~Chapter 9~
Sura's POV:
Instead of following Subaru, I head directly into the school in search for a quiet place to settle amongst my thoughts. Striding down the long crowded hallway, I get a couple of strange looks as I pass by, which I return with a cold glare. Without looking, someone bumps into me and I look up at them with an angered expression. I noticed he is an older, taller student and his face was previously showing annoyance, before he looked down at me and it changed into one of amusement as a smug grin formed on his lips.
"Heeey sweetheart, if you don't mind giving me an apology, maybe we could go have lunch together" He suggested.
I immediately registered him as a cocky, stuck-up idiot who is too proud for his own good.
Almost gagging at his offer, my eyes narrow even further and I clench my fists in anger, suppressing an angered growl but failing to mask the irritated look on my face. Looks like it will be harder to refrain from punching someone today after all, no surprises there...
"Go to hell you bastard, and don't call me sweetheart" I threatened and his cocky attitude drops, the first part of my sentence causing his anger to boil over.
"I asked you nicely, now apologise, sweetheart" The nickname caused me to snap.
My already clenched fists tighten and I bring my hand up to his face, striking him vigorously on the cheek and causing him to stumble into the wall. Gasps erupted from the already surrounding crowd, as he groans and lifts his hand up to feel his cheek while leaning on the wall for support, his eyes wide in shock. Not used to punching people without my normal strength, I flex my hand gently to ease the muscles.
Calming down slightly, I glance around and notice everyone's eyes on me, giving me judgemental looks. Many of them begin to mutter quietly to each other about how scary and weird I am, all the comments ring continuously in my ears.
Squeezing my eyes shut, I struggle to block out the constant words of disapproval, but only one word that is whispered caught my attention.
"Freak" The word echoes in my brain and silences all the other remarks, my eyes snapping open in shock and pain.
Then in a distant corner, I notice Subaru examining the situation before him with an emotionless expression and we lock eyesight. Feeling the guilt and shame closing in on me, I tear my eyes away from Subaru and dash down the endless hallways. Coming to a stop in front of a small staircase, I notice it leads up to a door that most likely is the entrance to the rooftop. Rushing up the steps, I wrench open the door and it let's out a loud metallic creak. A gust of wind blows the door closed once more, although it eventually dulls into a gentle, cool breeze that caresses my face and tangles through my hair. Walking forwards, I close my eyes in peace and sigh softly to myself.
Once I'm standing a couple of metres away from the edge of the building, I gaze upon the endless dark forest that expands for miles and creates a small opening far in the distance, which is most likely where the Sakamaki mansion and large crystal lake lie. Up here, all alone, I feel at peace to finally ponder my thoughts without any worry of being disturbed.
Although that one word still echoes endlessly in my blank mind, causing my eyes to shimmer with sadness. Curling up in a ball on the cold concrete roof, I rest my head softly on my knees. Then my mind wanders back to this morning and I remember placing my favourite trinket in my pocket before heading downstairs. Reaching carefully into my pocket, I pull out a small silver knife embedded with glimmering rubies. Although this trinket doesn't bring very fond memories and is far from something I cherish, I only keep it in case I may need it. That's when I notice two very faint scars on my left wrist, although my thoughts are soon interrupted.
"Mind if I join you?" A familiar voice asks and I immediately stop inspecting my wrist and hastily hide my knife in my pocket.
I look up behind me and give a small nod, as he moves to sit down next to me. I notice him staring at me lovingly, until I catch him and turn to look him in the eyes, which causes him to blush slightly and look away.
"Trust me, I know what you're going through" He sighs, studying the clouded midnight sky above.
"Tch, I doubt that" I snap, my anger cutting through the peaceful atmosphere.
From the sudden silence, and aggravated scoff beside me, I can tell I've pissed him off. After all, it's not that easy when I'm sitting next to a vampire with obvious anger issues.
"Look, I came up here to comfort you but if you're going to give me that kind of bullshit attitude, you can forget about my sympathy" Subaru replies in an equally angered tone.
Then he clicks his tongue, something I've noticed he does often when he's irritated or annoyed.
"Besides, you're not the only one who walks down the hallways and at least someone whispers that they're a freak" His voice lowers, his proclamation causes my eyes to soften and both our moods return to their calm states.
"I guess both of our lives are similar in a way" I gaze up at the stars as they reflect on my crimson orbs.
Then my eyes harden and I stand up, taking a few steps in the other direction before stopping and turning slightly to face Subaru.
"But don't act like you understand me or my past" I declare, continuing to storm off in the direction of the exit.
Just as my hand reaches for the metal door handle, I feel a sudden presence behind me. Before I can react, a large hand firmly grips my shoulder and pulls me backwards roughly. The force of the action causes me to fly back and I immediately loose my footing, my body slamming into the concrete and my back connecting harshly with the roof. Releasing a strangled gasp, I slide across the roof and come to a halt. Grunting, I feel a searing pain shooting up from my lower back up to my shoulders and my mind begins to spin.
Peeling open my eyes, my vision clears and I witness Subaru stalking closer to my helpless body sprawled out on the rooftop. His figure towers over mine, and he gives me a possessive look before kneeling down to straddle my waist. Bringing his hand up to my chest, he tugs at my black shirt to reveal a small amount of chest, but enough to allow him easy access for a sip of my blood. If not for this situation, I have no doubt that I'd be blushing profusely at his actions.
"Then don't act like you know someone as hideous, as corrupted as I am" He mutters quietly, his voice cracking between each whisper.
My eyes soften in guilt and understanding. So, it looks like we're not that different after all, considering we both insult our self worth with harsh words.
Hesitantly I move my head to he side, exposing shoulder and the side of my neck. His cardinal orbs bore into mine with a look of lust and love. Understanding my gesture, he gives in to his craving for my blood.
"Just make it quick" I mutter, mostly to myself, bracing myself for the oncoming pain.
Leaning his head down to my shoulder, he roughy takes a bite and swallows a couple of mouthfuls of my delectable blood. Making me scrunch my eyes together in pain, he removes his fangs lightly and his eyes are wide with euphoria.
He lowers his head again and feathers tender kisses along my collarbone, pulling again at my shirt to reveal more of my dainty, fragile skin. Then he sinks his teeth into a new spot and drains gallons more of my blood. To distract myself from the increasing pain, I watch the stars as the night sky dances above us...such a beautiful sight indeed.
I can handle this pain at least, I was born to endure much more agony then what I am currently receiving, so it would be embarrassing to let that all go to waste by crying out or making the smallest of noises.
My vision becomes noticeably blurry, my already heavy eyelids eventually close. Before I can fully pass out, I feel Subaru retract his fangs and press his lips onto the puncture wound.
"Mine, all mine" He mumbles against my skin.
Finally, I allow my mind and body to be consumed by darkness.
I hope you all loved this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.
So long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!
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