Chapter 11
A/N ok I'm sorry, but the internet was being stupid again, so I'm only able to post now. Other than that, this chapter was really hard for me to write, for some reason, so I literally finished this a few hours before posting...
I remember the first time I killed a someone.
I didn't have the intention to kill him, but it happened none the less.
It started as a small fight over a dead lizard.
It fell off of a moving cart, and I darted for it, but before I could reach it, another dragonet snatched it up.
His name was Chipmunk.
Lots of the dragonets were afraid of him, and for good reason, as he was the strongest of his age.
Not stronger than me though.
And so, we fought.
It might not had happened, if he hadn't taunted me. Or if I hadn't been as hungry, I would have just walked away.
But what happened, happened.
And by the time the sun was high, we were beaten and bloody, the lizard long forgotten.
Maybe it would have ended there. Maybe we could have called it a tie, exchanged nodds of understanding, and moved on.
But then he said something, something that pushed me over the edge, long past reason and far past any thoughts.
"What? Is the little assassin's girl afraid to get her talons dirty? Or are you adopting your mother's morals?"
It was a well known fact that Hyena didn't kill off the battlefield. It was one of the things my father loved about her. Unfortunately, nobody else shared that opinion, me included. They viewed her as a worthless piece of garbage with a weak stomach.
So when Chipmunk said that, tying me to the dragon I hate the most, I snapped.
Killing him was easy. He was already weak from our fight, and because of that, he didn't see my tail, until it was too late.
Everything was silent.
At least for me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see dragons moving, screaming, flying.
It was chaos.
And yet, none of that reached me.
I was in the middle of it, and still it didn't affect me.
I was in the eye of the storm.
I've never had that feeling again, that, total quite, were even your thoughts flee.
At least, not until now.
The party was in full swing, dragons drinking, dancing, eating, having the time of their lives.
But I didn't notice.
All my focus was centered on the piece of paper inside the chest.
So small, yet so important.
Finally breaking out of my revelry, I grab onto Fennec, snatched the chest off the ground, and hurried to the barracks.
"Hey!" She tried to pull away, but my grip was stronger. If she said anything else, I didn't hear, only focussing on getting away from the crowd.
I noticed Cactus following us, but ignored her.
Finally reaching the place I've been sleeping at the last few weeks, I check that nobody saw us, slipped inside, and closed the door.
"What are you doing?" Fennec said loudly, and I quickly shushed her.
"We can't read it out there," I gesture to the door, where the sounds of dragon roars could still be heard.
Fennec nodded, and we opened the chest again.
Exchanging nervous expressions, we read the paper.
The Eye of Onyx ~ Jerboa
To whoever finds this. If you're reading this, it means that I have died. And not by natural means either. Because I wanted to die with a clear head, one not clouded by magic, I enchanted myself, that whenever I use magic, instead of eating at my soul, it will manifest itself into an incurable illness. But as a parting gift from me to all future queens, I have left one last gift. That gift will be known as the Eye of Onyx. It is a piece of jewelry that is created to hold something, something that will help the Sand Kingdom for thousands of years to come. As for what it would hold, well, that would be my soul. If the spell works, then after I die, my soul, and some of my power, will be transported into the Eye of Onyx. Once there, I will continue to exist, with the sole purpose of choosing the best queen for my tribe. And with that said, I will now bring an end to this, my last words to the dragons of this world. Be strong, be brave, be kind.
Just as we finished reading, the door opened. Expecting an enforcer making their rounds, I quickly shoved the paper into the box, closing it, and pushing it under my wing.
"What do you think you're doing?" Cactus hissed at me, closing the door with the but of her spear.
I exhaled softly, and saw Fennec's shoulders drop as well.
"Take a look at this," I whispered, taking out the chest again. Cactus was still frowing at me, but that slowly shifted away as she read, instead replaced by shock.
"If Jerboa is in the necklace, I don't think we'd be able to kill Gazelle like this," I admit, and both Cactus and Fennec's heads snapped to me.
"I feel bad," I explain. "Not for Gazelle, but for me. Who will take over once we kill her? The IceWings will send their armies in here, and we won't be able to defend ourselves. We need a queen."
Even though neither said anything, I knew that my two guards understood my reasoning.
"So what?" Fennec asked. "You want to stay here?"
"No," I say, shaking my head. "I still think that Gazelle is a bad Queen, but at least she is a Queen. I say we still escape, just without killing her."
"I agree," Fennec said, nodding her head at me.
"As much as this pains me," Cactus sighed. "You are right. But if Jerboa is in the necklace, what's stopping you from just explaining to her that Gazelle is a terrible queen, and instead making someone else Queen?"
I stared at her.
"Cactus, that's a genius idea!" I say, and Fennec quickly shushed me. "I still want to escape, but, as you said, what's stopping me from coming back and taking Gazelle's place as Queen?"
"I think you'll be a great queen," Fennec said, smiling. "So is that the plan now: escape, train you to become queen, and come back to challenge Gazelle?"
I nodded.
I've never even thought of becoming Queen, but really, who could plan for this?
And so, as we escaped over the wall that night, the party still going on full swing behind us, I felt my wings lift me up, faster and further that ever before.
Because, for the first time in my life, I had a purpose.
Not just to survive, but to live. To save.
And I knew, just knew, that by the end of the year, a new name would be on the throne.
My name.
Queen Diamondback.
I like the sound of that.
Phew, that was long, over 1100 words (excluding my notes). I rewrote Jerboa's note at least four times, and I'm still not completely happy with the end result, but whatever...
The book is coming to a close though, just a few more chapters, maybe an epilogue, and then, finished!
Does anyone have any ideas as to what will happen next?
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