~Chapter 34~
No One's POV:
Gasping awake, they all take long and sharp breaths, inhaling and exhaling vigorously. Catching themselves and calming their rapid breathing, the six vampire brothers sigh loudly in relief, visibly relaxing and holding them close and tight...for they will never let go of their precious mates.
"Oh? Have I caught you at a bad time?" A familiar voice questions.
Snapping their heads up, everyone's eyes widen in shock and realisation.
"You're that bastard from before!" Ayato shouts.
"What terrible manners" The purple haired man scolds.
"Seems like my spell is still working as strong as ever" He comments on the girls' pitiful states of weakness, half asleep and embraced by the brothers.
"We have a right to know who you are, considering that you continue to intrude without permission" Reiji glowers at the man before them.
"Quite right you are, I am these girls' father slash stepfather" He confirms.
"You were never our father!" Aya snaps, forcing herself to sit on her knees.
"Watch your tongue, girl! Or I'll throw you in the dungeon for old times sake!" Cordeney quips harshly, which seems to immediately shut her up.
"So you're the one that did that to her" Ayato glares with malice.
"The one who hurt my Kana!" Kanato stares wide eyed and insanely at him, a stare full of hatred.
"Unforgivable" Laito adds, a shadow veil covering his now dark eyes.
"I'm the one that's unforgivable? What about the ones that you supposedly love, they haven't told you yet, have they?" Cordeney peaks the interest of the brothers with his enticing words.
"So, they still haven't told you their last big secret? Well isn't that just precious" He chuckles evilly.
"After that last fiasco, I thought you would have finally opened up to them" The sisters remain silent, their heads lowered in shame.
"What is he talking about?" Kanato enquires innocently.
"You seriously didn't notice? Even after I showed you their pasts? Boys, I thought you were smarter than this" Cordeney shakes his head in fake disappointment.
"So no one questioned the fact that when Shae was attacked that fateful night, she is still alive today, and not a scratch on her body none the less. Or, that six mysterious girls show up out of the blue, and are so accepting of the fact that their one true soulmates are vampires? And where do you suppose their extensive knowledge and understanding for the supernatural came from?" He plants these sudden questions in their minds.
They all look clueless, as Cordeney heaves a frustrated sigh.
"Perhaps this will give you an idea"
He suddenly disappears, now towering over Aya's collapsed form and grips her roughly by the hair. Pulling her weakly to her feet, she struggles in protest, as her sisters plead for her to be released and Ayato grows a deadly aura.
"Release her!" Reika demands.
"If you don't let go of her right now, I'll tear your limbs from your body one by one!" Ayato threatens, a look of pure anger etched on his face.
"I think that's quite enough" Cordeney announces.
Keeping a strong hold on Aya, he lifts his hand up to her mouth and forcefully parts her lips, showing off a pair of two pristine, and very sharp...fangs. The boys' eyes widen in bewilderment, as they inch away from the girls in shock and betrayal. Satisfied with their reaction, he releases Aya and she stumbles far away from her father.
"Well then, now that you all know, I don't think there is any need for you girls to smile and reveal your own set of fangs" He wipes his fingers on his shirt in disgust.
"You're vampires?" The girls nod in answer to Kanato's question with a broken look upon his face.
"All of you?" They nod again, heads hung in shame.
An awkward silence dangles in the air, someone finding it the perfect opportunity to break it while everyone is in denial.
"Alright, I do believe my job is done here. Girls, I'll be escorting you back home, and if you don't want that trip to be painful for you, I suggest you come along quietly with no protests or hesitation"
Of course, the girls know that either way, it's going to be agonising right up until they die.
The six brothers are still too shocked to be fazed by the man's request, and to do anything about it. Although, the girls look him dead in the eyes with a look of determination as a sign to show him they won't be going anywhere, especially with him.
"Very well, we'll do this the hard way then" His gaze hardens into a threatening glare, his lips pressed into a firm line.
Stepping forward, he takes the smallest, purple-haired sister by the neck and raises her high in the air. To this action, everyone takes a warning step forwards while Kana wiggles in his grip and gasps helplessly for air.
"I wouldn't step any closer" His hand tightens around her neck, as everyone stops frozen in their tracks.
Kana releases a strangled yelp, her legs flailing around rapidly as she claws at his hands clamped around her neck. Suddenly, a loud and menacing growl rips through the room, causing everyone to turn in Kanato's direction. His line of sight is directed straight into Cordeney's eyes, a dark aura surrounding him and enveloping everyone in fear. He's been possessive like this before with Teddy, but never has he ever made a sound like that before.
With his eyes wild in fury, his gaze increases its intensity if even possible, making Cordeney flinch slightly in fright.
"I'm..." Kanato whispers out at first.
"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" He screeches, his voice echoing throughout the hall.
Immediately, he dashes forwards in a blind rage to rescue his beloved from the man's grasp and completely decapitate him in anger. In a flash, Cordeney uses his outstretched arm to fling Kana across the room, her body colliding with the jagged stairs as she coughs out some blood on impact Collapsing against the stairs, she whimpers out in wavering breaths, her breath hitches and squeaks as she tries to inhale and exhale properly.
"KANA!!!" He shouts in worry and rage.
Before Cordeney gets the chance to strike the small vampire, Shae teleports in front of the man and catches his fist with all her might. Grunting out in pain, she blinks rapidly as she tries to redirect the fist from hitting her in the torso, gripping his large hand with both of her smaller ones.
Using her vampiric strength, she pushes off her back foot and forces his fist back into himself, making him step back and retrieve his hand from her grasp. Allowing enough time for Kanato to rush to safety and help his mate, Shae stands protectively in front of everyone with her arms outstretched as a type of shield.
"What do we have here, the eldest protecting her younger sisters? How touching" Cordeney huffs out in irritation.
"Do what you want to me, but you lay a hand on my family and I kill you" Shae bares her fangs and releases a deep growl of her own.
"Alright then"
She barely has enough time to react, and no one else is quick enough to comprehend what happens, before he brings his fist into her gut in a solid uppercut. Spluttering, she coughs up a bucket load of blood, hacking up more onto the floor as she goes and clutches her stomach in pain.
"Shae!" Shu calls in panic.
"Pathetic" He remarks, getting ready for another swing.
"No!" Sura shouts desperately, reaching out to her sister.
This time, he swiftly brings up his foot and slams it yet again into her gut, causing her entire body to launch into the air and smash into the ceiling above from the force and strength of the hit.
Causing dust and a bit of debris to fall everywhere, everybody clears the polluted air in their lungs with a short coughing fit. With a loud 'thud', everyone's attention is turned to a cloud of dust as it finally disappears to reveal Shae's weak and damaged body lying limp and face down on the ground.
With sorrowful gazes, they stare at the unconscious body in despair and pain.
"No..." The sisters utter out in disbelief.
"NO!" They consecutively cry out in anguish, pulling away and trying to reach their unconscious sister.
While some silently weep, Shu watches on in shock, eyes wide and body frozen in doubt. She couldn't be...dead, could she? If she is, wouldn't he be feeling an immense pain of loss by now?
"Looks like you'll be the one to die first" Cordeney brings his foot down upon her form again with everyone watching on in stupefaction.
Out of the blue, a hand flies up to the boot about to hit Shae's head, stopping it midair and keeping it there. Moving her face away from the carpet she raises her entire body weakly from the floor, still slightly wobbly as she pushes away his foot forcefully. With her expression darkened by her bangs, an almost inaudible chuckle is heard from her slouching figure. Bringing her head up into his view, his eyes widen in terror as she wipes away the stray blood oozing from the corner of her mouth.
Narrowing her eyes into a fearsome scowl, she directs it straight into the neon green orbs of her enemy.
"You forgot didn't you?" She asks lowly.
Stalking forward briskly, he flinches away in slight fear as she brings her face nice and close to his in a threatening manner. Revealing her fangs in a victorious smirk, she inches forward for extra effect.
"After all I've been through...something as simple as that cannot kill me easily" She emphasises.
In one rapid movement, she knees him where the "sun don't shine" and punches him straight and hard in his ugly face.
Gaining a newfound strength and confidence, her sisters stand to join the fight, gathering around her in a group. Nodding at her sisters, they return her gesture with a series of defiant smirks or deadly glares, directing them back toward the man doubled over in pain and clutching at his crotch.
"You're going to have to do much better than that to take us down" Sura states, crossing her arms with a firm glare.
Glancing up at his so called daughters before him, he glowers ferociously with an unforgivable stare.
"You can try to defeat me in those unstable human forms of yours, but you're still in the middle of transitioning. You're still weak" He spits with venom.
"Don't forget about us" The six brothers join their mates by their sides, scowling at the man before them and standing protectively by each other.
"I'll make you regret ever entering this house" Shu announces, a firm and comforting hand on his mate's shoulder, internally grinning that she's alright.
"I'm going to punish you thoroughly for threatening us" Reiji glares.
"It may be so that we are fragile at the moment, but we've got some inhumane mates on our side" Reika confirms bravely.
Picking his worthless self up, Cordeney stands up straight before them, unyielding as of yet.
"Then let the fight begin"
Intense right?
Hope you enjoyed today's chapter and thank you all for reading today!
So long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!
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