~Chapter 26~
Sura's POV:
Clutching the door handle between my hand, I almost break it with the amount of pressure I have in my palm. The stress of what's waiting behind the door almost kills me...and the handle.
*R.I.P door handle*
Taking a deep breath, I suck it up and open the door...to find nothing but empty air and Subaru's untouched room. Releasing the breath in an angered and exasperated sigh, I shut the door behind me louder then I meant to because of my furiousness. I got all worked up and built up my courage to face him and reveal everything, for the first time in years mind you, and the bastard's not even here!
The only thing that illuminates the room, is the bright, pale moonlight of the waxing gibbous outside beaming its rays into the room.
Walking into the middle of the room, I cross my arms. The sound of the door slamming will probably send him up here soon enough. Great, now I'm not even ready for him. I resist the urge to face palm, so I do it mentally instead. Idiot, what am I thinking! How am I so calm about something like this, I shouldn't be distracting myself from the situation at hand...even if it's so painful to remember. My temper immediately dies down and flicks to a more saddened state, my eyes glossing over already with unshed tears, causing the moonlight to reflect off my rose petal eyes like a mirror.
And Subaru chooses this moment of weakness to appear, catching me completely off guard and giving him a glimpse of my wavering emotions, before I even realise he's in the room.
See, what did I tell you?
Turning to look at him, my eyes are wide with hurt and innocence, and for some reason, I can't not look at him this way. His soft expression also matches mine, although it looks more shocked because of my sudden display of emotion I've never showed him before. As quickly as he shows this, it disappears, and he tries to act unfazed by hardening his stare and letting off a serious aura. Though I know for a fact he is still affected by my unusual presentation of sadness, but I also notice how he has something bothering him. It's probably something he's itching to ask me, something he has to find out.
"S-Subaru..." I try to beat him to it, but I'm at a loss of words.
There's absolutely nothing I can say, or do, because I'm completely and utterly paralysed.
It doesn't seem he was going to let me finish either way, because he cuts me off almost as soon as I finish trailing off on my words.
"Show me" He states, plain and simple, but with authority, making his words even more effective.
Now is the time to push away all the sentimental crap and go back to being serious, otherwise, this will never work if I'm blubbering hopelessly the whole time. Forcing myself to revert back to my stony expression, I prepare for the onslaught of questions that I will have no choice but to answer.
"Show you what?" I ask sincerely, but firmly.
I don't plan on losing in this conversation, but something tells me I already have.
"You know exactly what" His eyes narrow into a glare, crossing his arms over his chest like he's scolding a child.
And indeed I do, but like hell I'm going to give up that easily. Instead, I harden my gaze and clench my jaw shut in resistance.
"Make me" I taunt, acting like a stubborn toddler. Apparently I've always been stubborn, but I see it as a rewarding quality sometimes, other than a nuisance.
"You're really staring to piss me off!" He huffs out in pure anger, his cheeks flushing red as well.
Stomping forwards, he balls his fists tightly, and I can tell he has an urge to hit something...I just really hope it's not me. Although, no matter how angered he gets, he would never hurt me.
Bringing his fist up to my jacket, he prepares to wrench it off with force, but my own hand wrapped strongly around his prevents this. Looking up into his livid eyes with a blank expression, my eyes are void of emotion as I distance his clutched hand slowly away from me. He seems completely taken back by my actions, but I continue to remove my jacket by myself while he just watches on, still frozen in place.
Hesitating, I almost decide to rebut and definitely not show or tell him, but I know he has anger issues and he will get more worked up than he already is if I don't do what I know he wants me to. If possible, my frown deepens and I lift up the front of my shirt, careful not to show my pink bra...don't judge, I may be a tom boy but I'm still a girl who happens to like the damn colour, okay?!
*All jokes aside, let's return to the story before she starts ranting about the colour pink*
Revealing my many scars, I keep my shirt up and turn around slowly, giving him enough time to examine all of the marks ranging from small to large, some in different directions. Still keeping my torso revealed, I stare at the ground, glaring at it even, too fearful to even glimpse at what his reaction might look like.
"That really is the least of them. I have plenty more on my legs and shoulders, even some on my arms" I reveal, flinching slightly as I dare to look up at him.
Breaking out of his horrified daze, he steps closer towards me until we're just a breath away.
*Take my breath awaaayyyyyyyyy...nope?...Okay then...(dies in hole)😭😭😭*
Raising his hand up, he outlines the scars across my stomach, his cold touch sends shivers along my sensitive skin, as I flinch away from his gentle hands while they slightly tickle my abdomen.
"There are more scars then there were from the vision I saw, where did these come from?" He caught me out.
Dropping my shirt and resting my hands by my side, I shut my eyes and lower my head away from his gaze once more. I knew he was smart, of course he would notice something like this and suspect me immediately.
"Sura" His voice is stern and dead serious.
Using his hand under my chin to softly lift my head, I hesitantly peel open my eyes, now staring into his hard gaze that searches my strawberry orbs for answers. Then, he uses his other hand to cup my cheek, while gliding the hand that was previously holding my chin, now up to my other cheek. Now his gaze is begging for my secret, which I willingly give him.
"I...did them" I choked out.
I can hear his breath hitch in his throat, his eyes widening in surprise, before his lids drop into a softer look.
"Why?" He breathes out, the sadness in his voice making me break.
For some reason, I feel like I can tell him everything, especially now that my emotional walls built from my past have been broken down and he knows all my secrets. I'm now a geyser ready to spurt all the information he wants, and there's nothing I can do to stop myself.
"One day, my father decided that he was filthy himself because he took part in creating me. So he made me lock the door to the tower before I came in, then he took the knife from me and I expected him to hurt me again, but he didn't. Instead, he used the dagger to plunge it through his heart, while I watched helplessly. Because we were locked in the room, he was killed instantly, but before he killed himself, he told me one last thing" My throat closed up before I could say anymore.
The tears finally begin to stream down my face, as Subaru holds me closer to himself.
"B-Before he ended his life, h-he told me, "this is your fault"" I stutter out.
This is the last thing I wanted to happen, to be crying a hopeless river of tears, but I guess it can't be helped.
"Those four words haunted me for the rest of my life, and eventually, the guilt caught up to me" I continue.
"Ever since I was born, he would refer to me as a filthy abomination that should be harmed, as a way of paying the price for ever being born into this world. So, from birth, I believed that I deserved to be treated that way, to be cut and insulted, called a freak..." I spit my words with so much hate.
"Because I was influenced from such a young age, I too came to believe I was truly tainted and filthy, not belonging on the earth because it was too pure for some corrupt little girl. I felt like I was entitled to continue harming myself, because my father was no longer there to do it for me. One day, I even considered death, ridding the world of the filth that I was claimed to be" I could feel him tense as soon as I mentioned my death.
To make sure he is kept calm, I snake my arms behind and up his back, squeezing him reassuringly and nuzzling as close as I possibly can further into his chest.
"I can only thank my sisters that they got there in time to stop me, before I would've suffered the same fate as my father. From then on, they taught me that nobody has to die, especially when I have done nothing to deserve it. I count myself lucky that I have loving sisters like them to help me through tough times like those" A warm smile spreads across my lips and brightens my face.
Then he chuckles quietly to himself, is expression slightly dazed as if he is remembering something. Now this peaks my interest...Subaru chuckling?
"What?" I ask, completely and utterly dumbfounded.
"You never told me you had long hair, and wore a pink bow in it as well" He added more chuckles.
This strikes me completely off guard, immediately I can feel my cheeks and the tips of my ears heat up and tint a dark red colour.
"I..eh-um..uhhhhh" I stutter nervously, the embarrassment evident in my messed up speech.
Bursting out laughing, the beautiful sound of his laughter snaps me out of my state as I enjoy the look of pure happiness on his face, as I spread a radiant smile.
"Well, I cut my hair short because I thought my long hair was storing all those horrible memories, so it was time for a change" I explain, my smile still unfaltering and Subaru listening intently with a small smile of his own.
"Actually..." I cut myself short and pull out the same pink bow from all those years ago from my pocket.
"I've always kept it with me, in memory of the kindness Shae showed me, and the first ever compliment my father gave me" I smile fondly at the bow, my eyes shimmer at the memory.
Using the clip part of the accessory, I pin it through the hair at the top of my head, displaying it to Subaru with my still tainted cheeks and nervously avoiding eye contact.
It's great how after every storm, there's a rainbow just around the corner. Even if the storm lasted for a large part of my childhood, the rainbow still shines even now, brighter then ever before. Five of the colours of my rainbow are my sisters who I cherish, even though it may not seem like it, one being my loving mother, and the last being the most vivid colour of them all, who I adore...Subaru.
"I'm extremely lucky to have met someone as wonderful as you" I sigh out lovingly, looking up at him directly.
Creating some slight distance, he pulls away and replaces his hands to cup my cheek, and he's not the least bit surprised to see an affectionate smile lighting up my face, just as I'm not surprised to see one of his own. We gaze longingly into each other's eyes for a couple of seconds, before he snap is sight from my eyes and they dart down to my soft and vibrant pink lips, dropped down in curiosity while he stares them down hungrily. Leaning in, he sneaks a quick peck as a sort of test, before he comes closer once more, and steals my lips in a tender kiss. It doesn't take long for me to respond, because my lips begin to move along with his on their own accord.
My hands swiftly reposition themselves among his angel white locks, twisting and tangling in the pleasure of being kissed. Soon enough, we both have to tug away for air, and before the kiss turns into something too intimate. We stare back into the other's ruby orbs, panting heavily while we catch our breath.
"Why me?" He asks out of the blue, but I can tell it's a serious question.
The next thing I do completely catches him off guard, and I can tell because his mouth is hanging open and his eyes are wide with shock. For the first time, I think ever, I laugh. Not a chuckle, or a humourless or sarcastic laugh, but totally normal and very cute laugh. I have to admit though, I slightly surprise myself in the process of it all, but it's a good surprise, since I've never felt this feeling before, the feeling of pure happiness. And I think I want to experience this new emotion much more in life, the only way to do that, is to spend the rest of my life with my mate before me.
"Because, I love you"
Nothing can possibly ruin this moment of happiness...
But that is all about to change.
So long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!
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