(10) Fuck The News
⚠️Cussing, talk of dead people, cops, su*cide jokes/Gen Z humor⚠️
*3 and a half hours later*
Tarian shifted in his sleep, nuzzling his head into the crook of Dex's neck subconsciously.
The movement woke Dex up. "What time is it?" The boy muttered as he looked at the clock on the wall.
"Six thirty? Shit. Hey, T. wake up." He mumbled as he shook Tarian awake.
"Hmm?" Tarian hummed as his eyes opened, slowly adjusting to the light.
"We got to eat dinner." Mandex said as he sat up, Tarian falling off of his chest and onto the bed in the process.
"But we just ate lunch." T said as he sat up on his elbows.
"We ate lunch three and a half hours ago. It's six thirty now and so we need to eat dinner. I'll fix us some killer Ramen and you can turn something on the tv." Dex said as he started to walk out of the room.
With a sigh Tarian got up as well, following Dex out of the room.
"Why did you call Ramen killer Ramen? Is it better then normal Ramen?" T asked as he followed Dex into the kitchen.
"Nope, I call it killer Ramen because it kills people with how much sodium is in it." Dex replied before opening a cabinet full of the food.
"If it kills people then why do you have so much of it? I don't think you would be one to invite guests over." Tarian asked before thinking that Dex was trying to kill him with the noodles.
"Well you have to eat a lot of it to kill you so just a few packs won't do much. But if I can eat most of this stuff then maybe I can die quicker." Dex said with a smile before pulling out two packs, one for him and the other for T.
"Why would you want to die quicker? Didn't you want to rule the city?" Tarian asked sounding consirned for the villain.
"I am down for whatever happens first." Dex shrugged before looking up ag Tarian.
"Why? Would you miss me?" He teased as he put both packs into separate pots on the heating stove top.
"Maybe. Anyway, I am going to go and pull up something to watch on the tv." Tarian said quickly before leaving the room and going into the living room.
"He is falling for me quickly." Dex muttered quietly to himself as he made sure the Ramen wouldn't boil over.
Back in the livingroom Tarian had put the news on and saw a ton of cop cars around a house.
He turned the volume up so he could hear what they were saying.
"Inside of this house were found the dead body's of Web-Master and the all mighty Time Stopper. They haven't given us much details but with a little snooping we have figured out that Web-Master was stabbed and had a slashed throat. Time Stopper on the other hand was hung. They presume that his was a suicide but have no clue yet as to what happened to Web-Master. Stay tuned to figure it out here on CNM news." The news lady said before it cut to commercial.
"He hung himself? Huh, makes sense. That fucking bitch wouldn't last a hour in jail." Tarian stated bitterly as he brought his knees to his chest, pulling the large hoodie over his legs and wrapping his arms around it all.
The news came back on and they were still talking about what had happened prior the break.
"People say that the hero Manipulator is the couple's son and that some saw him inter the house before coming out only meir minutes later all bloodied and battered. Do you think a villain was inside and killed them all? They may have tried to get him too but he escaped?" The main lady asked the group of people at her desk.
"Well Kate, I think that if there was a villain then they would either be Invador or nobody at all. He is Manipulator's biggest competition and if he didn't do it then who did? Did the witness see anyone leave the house?" A man asked, his hands moving to express more as he spoke.
"Well one of the eye witnesses said that they heard and saw Time Stopper yelling at his son, Manipulator, before going back inside. Do you think he could be the cause of all this?" Kate stated before asking.
"Wel-" The tv cut off cutting the man off as well confusing Tarian until he saw Dex with the remote in his hand and two bowls full of hot Ramen sitting on the coffee table.
"Why are you watching this shit? When I said pick something to watch I meant a movie or tv show, not the news." Mandex said as he sat down onto the couch beside of T before turning on Disney+.
"They were talking about my parents. I was curious because I don't have my phone to see anything. Speaking of, could I have my phone eventually? I don't plan on going anywhere because I don't have anywhere else to go." Tarian said as he untucked himself from his hoodie ball.
"Eventually? Possibly. Now? No." Dex replied before handing him his bowl.
"Now eat and watch Luca." He said before pressing play on the movie.
"What is Luca?" Tarian asked as he took the bowl and began to blow on the noodles to cool them down quicker.
"Its a movie about gay sea monsters. It's great so shut up, eat, and watch it." Dex replied getting a confused nod back.
So the two watched Luca and by the time it was over it was already eight thirty.
"Is there a second movie? You know of their next summer together? Do they ever get together? Does Giulia ever get a girlfriend because she gives me major lesbian vibes." Tarian asked, both of their now empty bowls on the coffee table.
"Nope, sadly nope, and nope." Dex replied making Tarian visibly deflate.
"Well why not? Nobody hugs their friend like that so they can't say that they are straight. Alberto is one bazillion percent a protective boyfriend to Luca and Giulia is the semi-protective lesbian best friend! Do you know how good of a TV series that would be?!" Tarian ranted, Dex listening intently, nodding in agreement. "I mean they could all be at the lake area and go swimming, they would crush that homophibic bitch in the race with their swimming and training from last year. I mean- Sorry, I'm rambling." Tarian said quickly shutting up as an embarrassed blush came across his face.
"No no, go on. I agree with you and want to hear where you're going with it." Dex said taking note in his mind that the poor boy had probably been told to be quiet or shut up before when talking about something he was into.
Tarian smiled before continuing how they could make the next summer and even some of the school year into an amazing tv series.
By the end of their conversation it was ten forty-five.
"Oh shit it's late, we should probably go to bed." T said as he scratched the back of his neck.
He was really happy to have someone listen to him instead of telling him "shut up" or "nobody cares".
"Probably, well do you want a pair of pajamas or are you okay in that?" Dex asked as he stood up before turning around and helping Tarian up as well.
"Could I have a pair of pajamas?" Tarian asked getting a nod back as Dex started to walk into his bedroom.
Once there Mandex threw him a pair of clean boxers and a pair of basketball shorts.
"Thanks." Tarian said before leaving to his room.
They both got ready for bed before falling into their beds and falling back asleep.
1,336 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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