In The Past & Settling In
Enjoy guys.
They soon found themselves in Digon Ally. Diana and Hermione smiled at each other. The two girls were glad that the spell worked. Ron smiled at them as well. ''You girls did it." Said Ron with a grin.
"Thank you Ron." Said Diana and Hermione with big smiles. The two girls weren't used to people saying this to them and they were always happy when their friends told them how smart they were.
They then headed to the Leakey Couldren. Ron got himself and Hermione a room together, while Diana had one to herself. Ron and Hermione would have two separate beds thought. They were too scared to take the next step. Diana didn't blame them. She just told them to wait til they both felt ready. They thanked her and they didn't say anything else since then.
Ron came back and gave the girls a key to their rooms. He also told then the room numbers. They went on up to their rooms. Diana went to her's to put some of her things away. She would go talk to Professor Dumbledore tomorrow. They wanted to get settled in a little bit for today. By the time she was done it is dinner time. She left her room and walked down to eat with her friends. Diana had also looked into the mirror to see what she looked like now. She saw she had the same shade of brown hair as Hermione, but her hair is manageable. She had Hermione's brown eyes, but with a bit of green in it too. Diana is sad that she didn't look like herself, but she knew it's for the mission. She had gifts that her uncles and Hagrid gave her to remember her parents.
They ordered their food and drinks. When they got their orderes they started to quitely talk, "So how are we going to do this?" Asked Hermione a little scared and confused.
"For some of it, we will need to really think about it and the rest, we just need to sneak around." Said Diana. Ron and Hermione nodded. "Diana and Hermione, you two are the smartest people I know. I know you can come up with a game plan. The two girls smiled at him and thanked him.
After they finished eating their dinner they headed back to their rooms. They are going to try and get jobs until they got back to Hogwarts and they needed more clothes for this timeline.
The next day Diana woke up. She got out of bed went to get ready. She took a shower first. She washed her hair and body and got out trying herself off. She put on a light red t-shirt with blue jeans. She then put on some sneakers. She brushed her hair and put it in a braid. Diana thought about having it cut shorter to make it easier to take care of.
She got a few things from her trunk, she wanted to get their bank account set up and then get them some clothes.
She left her room and saw Ron and Hermione waiting for her. They went to have breakfast. Ron was able to get a summer job at a Quidditch store. Hermione was also able to get a summer job at a new book store. Diana is happy for her two friends. She knew this was their way of feeling like they are doing something helpful. Diana headed out to get started on their plan. She want out to get her hair cut. She used a spell to copy the money to make more of it. She had her hair cut shoulder blade lanth.
Diana then went to get a bank about. She made it so her, Ron and Hermione would be the only ones to get in. She put the bags of money she brought with her in the volt. She kept two small bags with her. She got three keys for her and her friends. She left and went to get them clothes. She got lots of different styles and muggle clothes along with Wizard clothes. She is glad she made a spell that not only copied the money, but also gave it different intoxication.
She stopped to have lunch. She shocked what else she needed to get and went to get some books and news papers to tell when they are and what is going on. She knew that they would need to know the history of the timeline they are in. Once she got all of the things she needed she headed back. She told Ron and Hermione what she found out during dinner.
Diana and Hermione thought of a cover story and a few things to help them blend in. Ron just agreed with what they told him, after all they knew better then him.
Hermione payed for their dinner and they headed back to their rooms. Diana gave them their clothes and she took hers into her room. She hoped Ron and Hermione liked the clothes she got them. She tried to get the clothes that matched their styles and what they liked.
Diana changed into a white T-shirt and baby blue PJ pants. She then layed down and is soon asleep. She had a long day and in Ron's and Hermione's room they are also fast asleep. They had a long day of working and getting to know their jobs.
Sorry for the long wait. I changed up some of this to make better sense. I hope you don't mind and you like the chapter. Remember, if you don't like the story then don't read.
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