The church was quite there stud Yui talking to her father he had just informed her that she will be leaving tomorrow but she was not happy with it but had no choice.
In another room sits a girl with long midnight hair The girl's name is moon she was a strange one that's what they said but she did not care she only had one friend her stuff animal she called Shaya the Last thing she ever gotten from her parents.
She was looking out the window watching the birds fly high in the sky it was so piece full but her thoughts where interrupted by the knock at her door a quite sigh was let out she had opened the door and saw Seiji.
Seiji:Moon The is something I must ask of you.
Moon:oh.. what ever could it be..
She said in a curious but quite tone
Seiji:I need you to go with Yui to a place called the sakamaki mansion you are more mature and more of a adult I need you to watch over her .
Moon:oh ...wait are you leaving for another business trip
Moon:lies..I see your heart
Seiji:and this is why I need you to go I'm sure no harm will come yui's way with you around I love her but we both know she doesn't know enough to keep her self from trouble and her clumsy Ness too.
Moon: alright I shall pack right away.
Seiji smiled and hugged her and she went packing Seiji had always adored her and saw her as another daughter he never had.
3 days later the two girls stud outside waiting for the taxi to arrive moon was wearing her casual dress long to her knees black and white like all her clothes.
Her Long hair tired in two and wearing a black head band with a white rose on the side.
The taxi had arrived and the put in their things and they where off to there new home.
1hour later
They have arrived moon stepped out and got all their luggage out because Yui was struggling with one bag moon had no time for that she gave Yui her things and they went to the mansion.
Moon a casualty Observer looked at all her surroundings while Yui was behind her it started raining. The sound of thunder scared Yui but had noticed moon was already knocking at the door so she ran to her .
Yui: moon what did they say.
Moon: nothing..
Yui: what how.
Moon: because no one has answered the door Yui.. be's a big mansion it must be hard just to her a knock on the door..
The door opened by it's own
Moon: interesting...
Yui:let's go in.
Moon:no..we wait to be let in's not nice to go in someone's home with out being let in its breaking in a entry Yui..
But Yui went in not listing to moon once more she let out a quite sigh.
The butler:hello miss May I help you
Moon:yes is this the sakamaki mansion sir
The butler:yes miss it is
Moon:we where sent here to I'm sure they where inform of our arrival but my... sister yes my sister...has came in with out being let in have you seen her.
The butler:I believe I have please follow me miss
She followed the butler to the living room where the was a boy with messy red hair and green eyes another looks older and a butler with crimson eyes and dark purple hair with light tips.
Reiji:who are you.
Moon: hello I'm mo-
Yui:moon there you are
Reiji:it's rude to interrupt some one when they speak do remember that.
Ayato:Oi pancake who's this
Yui: she's -
Laito: what do we have here a cute little human girl has come to pay us a visit.
Laito teleports to Yui and licks her cheek that makes her squeal And covers her cheek then another boy appeard on the other side behind her.
Kanato:may I have a taste too.
He said and licked her cheek.
Reiji:laito kanato it's rude to treat a lady like this that you just met.
Kanato:but it's only natural to want to taste something that looks and smells so yummy
Ayato: stop it you guys yours truly is the one who saw her first so yours truly will be her first everything thing
Subaru:lame I'm so tired of you calling your self yours truly.
Ayato stands up.
Ayato:what the hell damnit Subaru I know it's you show your self
Subaru:I'm right here...I thought I smelled human in here who is this mortal that dares awaken me from my precious sleep
Yui:how did you get in this room so quietly
Subaru:you will answer my question FIRST.
after the last part he punched the wall leaving a huge crack.
Reiji: does anyone know why these ladies are here
Laito: ladies?
Yui:I think I should be leaving this must be the wrong place we'll be leaving.
Moon:no.. Yui wait why don't I speak from now on alright..
Yui:but ni-chan
Moon: excuse me gentleman but this is the sakamaki residents correct
Reiji:yes it is and you are
Moon:my name is Ryan Moon and Yui this is the right place these are the sakamaki brothers but I don't see them all.
Shu:I'm also here you know
Moon:oh.. my apologies
Shu:so your the women he said where coming
Reiji: know something Shu
Shu: maybe.
Kanato: don't give us this maybe crap we deserve a explanation.
Shu:it was that guy.. he contacted me couple days ago saying will be having guests from the church and should treat them with respect.
Laito:is that all so their prospective brides more like sacrifices to me
Shu:oh we aren't aloud to kill them or feed from the other one she's a guest not a sacrifice like her
Laito:it seems will have a long relationship with them then
Reiji:let us introduce ourselves
Moon:Shu, Reiji, Ayato, kanato, laito and Subaru
Reiji:yes how did you know
Moon:oh I was listening while you where saying each other's names back and name is Rayne Moon and this Yui komori lovely to meet you all..
Reiji: finally some one with manners in this house
Yui:I still think this is a mistake I was not told about being a bride besides your all weird.
Moon:Yui.. this is the right place didn't you hear him..and apologies for calling them weird it's rude
Yui:I need to call father wait where is my.
Ayato: looking for this.
Yui:that's mine give it back
Ayato: should I now
Moon:oh dear .
Subaru takes yui's phone from Ayato.
Yui:what are you doing
He destroyed her phone and the pieces fell on the ground she drops to the floor looking at the pieces.
Yui:how could you.
Subaru:get lost.
Laito:now now bitch Chan you won't be needing that silly phone while your here with us
Kanato:you know I've been kind of thirsty
Laito:tell me about it let dig in.
She tired to run but trips on air (air the was nothing in your way but you just trip🙂)she scratched her knee.
Moon: Yui now look what.. you've done hold still let me-
Moon :yes but please don't take out that cross
Yui:it will save us
Moon: Yui that those things are just fairly tales they told you at the church garlic, sunlight and Holy water does not work too. So please.. do not try this I know you will if no one told you..
Yui runs out she thought moon would follow but she knew what they are from the beginning.
Ayato: aren't you supposed to run
Moon:I knew what you are from the beginning why run now why should I run your not before when I was not noticed. I'm.. only human..
Reiji: your smarter and have better manners then her i see come I shall show you to your room.
Moon: wonderful thank you very much...
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