Chapter 7: ............Uh?
Anna's P.O.V
I was driving when I heard-
I looked over quickly and saw......ICE!? I pulled the car over and just looked at Jack.
A: Ho-W-Whe-J-JACK!?!?!
J: ................
He literally had no words. He just, sat there, his mouth dangling open. He has the same powers as Elsa! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! THEY ARE MEANT TO BE!!!! JELSA!!!!!!!!!
J: What?
A: Huh?
J: What's Jelsa?
A: 😶
J: A-anyway, does this mean I have powers, the same as Elsa, too!?!?
J: So?
A: The cold never bothered Elsa, so she must've ran somewhere cold so no one can find her!!!
J: THE NORTH MOUNTAIN! The coldest place here!! I can look for her!!
A: I'm coming!! I wanna find my sister! No buts!
J: Fine, but you need a lot of Winter gear.
A: Okay. Lets go to Oakens Workshop.
-!#=/+?After Getting Supplies?+/=#!-
We drove about 1 mile away from the north mountain. I could already feel the cold air. I put on my snow gear and we started walking.
*sponge Bob voice* 1 million years later
We made it to the beginning of the mountain. It was sooooooooo big. It was gonna take like, 3 days to get up there!
J: I wish we could fly up there!
After Jack said that, he started floating. Then getting higher and higher. Jack is flying!
A: Jack! You have flying powers too!?!?!
J: I-I G-g-guess so!!!
Jack came back down. I snapped my fingers.
A: Aha!! You can fly us up there!!
J: Okay, hold on tight!
A: *jumps on back*
He flew off. I hugged his waist for dear life and put my head against his back.
J: You Okay back there?
J: Distract yourself. Hold on tighter, and look at the mountains.
A: oh look at that mountain!! *points*
That was the worst mistake ever. I slipped off Jack and was falling from who knows how many feet.
Sorry guys!! I have everything planned out. I will write it later. I will try to post at least one short chapter a day. Mwahahahaha!! Bye snowgies!! *makes snowball and throws it at your face* okie bai!! *makes ice barrier*
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