chapter two
The main training room was full of chatter and noise. It was starkly different to her private session.
"Hey Prince!" Tobias called, the blonde walked over to him. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. Jasmine guessed he would be considered conventionally attractive. "How was your session with Odair?" He asked her as he picked up a spear, lining it up with the target.
"Alright. Gave me some persona tips... how was yours with Glover?" He threw the spear into the centre of the target, he smirked and walked over to pull the spear from the targets centre. Jasmine chose some knives and readied herself to throw them.
"Told me I was a good shout for the Gamss and he was impressed with my scores in the previous sessions" he explained as he walked back toward her, they both threw their weapons at the same time. Both hitting the centre of the target. "Pretty sure I'm making it through this year" he placed his hands on his lips, pride surging through his veins. "Why'd Odair pick you?" He asked, she looked down and then back up at him.
"I don't know...maybe as a favour to my brother or something..." she threw another knife at the target. It landed in the head.
"Oh right. He was friends with your brother. Hope you do better than him" Tobias laughed, she shot a glare at him.
"Excuse me?" She folded her arms, knives still in hand, he looked at her and his eyes widened.
"I'm just saying sweetheart, your brother failed in that arena. Like badly..." he stepped toward her and her grip fastened on the knives, "I mean you know you watched the games..." he took another step toward her, smirking. Once again, her grip fastened on her knives. "Oh, am I hurting your little feelings?" He laughed, she raised her hands slightly and felt Finnick's arms around her waist, pulling her away from him.
"Back off Kingsley, or I will make sure you never see an arena" Finnick snapped, Tobias hurried away, scared. She turned around in his arms annoyed.
"I can handle myself Finnick" she replied, he rolled his eyes and released her from his grasp, she straightened herself and folded her arms.
"Yeah sure. You were about to murder him" she scoffed, and smirked.
"Exactly, handle myself" Finnick sighed and rested his head in his hand. He looked annoyed and his eyes scanned the room.
"If you'd killed him, you would've been executed. You would never see the arena, you'd never see your friends, you would never..." he sighed again, "god damn it Jasmine. You can't be dumb like that if you want to make it into the arena" she huffed and he grabbed her hand and dragged her off to a corridor.
"Ugh rude. I want to train!" She glared at him, he glared back at her.
"Right, Princess I'll honest. The last thing I want to happen is for you to end up in that arena. Actually, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure it doesn't happen! Because I think that you're making the absolute worst mistake you could possibly make" she stared at him confused, eyes wide and mouth agape. "I couldn't care less what you want Princess. I want to keep you alive and if that means breaking your heart and making sure you never see the arena, so be it" she felt tears brim in her eyes.
"I hate you!" She seethed and stormed off back into the training room. Hurriedly, wiping her eyes.
"Hey, umm are you okay?" A girl with brown hair and blue eyes asked her. Jasmine forced a smile and nodded.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine" she replied, the girl before her had deep tan skin and looked about her age.
"I'm Brooke" she explained, her accent was pretty thick. She must've been from the country area of the district. District four had urban and country areas. Jasmine lived just outside the city of the district. It was about a twenty minute walk and 5 minute drive away. Further from the city were all the smaller villages which all produced fish, in the city many people had their own business where they sold other products they made, but most still worked in the fisheries. People from the villages always had stronger accents than those from the city.
"Jasmine" she replied, Brooke nodded and smiled.
"Oh I know" Brooke looked past her at finnick who was just re-entering the room. Jasmine turned her head, upon seeing her glare finnick walked away. "Isn't he just so handsome?" Brooke asked, Jasmine scoffed.
"Yeah sure" she replied, turning back toward Brooke. "Do you wanna do a duo simulation?" The other girl nodded and the two entered a simulation chamber.
The time passed far too quickly and before she knew it Jasmine was walking into her evaluation. This was what she'd been working for, if she impressed them today. She could make it to the Games. Confidence consumed her veins as she walked in, she didn't care what Finnick said. Deep down, she knew she could do this. Nothing was going to stop her.
"Name?" Cupid asked her, Finnick attempted to offer her a smile but she ignored him. The other mentors were all watching her, getting ready to make notes. Some of her old trainers were offering her supportive smiles.
"Jasmine Prince" she announced, they all began writing. It unnerved her, she could feel Finnick's eyes on her but she refused to look at him.
"You may begin" the table arose from floor and Jasmine couldn't help but wonder if Finnick was supposed to train her in the way he did. Her eyes searched for the knives and she hurriedly grabbed them once they became visible. Once they were in her hands, the weapons table sunk back into the floor. Silver holograms began to swarm her, she took a breath in and destroyed each and every one of them. There was some applause, she looked up at Finnick. He wasn't clapping.
"Thank you Miss Prince" Kesleigh flicked through her notes to a clean page, "we will now do a mock interview. This is the less important part but it will help determine who goes through if all the combat skills are of equal ability" she nodded, and regained her composure.
"Your parade look was stunning, can you tell us what you were thinking on that carriage?" Cupid asked her, she looked at the judges like they were the crowd:
"I was thinking about how beautiful the dress was, my stylist truly is amazing, but also surreal this whole experience is. I've wanted this since I was a little kid and I can't believe I'm finally here" she answered, smiles spread across the mentors faces and they made some notes.
"And why did you choose to volunteer?" Jaque asked, looking slightly fed up at the whole situation. She looked at all of the people above hers faces before replying.
"I wanted to make my district proud, I've dreamt about bringing honour to my family and district ever since I can remember. I also want to finish what my brother started and honour his legacy" Finnicks words and advice echoed in her head as she spoke. They all nodded receptively to her, some smiled and they all wrote down notes.
"Thank you Miss Prince, you may go" Cupid smiled, the blonde smiled back at them.
"Thank you" she replied and walked out the room, trying to highlight her confidence. She breathed a sigh of relief as she reached the corridor, she rested her head against the blue patterned wall.
"How was it?" Tobias asked, walking over to her. A smirk on his face. She glared at him, folding her arms.
"It went well, unlike yours I'm sure" she retorted, he laughed slightly. Stepping closer toward her. The intensity of her glare increased.
"Oh mine went swimmingly" his cockiness could not be understated, her anger at him increased, "oh loosen up Prince. Listen, I'm sorry about that shit about your brother. I was only teasing.... Besides don't want you to go running to Odair again" she stared at him confused, he feigned sadness, "I find it sad you need him to protect you.... He won't be there in the arena"
"I don't need him" she retorted, he scoffed at her. Walking closer, leaning down to look her in the eye.
"Yeah right" he was much too close for comfort now, so much so that she kicked her leg up and kicked him between the legs. He shouted in pain and stumbled back. "Fuck you bitch!" He screamed, he began to come at her.
"What is going on?" The door opened and finnick was stood there, staring confused. Once he realised the situation, which took milliseconds, he knocked Tobias to the floor. "What did I say about leaving her alone! I swear to fucking god Kingsley!" Tobias quivered slightly
"Typical Prince, need a big strong man to save you" Tobias murmured, finnick glared at him.
"Let's get one thing straight Kingsley, if she wanted to kill you she would. I have no doubt in my mind she would've killed you earlier if I hadn't stopped her" he seethed, Tobias nodded, terror across his face. "Go" the boy ran off scared, "are you okay?" He asked, his expression changing from anger to concern. All she was returned was a glare.
"I can handle myself Finnick! Honestly! Every time you try and help me, the others see me as weak!" She folded her arms, he sighed.
"Jazz..." he whispered, but she'd already walked off down the corridor.
An hour or so later, the day was over. Jasmine had forgotten to arrange her own transport home, so she was walking.
"Jazz.... Let me drive you home" finnick pulled up next to her, he was driving a fancy car.
"I'll walk thanks" she snapped and continued walking down the street. The car kept following her, she could hear it.
"Please Jazz, let me drive you home" she looked over at him, the walk home was long.
"Fine" she got into the car and sat down, they drove in silence for a while. Then finnick spoke.
"They liked you" she turned to look at him, eyes wide.
"Really?" She questioned, he nodded. A small smile on his face, he laughed softly.
"I think I'm the only one who doesn't want you getting through" she rolled her eyes slightly, "they all think you have a chance at making it. You're in the top three girls" he explained,
"Top three?" Confusion filled her body, he sighed and looked back at her before staring at the road.
"As mentors we select a top three girls and top three boys then submit them, with training scores and footage to the Capitol. They then choose who will be volunteering" his explanation only confused her more.
"So the GameMakers know who's going into Games before hand?" He nodded, she stared back out at the road confused. "What about the other reapings, do they decide who's going in then?" Finnick looked at her, she couldn't tell what thoughts were behind his eyes.
"Some of them are, if someone poses a threat to National Security they may put them or their relative in the Games to send a message" she looked down, this wasn't what she thought they were. "Oh don't think about all that, look. It doesn't affect you, if you get chosen to volunteer you just have to win. And if you're chosen to volunteer it means they think you can win. Trust me, we don't submit people unless we think they can win" they were getting close to her house now.
"Why don't you want me in that arena? It's honourable..." she asked, another sign escaped his lips and he looked into her eyes.
"Because I promised your brother I'd protect you, even the allowing possibility of you dying isn't protecting you..." she laughed softly,
"I don't need protecting Finnick"
With that, they'd arrived at her house.
"Thanks for the ride" she smiled slightly and got out the car,
"I did mean it though, they liked you. Seem to be ignoring my opinion" she nodded and walked through her front door.
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