(15) ~~~Smoke~~~
⚠️Cussing, yelling, near death experience, cigarettes, smoking, scars/past wounds, death threats⚠️
Dex saw what was about to happen and dropped all of the shopping bags before running full speed to Tarian.
He tackled him to the ground sending them both flying forward.
He landed on the ground harshly as Tarian landed on top of him.
"WATCH THE SPEED LIMIT YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!" Dex yelled after covering Tarian's ears so it wouldn't be as loud.
"Are you okay?" He asked as he sat them both up.
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm sorry for not paying attention to where I was going. I didn't mean to make you hurt yourself saving me." Tarian replied as tears pricked his eyes, the shock of almost getting hit by a car settling in.
"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. It's not your fault. It's that fucking jackass's fault. I didn't even hurt myself that bad, this is nothing really." Dex reasured as he pulled Tarian into a hug.
Everyone that had stopped to watch what was happening slowly went back to what they were doing before hand.
That's when the car that had been speeding came back around to the two of them.
"Are you two alright? I didn't mean to almost hit you. I didn't feel any bumps so I'm assuming I didn't actually hit you." The man said as he rolled his window down.
Mandex's eyes darkened as he looked at the man before looking at his licens plate.
"Is this your car?" He asked confusing the man.
"Yeah why?" The man replied, his face and tone showing his confusion.
"No reason, we are both fine. Now leave." Dex said after memorizing the numbers in his mind.
He was going to find that man and kill him later for almost killing Tarian.
"Okay?" The man said before leaving once again.
"Are you sure your okay." Dex asked Tarian who had his head resting on his shoulder.
"Yeah I'm okay. You are bleeding though." He answered as he looked down at Dex's side that had slid across the pavement.
"I'll be okay. Come on, let's get up. Now I need a cigarette or I'm probably going to kill that bitch." Dex said even though he was planing on killing him anyway.
"Okay." Tarian said as he got up before helping Dex up as well.
The two picked up the bags of clothes, Dex getting the ones he dropped before as Tarian stayed on the other side.
So they quickly dropped the bags into the trunk of the car before locking it back and walking into the gas station, this time Dex holding Tarian's hand when they crossed any road.
They walked into the store and their eyes scanned over everyone in there.
It looked like the usual people that sound be in a gas station in the south. A few man without shirts on and stained shorts, a few lady's with tank tops on, a mother with her child in the candy isyle, and some younger dude over by the beer trying to buy some for him and his friends.
"Welcome in Hon's, call me over if you need any help." The cashier lady said with a smile showing off some of her missing teath.
"Thank you." Tarian said with a smile back as Dex nodded slightly.
"Can we get some candy?" T asked as he looked up at Dex.
"Yeah sure." He agreed with a nod before adding "I'm going to get the cigarettes but I'll be right back to you in a second. Don't do anything stupid to hurt yourself." He then kissed the top of Tarian's head again before leaving for the register where he could by the cancer sticks.
Tarian walked over to the candy isle and noticed that the lady was keeping her child away from him.
He then picked up a pack of rainbow skittles and said "Hey look, a rainbow like me." Only loud enough for the lady to hear before putting the bag back down and looking at the other candy.
The lady visibly relaxed apon hearing that and continued to let her child look at all of the candy.
A few minutes later Tarian had picked out a small back of Twizzlers, a different pack of skittles, and a pack of M&M's when he felt arms wrap around his waist.
He quickly turned his head to see who it was and relaxed when he saw that it was just Dex.
"A warning next time would be much appreciated." Tarian said as he leaned into his side.
"Sorry Love." Dex replied before he bent his head down and kissed Tarian's cheek.
Tarian hummed before turning to face him, "Can we get there?" He asked referring to the candy.
"Of course." Dex said with a nod getting a smile back, Tarian never got candy much as a kid because 'it will bring cavities and hero's don't have cavities.' his father would insist.
The two walked over to the check out area and Dex paid for the candy before they left.
"Now where are we going?" T asked as he opened the Twizzlers and started to eat one.
"We are going over here so I can smoke and not explode on someone." Dex answered as he pulled Tarian over to an area that was between two buildings but bigger than an alley way.
"Okay." T agreed as he sat down on top of one of the picnic tables.
Dex looked at him with a raised brow. Tarian was sitting on top of a picnic table and eating a pack of Twizzlers in his oversized clothes.
"Shit I'm gay." He muttered before opening the pack of Cigarettes and a lighter.
He brought it up to his lips while he moved to sit next to Tarian on top of the table.
He breathed in the smoke before puffing it back out, his head turning away from Tarian so it wouldn't go in his face.
"Do you want me to go over there to smoke?" He asked not knowing if the smell bothered Tarian any.
"No I don't mind. I am kind of tempted to smoke one myself just because my father always told me that I shouldn't." Tarian replied with a shrug as he put the empty candy wrapper into the bag with all of the other candies.
"I don't know about that but we could shotgun it." Dex said as he looked around the area they were in for any potential Karen's and homophobes.
"What's a shotgun? I mean I know it's a type of gun but what is it in this case?" Tarian asked making Dex look back at him.
"Breath in when I breath out." Dex said before taking a drag of the cig, he held his breath for a moment while he tapped Tarian's jaw silently telling him to open his mouth.
He got the memo and opened his mouth some so Dex blew the smoke into his mouth as Tarian took a breath in, inhaling the second hand smoke.
Dex pulled back as Tarian puffed the smoke out of his mouth, a blush across his face.
"Shit that was hot." He thought as he looked at the ground.
"I could do it again if you want~" Dex said seeing as Tarian had actually said it out loud on accident.
Tarian blushed darker from embarrassment, "That was supposed to stay a thought." he muttered out still not making eye contact.
"I'm happy it didn't though." Dex said before taking a long drag and pulling Tarian into a kiss.
Tarian kissed back and opened his mouth when Dex bit softly at his bottom lip.
The smoke came from their mouths and Dex's nostrils, it looked weird but cool at the same time.
When they pulled back Dex smiled when he saw that Tarian still had his eyes closed, still leaning in slightly.
"Don't get too used to doing this, I don't want you getting cancer from second hand smoking." He said making Tarian slowly open his eyes.
"I think I would be fine but whatever you say." He replied as he sat back some before scooting closer to Dex.
"So what you're saying is that you want to kiss me more~ I thought you wouldn't catch feelings~?" Dex teased as he felt Tarian lean on his side.
"Shut up..."
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!! 💖💖💖
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