Chapter 2
The enforcers are relentles.
Every day I see more and more dragonets taken from the streets, and thrown into those waggons.
I followed them a few times, but only till they reach the Den's gates. Then I stopped.
The dragonets were put in chains, linked together like sheep, like prey. Then they are flown into the desert, towards the palace, and I give up all hope of seeing them again.
"Do you think that the enforcers are going to catch us as well?" Foxtail asked me one night, as we darted from shadow to shadow.
Without a doubt... I thought, but cept it to myself. He worried too much all ready.
"Not if we are careful," I asure him, looking back only once.
The thing about Foxtail, is that I can never tell if he's dirty or not. He's just such a dull and drab color, that nobody even looks twice at him. Me encluded.
My scales, on the other hand, are a pretty golden shade, and my black claws and eyes make a striking contras. Just what I don't need.
The Scorpion Den worked in a weird, twisted way, because even though everyone here was untrustworthy, it made us trust one another even more.
Sure, they will rat you out to another thug as soon as they saw fit, but nobody, and I mean nobody, snitched about our businesses to the authorities.
We reached our destination without a problem, and I slip into the alley. At the back, behind the mountain of boxes, is a door.
I knock.
"Diamondback and Foxtail."
I heard a couple of bolts draw back, and as soon as the door opened, we slipped in.
My eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness, and I saw another door in front of us. This one had faint sounds coming from it, and I felt myself shiver.
I addressed the guard in front of it, "Iguana."
"Diamond, my most regular customer," he nodded, and I once again found myself staring at were his ears used to be.
"Will you tell me the story tonight?" I asked him again, like I've been doing for the past year, and wasn't disappointed.
He grinned, giving me the exact same answer, "Now why would I tell that story to a street rat such as yourself?"
"But who is your friend here?" He turned to Foxtail, and I remembered that this was his first time here.
As I turned to introduce him, I saw he was shaking, and looking extremely scared. I looked back to Iguana, and had to admit, I could see the reason.
Iguana was a dark yellow, almost orange color, and he was probably the biggest dragon I've seen in my life. He also had multiple scars criss crossing his scales, and a few of his claws were missing.
Altogether, a rather terrifying image.
"Iguana, this is Foxtail," I flicked my tail at them, each in turn, before gesturing to the door, "Can I come in now?"
"I've never kept you out before," Iguana reasoned, and I felt nervous energy bubble up inside me. This place might be the only place in the world that can bring my calm walls crashing down.
He opened the door, and I was momentarily blinded by the light.
Spotlights of blue, red, green and yellow were circling around the place, illuminating the dancing dragons in every shade imaginable.
A couple of dragons was playing up on a makeshift stage in the corner, and I recognized the band.
"Enjoy club Witching Hour!" Iguana winked at Foxtail as he scurried past, and slammed the door.
"Diamondback," Foxtail shouted to me over the music. "Why are we here again?"
"Shelter," I screamed back, and walked over to the stage. Just in time, too, because as soon as we got there, the song finished and the dragons on top jumped off.
I waved over to the drummer, a speckled sand colored dragon, and he practically bounced over.
"DB!" He yelled, and gave me a hug, before giving one to Foxtail as well. I snarled at him, and he let go with a smile.
"Give it back Caracal," I growled, flaring my wings a bit and holding out my talon.
Caracal laughed again, and threw a golden ring into the air. The same golden ring Foxtail had stolen this morning.
"Hey, that's mine!" He yelled, snatching it out of the air.
"Anything's far game at Witching Hour," Caracal pointed out, and turned to face me again.
"So, what'll it be, sis?" He asked as we made our way over to the bar. "Money or info?"
"Both, in a way," I said, and the bartender slammed three sludgy brown drinks in front of us.
"Oh?" Caracal asked, drowning his drink in one go. "Care to explain?"
"Shelter," Now it's my turn to empty my glass. "No risk to you, we just want a place to lay low for a while."
I can practically see the gears turning in my brother's head. Finally, he nodds.
"But I can only promise one night," he says, and I nod. It's dangerous staying in one place for to long.
A whistle draws our attention, and I see Caracal's band mates waving him over.
"Go on," I answer his unspoken question, and he blows me an air kiss before running back and jumping on the stage.
"You know this stuff tastes awful, right?" Foxtail makes his presence known, pushing the glass away from himself. I snatch it up before the bartender could realise it's unatended.
"Yep," was all answer he got from me as I drank his as well.
"Come on," I pulled hin to his feet. "We're staying here tonight."
I didn't hear whatever he said next, because for the first time in weeks, I just let myself be.
Sometime during that night I lost Foxtail in the swarm of bodies, but I didn't really care. I was dancing and drinking, and even sang a song after I became to drunk to care.
And that was when things got interesting.
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