor at this point." Dex whispered as he climbed into one of the back windows of the house after making sure there weren't any security cameras.
He ended up in what seemed to be an office that was absolutely trashed. Empty soda cans all around the ground along with old chip bags.
His nose wrinkled at the mess before leaving the room stealthy.
Looking down the hall Dex saw a dim light coming from one of the slightly ajar doors.
So he quietly walked over and peeked in to see the man passed out in a large recliner with a half eaten pizza in his lap and an almost empty beer bottle in his hand. The old tv playing static now instead of any show.
"Wow this place is a shit hole." Invador thought as he took his brass knuckles out of a pouch on his belt.
He had never used them to fight Manipulator, he didn't think they would be appropriate for him. Instead he would use them on other villains that did over the line bad things (like the killer clowns).
After debating if he should wake James up or not, he decided on keeping him asleep.
That way he wouldn't be able to scream and alert others of his presence.
"This is for neirly killing T you sick fuck." Invador said aloud before punching James as hard as he could in his neck.
The brass knuckles sliced through his throat making blood instantly begin to pool down.
Seeing this Invador pulled his hand back and saw that he had severed the air pipes of the man.
"Well that was easy." He said as he took the knuckles off and put them into a bag before putting it back into his belt pouch.
"Now off to Tarian's aunt." Invador said before leaving once again now headed to Tarian's aunt's house...
1,069 Words! Next chapter should be up pretty soon! 💖💖💖
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