~Chapter 4~
Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys!
This will be the start of the bite scenes, so if you're squeamish...well, IT'S TOO LATE TO TURN BACK NOW BECAUSE WE ARE ENTERING VAMPIRE BITING TERRITORY.
Anyway, I hope you don't mind the whole layout, but there's just too much to have every bite scene into one chapter so I've split it into six.
Please enjoy!
((WARNING: read at your own risk😈😈😈))
No One's POV:
All the girls appear on the staircase and cautiously make their way down, only to be escorted into a limousine waiting for them outside. Once they're all piled inside, a tense and silent atmosphere takes over. While the boys sit protectively near the girls, they patiently wait to arrive at the school, all of them keeping their eyes away from locking onto the boys.
"My clothes look good on you, Little Mate" Laito sings and nuzzles his nose into Laita's neck, causing her to smile and close her eyes, humming softly in delight as the tickling sensation gives her goosebumps.
"Awww, you're too cute Laity~" She sings with sparkles in her eyes.
Everyone ignores their overly playful attitude, well almost everyone. Certain people who aren't a fan of PDA just watch on in disgust.
"Why is your shirt undone so much, I don't want other males looking at you" Ayato growls at Aya.
"Let's just say if I fasten this blouse, I'll loose my buttons and someone will loose an eye"
The rest of the ride to school was quiet, until they arrive at an enormous and prestigious looking school. As they step out of the car, Reiji notifies everyone of their daily timetable.
"Shae, you have Shu's timetable so he will direct you to all of your classes. Reika, you will follow me, as you have my exact timetable. Aya, you will follow Ayato to your classes. Laita you will follow Laito, Kana will follow Kanato and Sura will follow Subaru. If you have any complaints about your timetables, you'll just have to deal with it, am I clear?" Reiji announces firmly.
Everyone nods solemnly as they all enter the large mysterious school, unaware of the horrors that await them...
Shae's POV:
After I enter the school and separate from the group, I notice Shu has disappeared. Great. Well I guess now is the perfect time to skip class and wander the school, and maybe even find Shu on my way.
On second thought, I'm too exhausted to wander aimlessly over the school looking for that lazy ass, instead I'm going to find a comfortable and quiet place to settle down to have a nap for the rest of the day. Walking around the school, I get a couple of curious stares from the other students and even a couple of flirtatious gazes from some boys, which I simply ignore by walking past them and projecting a confident 'I don't care' aura.
After walking down the corridors for another few minutes, I find an abandoned music room with a couple of wooden benches, which are perfect for sleeping on.
One problem, it's not so abandoned after all because a certain sleeping vampire beat me here. Although, I'm not going to let my vulnerability against him control me.
So, with a new boost of confidence, I enter the music room and lie down comfortably on the nearest bench, which is also far enough away from Shu in case he tries anything. Closing my eyes tightly and trying to force sleep upon me, I can feel Shu's gaze staring intently at me from across the bench.
"Can you play?" He asks out of the blue, and it takes me a few seconds to register his question before I hum and nod my head.
"The piano and the violin" I sigh, without opening my eyes.
"Play me something" He orders simply.
"I'd rather not" I reply boldly.
"If you're going to come in here and disturb my sleep, then you're going to have to do something for me in return" He states, although I continue to fall asleep.
"Either you play me something or I force you to supply me with your blood. It's your choice" He threatens.
This causes me to open my eyes and think for a second, before I roll off the bench slowly and drag myself over to the wall with some violins on it. I remove one carefully and position it correctly under my chin and on my right shoulder, while holding the fingerboard with my right hand and the bow in my left as I am left-handed. I slowly begin to move the bow across the strings as it sounds a classic but melodic tune. The harmony fills the room as I speed up the rhythm and continue to play effortlessly. Once I finish the eccentric lullaby, I notice Shu has fallen asleep as his chest rises and falls softly along with his breathing. A small smile tugs at my lips at his peaceful and angelic figure, while I silently return the violin to its place on the wall and begin to walk back to my bench.
Suddenly, something grabs my wrist tightly as I look back and notice Shu is sitting up with his arm stuck out, his deep cerulean eyes boring into my own crystal azure ones.
So much for being fast asleep.
Using his hold on my wrist, he tugs on it firmly and catches my waist as I fall down safely onto the desk with a small gasp. Then he straddles me, trapping my waist between his legs and pinning my arms down on the wooden desk. Peering down at me as I squirm beneath him, his expression holds desperation although his his features are softened to an extent that makes him look innocent and caring. Breaking out of the reverie, I struggle out of his grasp but his hold on my arms and legs only tighten.
"Struggling is pointless" Shu states, then he leans his head down and runs his nose across my neck and chest, taking in my mouthwatering scent.
"Let's see if your blood is as beautiful as your playing" He utters tiredly, moving my hair and shirt out of the way and exposing my bare, untainted neck and chest.
The skin to skin contact causes me to shiver and heat slowly begins to rise to my cheeks. This makes Shu chuckle softly, his warm breath fanning my face.
"Well would you look at that, you're blushing. I would think that you're enjoying this, dirty girl" He teases as I try to calm down.
"Suggesting that yourself makes me think you're enjoying this, lewd man" I sass, a victorious smirk adorning my features.
Then he simply chuckles at my remark. Leaning his head down to my collarbone, he suckles on the skin tenderly.
"Your skin is so pure and untouched by fang marks, how tempting it is to change that" He smiles.
My eyes widen as I realise his intentions of biting me.
"You're afraid, aren't you, I can see the fear in your eyes" He tells me, his smile drops into a frown once more.
"Very well, I will make this as painless as possible" He adds.
Without another word, he presses his lips onto my collarbone and sucks lightly at the skin before plunging his fangs into my flesh. I shut my eyes tightly, while clenching my teeth and resting my head back gently on the desk. He continues to drink from the spot, before pulling out with a satisfied but slightly shocked expression.
"Your blood is, perfect. Better than anything I've ever tasted before" He whispers huskily.
Then he entangles his hands in mine and begins to attack another part on my neck, which makes me wince and squeeze his hands tightly.
"S-Shu, s-stop" I gasp quietly.
After my helpless pleading, he slowly pulls away and looks at me emotionlessly, with a small trickle of blood in the corner of his mouth, which he soon licks away. Then, he lies down next to me and wraps his arms around me, pulling me close into his chest. Using his hand, he moves the hair away from the back of my neck, pecking me softly and sweetly on my shoulders and neck.
"I'm so tired" He sighs into my ear, his warm breath fanning the back of my neck and giving me goosebumps.
After several minutes, both our breathing returns to normal and I slowly drift off to sleep in Shu's tender embrace.
Well, what did you think of the first bite scene?
Did I make you cringe?
I love hearing your feedback so please don't hesitate to request anything and feel free to criticise if I've spelt something wrong or used incorrect grammar or punctuation. Cause trust me, I know there are some grammar sticklers out there (Me being one, please don't hate me😭) and even I get really annoyed when something is done wrong.
Thanks for all the support everyone has put into this story by voting, commenting and even just by reading, it means the world to me and helps this story get noticed more by other Dialoving fans.
So long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!
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