Chapter 1
Most dragons think the Scorpion Den is a dangerous place.
And they are right.
But the real danger doesn't come from the numerous thieves living there. Or the assassins that call it their home. Or the pickpockets or the mercenaries or even the bloodthirsty murderers that reside in the shadows.
No, the real danger, comes from the enforcers.
Thieves and such stay in the shadows, stealing without harming. But the enforcers, they stay in the light, walking the streets with spears and breast plates for all to see. If you even so much as look at them threateningly, they'll go over you with their weapons till you're bloodied and broken, before dragging you to the dungeons for questioning...
That's why, when an enforcer came along the path that morning, I melted into an alley, waiting silently for him to pass, so I can set up my stall again.
The stall isn't really there so I can sell stuff. No, it's a diversion so dragons would stop to look, while one of the numerous pickpockets in the street rob them.
But the three boards that served as a table, as well as the tablecloth that doubled as a bag, was now safely stashed behind me to be used again as soon as the other dragon was out of sight.
Come on, what's taking you so long? I thought as the light yellowish enforcer stopped to search in his bag for something.
He took out a rolled up scroll, dropping another one onto the ground were it rolled over to me. While he was busy nailing the paper to the wall, I darted out quicker than a snake, scooped up the parchment and running back to the shadows.
The whole thing lasted less than two seconds.
I rolled open the scroll, and even though I couldn't read very well, I got the gist of it.
Queen Gazelle ... that every dragonet with only one or none ... alive, between the ages of five and seven, must go for ... training for a month, and then ... a year in the queen's army, before they can go back to their lives. Any dragon who ... this law will be killed for ...
I frowned, and noticed that the enforcer had moved on, leaving a crowd to gather around the poster.
As I stepped out the alley, another dragonet with dull sandy scales and dark brown eyes raced up to me.
"Diamondback! Diamondback!" He screamed, almost plowing me over in his panic.
"Hey, watch it, Foxtail!" I said, pushing him away. He may be the closest thing I have to a friend, but in the Scorpion Den, nobody could be fully trusted.
"Sorry, sorry," he said, picking himself up. "But did you hear! Enforcers are taking dragonets, all of the older ones. They say it's the Queen's orders."
I frowned down at the paper in my talons. So that's what this is about...
"Yeah, I head," I answer. I noticed just how easily that lie slid out my mouth, and was briefly humored thinking how hard the truth would sound.
"Do you think its because of the war?" Foxtail asked in a whisper, his eyes darting around, looking to see in there are any enforcers around.
"Course its cuz the war!" I spat at him, hiding my fear behind the anger. The new law stated that any dragon between five and seven years old gets taken.
And, just my luck, I turned 6 last week...
Suddenly I heard someone scream down the road, and, in unspoken agreement, me and Foxtail raced towards the sound.
"No, let go, you can't take him, he's all I have!"
They rounded a corner, and saw a crying female SandWing clinging onto a dragonet who looked to be barely over five.
An enforcer was holding the dragonet by the tail and trying to drag him away from his weeping mother.
"Let go, you bag of dirt!" Another enforcer said, hitting her on the head. She cried out in pain, but didn't let go.
"I said, let go!" The enforcer yelled, and that was all warning the female got, before he swung an axe off his back, and cut her talon off.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Foxtail close his eyes, but I looked.
I looked as the mother's talon fell to the ground, causing her to lose her grip on her son.
I looked as the enforcers threw him in a cage with wheels, along with lots of other wiggling bodies.
I looked as they disappeared down the street, swallowed by the crowds.
I looked as dragons rushed over to the still crying mother, calling for a doctor.
"He's all I had left..."
I looked as she took her last breath, tears rushing down her face, grieving for her dragonet.
I looked, I saw it all, and it reminded me of why I hated enforcers.
They take, they hurt, and they destroy.
Soon the female was swept away, and I turned, intending to get back to my stall.
"Where are you going?" Foxtail called after me, rushing to catch up.
"Work," I answered without looking back. He's weak, Foxtail, that's what he is. His family used to live in the palace, before they got kicked out. He still isn't used to the true horrors of the world, whereas I, I grew up here.
This is my world...
My life...
And even if it's not pretty, it's true...
And I'm not leaving it for anything...
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