five | superhero pose
superhero pose
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THE CHAOS OVERHEAD Diana was enough to kickstart her adrenaline into overdrive. There were people screaming and running for their lives. She could hear the distant sounds of buildings crumbling and alien blasters causing the damage. If this team stood around any longer, New York didn't stand a chance to even... Stand.
"We gotta get back up there." Steve thought out loud and the group made their way onto the overpass that was perfectly underneath the Stark Tower, giving them the perfect view of the Stark Tower, the new home of the wormhole that Diana could still only see as a butthole.
Through the hole and past all the aliens, Diana could see the vast open space. The team froze as they saw a giant armored flying turtle fish alien, the length of it ran to be the height of a medium sized building here on the street, and its width was the same as the Stark Tower below it. Warriors jump onto the side of buildings and into the buildings where Diana could hear them shoot civilians.
"Are you shitting my dick right now?" Diana blurted at the sight of it. Her mind just couldn't wrap around the concept of the species she was looking at right now.
Steve gave her a look for the language she used, tapping a finger to his ear, "Stark, are you seeing this?"
"Seeing, well put on Diana's end cause I'm still working on believing..." Tony replied, "Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"
Diana furrowed her brows at the mention of the lost scientist. She had a feeling that the Hulk made Bruce survive the fall he took, but she wasn't sure of the meek and humble scientist would want a part of this fight, though Diana could admit that they need the Other Guy for this one, especially since he'd be the only one strong enough to take down those giant, flying things if it came down to it.
"Banner?" Steve asked, he seemed as confused as Diana was.
"Just keep me posted." Tony responded, he had a lot of faith in the scientist, making Diana a bit happy about that.
His thoughts were interrupted by the screams of civilians streets over, she pulled out her gun and shot at a few aliens chasing a family down the street, giving them time to get away to safety. One of the flying crafts flew through a Dr. Pepper truck, the cans that didn't immediately explode on impact fell to the pavement, blowing up later. Diana frowned as she watched the brown fizzy liquid spill to waste on the gum-ridden sidewalk and painted asphalt. She watched as the police and civilians ran for their lives.
"They're fish in a barrel down there." Diana heard Steve from her right.
Natasha stood up a few feet behind them and fired both her guns at an incoming group of Chitauri. Diana raised her gun to fire at the chitauri as well, a few of her fires managed to stick considering they either crashed their crafts or they fell to the ground.
"We got this," Natasha called back at Steve, "It's good. Go!"
"You think you can hold them off?" Steve asked, Diana continued to aim for the drivers, it was harder when some of the crafts had built in blasters with another chitauri in the back, but it always felt good to get a double whammy.
"Captain," Clint addressed, "It would be my genuine pleasure."
Barton grabs an arrow and shoots it, hitting one alien in the head, the arrow quickly separates into more arrows, killing three Chitauri aliens.
Steve had turned and began to run off, but paused for a moment.
"Diana!" He pulled her attention, "With me!"
Diana didn't waste time, she secured her gun in her holster and ran off to join Steve, he was fast and it was hard for Diana to keep up. She almost felt bad about to but remembered she was 4 inches shorter to his 6ft stature and remembered that he was also juiced up on super soldier serum to make him faster than the average male.
The two ran through the street towards a group of police shooting at Chitauri. Steve jumped off a bridge and onto a tall bus, rolling on impact to spread it. Diana turned her spear into a long pole for jumping and followed his lead, holding onto the pole for her life, landing on the bus as well grunting when her knee and hand took most of the impact. She turned the pole back into her own custom before she injured herself anymore, she shook her aching hand and flexed it, nothing felt broken, which she thanked God for before looking over at Steve for a moment.
Steve and Diana jumped down onto the car in front of two police officers, one seemed to have a higher authority due to his unibrow being different from everyone else's..
"You need men in these buildings." Diana pointed out
to the buildings all around them, "There are people inside and they can be running right into the line of fire."
"You take them to the basement or through the subway, you keep them off the streets." Steve went on for her as she squinted through the haze of the rubble dust, making sure they had a few minutes to catch their breath before jumping back into action, "I need a perimeter as far back as thirty-ninth."
"Why the hell should I take orders from you?" The older man questioned.
Diana flared her nose at his ignorance and groaned when a group of chitauri warriors tried to jump them. Steve and Diana went back to back, though Diana stepped forward just a bit so she could use her spear better without hitting Steve. She disarmed the one with a blaster gun first and directed her attention onto the next alien. She grabbed the spear and pushed up, directing the fire to the sky where conveniently, a craft was flying overhead.
The chitauri screamed in her face and she punched it, ripping the spear out of its hand and flipped it to have the tip face the alien, before she even went to stab it, a blue blast fired out of the tip, putting a hole in the warrior while blasting it back.
As he gave out the order Diana and Steve gave him, she turned to Steve, tossing the spear in the air slightly, it was light weight so that meant it was easier to swing. She shrugged.
"I think I'm going to keep this," her face held an impressed look, "it definitely hits harder than a bullet to them."
Steve nodded, a squadron of crafts were incoming with blasters, below, the police force was dealing with twice that many on foot. Diana was tired of seeing them on every corner.
"I'll shoot those down, and if there are still somehow more on the ground by then I'll try to snipe some out for you," Diana advised and Steve nodded, running off to get to the front of the on-ground fight.
Diana squared her stance, aiming the spear up like the alien did, and it was like holding onto the spear connected it to her mind's commands. She simply thought, blast, and a streak of blue would hit a chitauri. She would feel most proud when she could get the head, but hitting them in the chest in just the right spot also does the trick.
Soon, they were down and the street was clear again when Diana got a better grasp on shooting down the tall aliens. Steve and her had helped the police for just a few minutes more as they got people off the streets but they knew that they would have to get back. Diana used the same method of getting down from the overpass to get back on. She turned the extra baton into a long jumping pole and launched herself up, turning the pole back into a baton when her feet landed on the ground.
Steve and Diana could see from the end of the long street that they were getting overwhelmed, Diana could keep up with Steve's running as he began to pick up his pace. He was making headway faster than her as the battle went on.
Clint shot at more warriors around them. They still fought on but everyone should see that Natasha and Clint were becoming surrounded by Chitauri and Steve rejoined them, hitting Chitauri out the way. Thor dropped down from the Stark Tower as Diana finally made it to the fight, blasting at any alien she saw standing, Thor killed the Chitauri that surrounded Diana with a bolt of lightning.
The street was clear after that and they re-grouped, still on alert for whatever else is out there.
"What's the story upstairs?" Steve asked, they all looked up at the wormhole and the Stark Tower that unfortunately powered it.
"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable." Thor explained, Diana's heart sunk at that fact, this was going to be be impossible.
"Thor is right, we gotta deal with these guys." Tony spoke in the comm.
"How do we do this?" Natasha asked, looking at the others, Diana shrugged.
"As a team." Steve answered, giving her a side eye at her response.
"I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor replied, making Diana raise an eyebrow as she stepped over to Natasha, unholstering her gun and handing it over.
The shorter woman furrowed her eyebrows in confusion at Diana's action. But Diana just raised the Chitauri spear a bit and shook. Natasha only nodded and took Diana's gun, with the way she utilized the bullets, it would be better for Natasha to have the gun.
"Oh yeah?" Clint responded to Thor's comment, he was currently adjusting some of his arrows, probably making them even more dangerous than usual, "Get in line."
Diana raised her eyebrows, giving Natasha the side eye, the woman returned it with a shrug, leaving Diana to nod as she looked to Steve, she knew he was going to come up with a plan to get back on top of things.
"Save it," Steve snapped, he turned to the rest of the team behind him, assessing us before his war brain took over, "Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need, without him, these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us to-"
Steve cut himself off, the sound of an old motorbike rumbling amongst the chaos had everyone's attention pulled to what was behind the man in blue. He stepped out of Diana's view so she could see Bruce arrive on a rusty motorbike that Diana could honestly call a death scooter. They all began to walk over as Bruce dismounted, surveying the damage.
"So, this all seems horrible." He joked, Diana chuckled and stepped forward, giving him a brief hug. He patted her back and she stepped away, finding herself next to Steve once again.
"I've seen worse." Natasha raised a brow, talking about Hulk, who she had to tussle with earlier before Thor pulled him away.
"Sorry." Bruce was genuine, Diana could see, it made her twitch a smile.
"No," Natasha stopped him, "we could- use a little worse."
"Stark," Steve addressed, his hand on his ear as he spoke into his comm, "we got him."
"Just like you said." Steve admitted.
"Then tell him to suit up." Tony replied, "I'm bringing the party to you."
Seconds later, Tony flew around the corner and toward the group, followed closely by a giant, floating- thing, Diana had no idea what to call it but it faintly reminded her of a shark-whale-turtle.
"I-I don't see how that's a party." Natasha frowned, shaking her head as she stuttered.
Tony drew the creature low and it skimmed the road, the explosions of the cars and street lights made Diana jump every single time a new one sounded out, she couldn't help but shake her head everytime she watched another car get crushed.
"Okay it's literally moving to hit those cars that's so petty," Diana gestured out, slapping her thigh when she dropped her hand to her side.
Bruce turned and began to walk away from the group, toward the giant, alien beast.
"Doctor Banner," Steve called out, making Bruce stop and look back at the team, "now might be a really good time for you to get angry."
"That's my secret, Cap." He smirked, "I'm always angry."
Diana watched in amazement at the transformation in front of her. The timidly quiet scientist turned into the Hulk, a giant, green, raging monster that only has one goal in mind, and he just punched the beast 10 times his size, smashing it into the ground. Chunks of its armor was flying off, exposing vulnerable flesh.
"Hold On!" Tony yelled out, Diana looked up to see him raising a fist, he was going to send out an explosive.
As Tony blasted out a missile at the creature, Diana dove behind the nearest car, her other baton in hand usd to turn into a shield like Steve's to keep the blast from rolling over onto her back. Chunks of non-carbon based life were sent flying down the street, the smell made Diana gag as she waited for any stray piece to land before exposing her head to the open sky. The Chitauri cried out what Diana perceived to be a war cry as they cling onto buildings nearby, witnessing the death of their own.
Diana made her way to the team as she kept her eyes up on them, they all stood in a circle, Hulk roared from behind her, making her wince at the noise, on her left, Clint nocked an arrow, and on her right Thor readied his hammer, she could hear Natasha load her gun with a click. The Avengers look up, watching as more Leviathans and hundreds of warriors fly through the portal in the sky.
Diana glanced back at the team she surrounded herself with and smirked.
"I bet we look so cool right now."
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2.3 k words
this might get another in detail edit on smells and sounds once I shift because guess who has two thumbs and stole her OCS plot for her script??? THIS GIRL. tho my mcu dr changes drastically at the end of AoU bc I'm deeply attached to Pietro and civil war is a whole different story from the movie bc I don't want to be on the run like the avengers were.
enough rambling about my dr before I spoil the book,
thank you all so much for your patience with this book, and I wait for you to see the jiana meet cute in part 2! :)
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