Time Travel
It is a warm day in London. People were walking around and kids running around. People are either heading to work or doing shopping. It is just another busy day in London.
It is outside of London that we find Diana Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley in a house researching. They are trying to find a spell to send them back in time. They have been at it all morning.
Ron came in with some snacks and Tea. He says the tray down and said, "Why don't you two take a break and have something to eat?" The two girls smiled at him and went and sat down in the arm chairs.
"Not finding anything?" Asked Ron.
"No." The two girls sighed.
"I hope we find something soon." Said Hermione.
"I hope so, too." Said Diana.
"I know you girls will find something." Said Ron. With a smile.
"Thank you Ron." Said Diana.
They soon finished their tea and snacks. Diana and Hermione went back to searching. Ron tried to help for a few or so minutes, but he just got bored. Both Hermione and Diana were greatful for his attempt to help them.
It was a few more minutes when Diana found the spell. It worked how they needed it to and they got ready after Hermione memorized the spell. Diana got a lot of money from her account. She also got a lot of things they would need.
Ron got his and Hermione's things ready. She is busy making a potion to blood adopt Diana. She would still have a part of the Potter's, but she would look more like Hermione and you wouldn't be able to tell she is a Potter.
Diana drank the potion. She grew to the same height as Hermione and then she didn't need her contact lenses. She got lighter brown hair and she still had her green eyes. They just weren't as bright and is more of a lime green. Diana is glad she didn't lose her green eyes.
Once they are all ready Diana held Hermione's hand who then holds Ron's hand. Hermione said the spell and they disappeared in a flash of Wight light.
In a ally in muggle London and in a flash of light Diana, Hermione, and Ron appeared. No one noticed them or the light. The three are glad about that. Hermione gave them close to wear that better matched the time line. It wasn't too different from what they are already wearing.
Diana went to go and get them a room at the Leakey Cauldron. Ron went with Hermione to get some newspapers. They needed to know what time they are in.
Diana got a room of her own while Ron and Hermione got to share. They are already together and had slept in the same bad. The two haven't done anything other than kissing and cuddling.
When Ron and Hermione got back they figured out that they are in James' third year. They had Hermione get them into Hogwarts and Diana came up with a good background. Ron helped the two girls and they got done at dinner time.
Hermione sent out the letters on an owl she bought and they went down to eat. They quitly talked about what they would do and how they would make money.
Once they are done eating they went to their rooms. Diana read for a bit. She also had a good time looking through some of her notes. They all agreed to talk to Professor Dumbledore and have him help them. They knew he would help and that he wouldn't be as secretive.
Diana gave Hermione and Ron a copy of their past. They thought she came up with a good made up past for them. She also had made pictures of their family and them growing up together. Hermione is so proud and happy to have Diana helping her with this.
They went to bed when they got tired. It didn't take long. It looked like time travel drans you. They would continue things in the morning. Diana hoped that they could stop people from losing their life's and save their family and friends.
Sorry for the wait. Enjoy the update and I will try to update again soon. Thank you for reading.
Remember if you don't like the story then don't read. This is my story and if you don't like how I'm writing it then don't read.
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