~Chapter 3~
Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys!
This chapter is more of a filler, but I would appreciated it if you read to the end. Also, if you need a better image of their school uniforms, refer to the picture at the top off the first chapter, thanks. I promise it will pay off if you do read to the very end because there's some suspense waiting...😈😈😈
Please enjoy!
The six sisters gather in the main hall by the door, all planning to escape at any second.
"We're all here, let's get out of this place" Aya hurries, as everyone agrees with a curt nod and they immediately make a mad dash for the large entry doors.
"Not so fast, Melons" Ayato appears and traps the door in front of them, showing off his fangs in a wicked grin.
The rest of the brothers appear, rendering their escape plans completely useless.
'Well fuck', was the thought running through all their heads.
"I was quite sad when I woke up to find my new toy had disappeared" Kanato states in a disappointed tone, eyeing Kana specifically which frightens her, as she visibly flinches.
"Was I not clear when I explained that if you attempt to escape, I'll punish you in any way I please" Reiji threatens, looking mainly at Reika as he said this.
"Get out of our way" Sura clenches her teeth and balls her fists, giving the vampires cautious looks.
"Be quiet, mate" Subaru commands, holding Sura by the shoulders tightly.
The one word in that sentence is what caused all the girls to tense and widen their eyes.
"Did you just say?" Laita began.
"You heard him correctly, Little Mate" Laito finished.
"As our mates we expect you to provide us with your blood whenever we desire it, without hesitation" Reiji informs them.
"You may not feel the connection, but the entire craving for your blood will be increased more then normal humans, it will be much harder to resist the rich delicacy flowing through you" Ayato sums up.
Flicking his tongue temporarily over Aya's neck as a sample, she seems the least bit fazed, just shocked from the entire ordeal occurring in front of her. Not that her sisters are in much of a different state.
"No way..." Aya whispers.
"School begins in an hour, your clothes are laid out for you in the designated rooms you woke up in, which will be the rooms where you will permanently reside in. I expect you to be dressed and ready in ten minutes, we'll wait for you here" Reiji clarifies.
"At this time of night?" Kana questions innocently.
"Yes, of course" Kanato smiles at her sweetly.
"Don't keep us waiting" Ayato adds, his tone firm and dominant.
The girls hesitantly begin moving, not taking their eyes off the boys and their possessive stares, as they make their way upstairs.
Shae's POV:
After we all disappear upstairs, we all go our separate ways into our new designated rooms. Opening the door to Shu's room, I notice a neatly laid out uniform on the end of Shu's bed, that consists of; a short black skirt with white ruffles, a plain white blouse, a black jacket with red and white accents to match the skirt, along with some optional magenta and white bows.
Personally, I find school pointless, I would much rather relax and listen to music all day, maybe even through in some violin or piano practise while I'm at it. That's another thing I should do when I have free time in this inescapable manor, find a quite place to perform and hopefully find a piano to use. Although, that would have to wait for now.
Making sure I'm alone, and that no pervert vampires decided to sneak a peek while I was changing, I slipped out of my current clothes and changed into the uniform. The skirt was far too small, but I didn't mind, I knew it would piss Reika off some more. Deciding against wearing the bows, I also went to my suitcase and found a clean pair of socks and some decent brown shoes. Although something was definitely missing, I wasn't nearly warm enough and that's when I got an idea. Searching throughout his room, I managed to find an extra of Shu's jumper and slipped it on underneath the jacket.
To make sure I didn't overheat, I undid a couple of buttons on my blouse and draping the jacket over my shoulders, tying the arms around my neck in a knot. As well as tucking my hot pink iPod into the outside jumper pocket and sticking one pink earbud in. Then a unique smell makes its way into my nose, almost lulling me back to sleep. I lift my arm up to my nose and smell Shu's jumper, to find that it is the source of the fascinating but wonderful scent. Instead of pondering it for too long, I decided to make my way back downstairs.
Reika's POV:
After separating from the others, I recited my way back towards Reiji's room which I found easily. I open the door and close it securely behind me, making sure no one may enter while I'm changing. Spotting the uniform laid out for me, I sigh in slight annoyance.
School has never really been a compulsory thing for our family. From our birth, we have been groomed for a higher status, such mere things as school have never been good enough for us...or so our mother says. Our mother is quite a strange woman, she adores all of her daughters, showers us all with love and gifts...but she's never around. Always too busy supporting the family and sustaining her reputation as a successful business woman. Although, to make up for her absence, she sends us gifts such as clothes; books, or just money to buy essentials and basically anything we desire...a lot of money. But that's beside the point.
Beginning to undress, I change into the school uniform, except with a longer skirt length than my sisters would wear, a black blouse instead of white, black tights and some polished black shoes. It's a lot of black, but I prefer it anyways.
Making sure I have my white gloves on, my bow tied neatly around my neck and my entire uniform perfectly assembled, I adjust my glasses and depart downstairs. Taking one last glance at Reiji unique display of crockery of course.
Aya's POV:
Luckily, on my way back to Ayato's room I managed to remember where it was. Once entering his room, I find the uniform and struggled while I slipped the short skirt on. Doing up the buttons on my blouse, they just happened to almost fly off.
"Looks like Ayato's stupid nickname lives up to it's name" I mutter.
Instead, I undo some buttons to the point where my lacy black bra is showing a little and tie it in a small knot below, which still manages to show of a fair amount of chest. To avert attention away from the area, I clasp the red bow around my neck and let it hang loosely on my chest. I also grab a new pair of black knee high socks and high heeled runners, keeping one sock rolled all the way down and the other stretched far up to just below my knee. Just how I like it.
School...Hah! I'm way too good for school.
I've never been because of my strict upbringing, but I guess I've always wanted to go. At this point in time, school is pointless because of my extensive and advanced knowledge I was forced to obtain as a child. But I'll be going to school more for the experience; the sports and competitions, the bullies I get to stand up to, the girly cat-fights between typical queen bees...everything I've never experienced as a child.
I grin in delight, a newfound excitement to see how the day will play out, as I readjust the loose parts in my high ponytail. Once I was happy with my look, I dashed back downstairs.
Little did I know, today was not going to be a typical school day like I had expected.
Kana's POV:
Managing to find my way back to Kanato's room, I closed the door behind me and spotted the uniform placed neatly on the bed. How convenient.
School has never appealed to me, from what I've heard, it's not a nice place. My image is that it's dull and people get hurt if they're not high up on the social chain. It's all about popularity and social status in school, the superior prey on the inferior and often get away with it because they know that they're weak. To put it simply, it's a game of predator and prey.
I decided against the modern blouse and took one of my own vintage ones with a white scruff on the neck, which I tied a thin black bow around. Adding the school jacket and the long, frilly skirt, I let the jacket hang off one of my shoulders and I grabbed my shin high black socks, along with my brown shoes. After slipping them on, I picked up Beary and began to wonder out of the room.
Then I spotted Kanato's toys again and they urged me to play with them.
"Maybe after school Kanato will let us play with them, he can even join us as well. Would you like that, Beary?" I ask.
Although she doesn't reply, I know she agrees with me which makes me smile, as I continue back downstairs.
Laita's POV:
Wondering back into Laito's room, I shut the door firmly behind me. I can never be sure with that pervert, he could be watching right now, but I wouldn't mind if he is.
I smirk at the thought but continue to strip anyway, changing into the assigned school uniform laid out on the bed.
The skirt is extremely short, but everything else seems to fit fine along with my own thigh high black socks and black slip-ons. I also like the red bow that hangs loosely around my neck.
Like all my other sisters, I've never been to school before, but apparently it's a great place for first crushes and love. Also the best place for delinquents and bullies, or so I've heard from my big sister. If there are such people, I'm about to show those bitches who they're messing with.
A dark smirk adorns my face as I grin at the thought, but enough of that, I've got some vampires waiting. The only problem left is, I don't like how plain the jacket is. Then I get an idea and smirk wickedly, while searching the room head to toe. In the end, I managed to find one of Laito's fashionable school jackets that went perfectly with my uniform.
Taking a big whiff of the fur lining on the hood and noticed it smelt strongly of Laito and his beautiful scent. I sighed lovingly before moving slowly back downstairs.
Sura's POV:
Returning to Subaru's room, I shut the door and found the uniform all ready and laid out for me. Noticing the bow and the skirt with frills, I immediately glare at the feminine clothing and search in my own suitcase for something, anything, better than a frilly skirt and bows.
I find a dark grey shirt that's a bit scruffy on the ends, a long, bunchy white skirt, my black leggings and beige leather high heels with buckles. Looking back to the uniform, I notice the school jacket, which doesn't look almost as bad as the skirt and bows. I decided to wear the jacket with the sleeves rolled up, which completes my overall look.
I really hope I can stop myself from bashing someone's head in today. I hate the thought of snobby rich kids who can't be bothered to attend a day school, just because they're too sophisticated to go in the daytime. Oh wait, I live with six of them now.
I scoff out loud, rolling my eyes at the same time. This is going to be a lot harder then I thought, and I don't think I have high enough tolerance levels for this kind of shit.
Almost walking out the door, I grab my favourite trinket from my duffel and place it snugly in my jacket pocket. Once I finish, I go downstairs to join the others.
"So, it seems they finally found the ones they are destined to fall in love with" The voice chuckles.
"Looks like it's almost time to put an end to this all"
Well, I hope you all liked it! Thank you to all the people who have read the story so far, I know it's probably not interesting yet, but I assure you the plot will thicken and you will be on the edge of you seats. Just hang in there Dialovers!
So long my fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!
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