~Chapter 5~
Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys!
Got something to admit...IM JEALOUS OF YUI
Okay rant over. Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Reika's POV:
Once separating from the others, I followed closely behind Reiji down the hallways. Along the way, I received many hateful glares, most likely from jealous teenage girls who don't even get to be remotely near him, while the rest of the stares were curious ones. Arriving at my first class of the day. I was firstly introduced to the class, having more unwanted attention drawn to me, then I was instructed to sit next to Reiji.
How predictable.
I listened intently the entire lesson and successfully completed a surprise quiz without hesitation. Although considering that Reiji stared at me throughout most of the lesson, it made me curious about his sudden great interest in me. After the lesson, I was the last one left alone in the classroom to pack up. Which also makes me unaware of the presence awaiting me outside the classroom...
Once I finish packing my books away in my bag, I slowly begin to exit the classroom, only for the door to be slammed harshly shut in front of me. Flinching away in surprise, a shiver runs down my spine as I back away from the door and into an untucked chair.
How I despise people who don't have the decency to push in their chairs.
Not noticing the chair from behind, I tripped over it and land roughly on the white, polished marble floor. My bag and glasses go flying through the air, and I notice Reiji towering above me with a mocking smile played on his lips.
"How pathetic you mortals are" Reiji sighed, which causes my blood to boil in anger.
How dare he say such an ill-mannered statement, if only he knew who he is really talking to, perhaps then he wouldn't admit such preposterous things.
Scowling at him, I suppress a growl and decide against hurling threats and insults at him, considering my current state of vulnerability and the fact I would be attacking a vampire who is physically stronger than me, it wouldn't be the smartest way to go. Instead, I keep quiet and grind my teeth behind my closed lips to restrain my bubbling anger. Slowly, he approaches me, while I shuffle farther away from him.
This just seems to frustrates him more and he growls irritably, quickly leaning down and grabbing hold of my wrist tightly.
"Know your place, human" He snaps harshly.
Pulling me up into his arms, I inaudibly gasp as he forces my chin up to look into his bright ruby eyes. After our eyes lock on each other for several seconds, I barely notice his hand reaching up to undo both the bows on my blouse. Both materials fall gracefully onto the floor, as he unbuttons my shirt enough to expose the untainted skin on my chest.
Before I can even object against his obscene actions, I feel his sharp fangs penetrate the frail skin on my neck, as he gulps down my blood.
"Ack!" The air gets caught in my lungs as I try to breathe properly.
Well, as properly as I can when there are fangs poking into my neck and sucking me dry.
After taking a short drink, he pulls away with his eyes wide in surprise and pupils dilated, letting my blood quench his thirst as it travels down his throat. The metallic scent of my own blood almost causes me to gag in disgust, as I feel the hot liquid trickle down my neck uncontrollably. Using his finger to wipe away the remainder off my neck, he cleans every trace of it with his tongue as if not to waste the exquisite flavour.
"This taste, it heats me up inside as the excellence flows throughout me" He utters, mostly to himself.
Diving back into my skin before I can react, he clutches my body closer to his, using his arm behind my back for support so he can get a better access to more of my blood. Making a few strangled noises, I place my hands firmly on his chest and attempt to push him away. Although he barely moves an inch, I manage to grab his attention and he pulls away gently, glaring back coldly.
"Your hesitation is futile, you will eventually have to give in to my feeding, whenever and wherever I please" He instructs, his words finally push me to my limit.
"I will never give in, I refuse to be nothing but someone's worthless blood bag" I snap rather abruptly.
For a moment his eyes soften, before returning back to his harsh glare.
"Your purpose is to be my main food source, but I am the only one who is allowed to feed from you, nobody else. Am I clear?" Reiji concludes, but he is met with silence.
After I don't answer, he takes my silence as a way of giving in to him and continues to drink from a new spot on my neck. Instead of resisting again, I let him drink from me to the point where I collapse in his arms, my mind faint. Reiji pulls out and holds me tight in a warm embrace, just the two of us standing alone in the middle of an abandoned classroom. As I slowly lose consciousness, he leans his lips close to my ear and whispers softly.
"You mean so much more to me than being a worthless blood bag, you're my everything"
Well, that's a wrap for today. I hope you enjoyed today's OST and the chapter. I promise I'll update again soon, my wifi has just been really crappy lately so bear with me. Thanks again to everyone for reading, voting and commenting!
So long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!
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