~Chapter 22~
Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys!
I'm just gonna cut straight to the chase cause nobody wants to hear me rant...although today's OST is a really good one so I recommend a listen. ALRIGHT ILL SHUT UP NOW.
Reika's POV:
Closing the door behind me, I enter Reiji's now empty room, taking a seat in one of his plush armchairs to see if I can figure out this whole situation. After trying to gather all the possible reasons for why Cordeney has suddenly showed up, I come up with loose ends for every outcome. Raking my hand through my hair in frustration, I heave a final sigh of defeat. Noticing Reiji still hasn't arrived back to his room, I decide to pass the time by engaging in some light reading. Searching through my pile of books, I realise that I've already read these same books over and
over, but none of them had the answer.
Sighing, I walk past Reiji's large bookcase and my eyes briefly stumble across a book titled, 'The Basics Of Immortals'. Retrieving the book from the shelf, I use the tips of my toes because my height seems to be a problem, and flick through the pages while sitting comfortably in the armchair again. As I begin reading, I come across a most interesting statement.
"Vampires can mark their mates by biting them and tasting each other's blood, thus binding them by blood and soul. To fully complete the mating process, they must pledge an eternal vow to each other. As they may never die, their love is eternal and everlasting as immortals" I voice out loud.
Well this much I already know, but the next part is something I've never thought upon before.
"It is unlikely for a vampire to have a human mate, but if they start out human in the beginning, they are transformed into an immortal somewhere along in the mating process. Although it is a completely different case when it comes to cursed or bewitched humans..." I trail off, as my eyes widen in surprise.
At last, perhaps this book has an answer to all my questions, and hopefully will be able to finally solve my family's entire problem. Before I can delve deeper into the matter, the book is plucked from my grasp. After the book is stolen from me, I whip around to see a solemn looking Reiji.
"I don't appreciate those who steal my books without permission" He scolds, shutting the book loudly to over emphasise his anger.
"My apologies" I mumble my apology.
Exhaling in irritation, he returns the book to the shelf and begins shuffling around with his experiments on his lab desk. I follow his back with my eyes, although I'm certain he knows my gaze is burning holes in his back while he continues to mess around with the different liquids and substances. Then I stupidly decide to break the thick ice in the room, getting straight to the point.
"So you were neglected as a child too, looks like we're not as different as I thought" I shyly admit.
Visibly flinching, he freezes and stops what he is doing with his mixtures.
"I would hardly compare my childhood with yours" He alleges in a deep and intimidating voice, well, more than usual.
"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" I narrow my eyes, slightly insulted by his proclamation.
Turning around to face me, he adjusts his glasses and stares me in the eyes with a look of...pity? Striding over to me, he comes up behind the chair, he uses his gloved hand to gently caress my cheek, while his other hand supports him by holding onto the arm of the chair. His beautiful, deep magenta eyes are now full of emotion, as they bore into my own, now slightly shocked at the close intimacy. Leaning down close to my ear, his hot breath fans my lobe.
"What I meant, my dear, is that your past was far more painful than mine" He whispers huskily, his voice still holding that tone.
If not for this situation, I would have enjoyed hearing him whisper sweet nothings to me all day, but right now, the last thing I can think of is lust. Registering his last comment, a sudden rage boils throughout my blood.
"I do not need your pity" I snap, standing up and away from his gentle touch and reassuring whispers.
Anger flashes through his eyes as well, most likely upset with my recent actions, but my gaze remains firm and narrowed.
"Because pity would force me to prove you wrong, by proving my own worth, and last time I attempted that, I hurt someone more than I had intended to" My head lowers in shame as I hug myself, the memories come flooding back.
"What are you talking about?" Reiji demands, his tone still holding slight anger.
"I must confess, I did an awful thing because of my jealously for my sister's affection and attention she got from my father. I was blinded by rage at the time that I didn't even consider what could happen to her. Yet still to this day, she doesn't know the horrible deed I committed and we still have a vendetta against each other from our childhood." I elaborate on my younger years.
"What on earth are you talking about?" Reiji enquires, now intrigued.
I sigh deeply, but continue my explanation anyway.
"I am the reason she decided to become so closed off, it is my fault she is who she is today. Because I was the one who told those villagers to attack her. I had hoped that they would ignore her and push her away, but instead it resulted in her own mental and physical pain which she still carries to this day"
A deadly silence hangs in the air as I release my deepest secret.
"Although, I cannot forgive the fact that she would be showered with love from our father, while I was insulted and abused for everything I did. Even though I have done something awful, I can't get rid of the hatred I still hold for her in my heart. I believe it is far too late for our relationship to be saved, not that it was ever able to be saved in the first place" My expression darkens.
Pushing the past behind me, I stay strong so I don't embarrass myself by breaking down in front of him.
"Keep in mind I'm not some pathetic human girl who needs saving anymore, I've put the past behind me, I've surpassed the pain and decided to move on" I declare, standing my ground.
Lifting my head, I display a hard glare to represent my defiance.
"But now I believe that isn't true" Reiji retorts.
His response shocks me. Perhaps what I had just said wasn't true, making him right. He couldn't possibly be right, could he? But indeed he is.
"Maybe you are still that little girl, obeying her father's wishes just to be noticed, in hopes that he doesn't hurt you for doing anything wrong. No matter what you do, he still seems unpleased with all the effort you put in to actually gain some love or affection in return. In the end, you finally realise that it is all useless, and nothing you do will give you what you truly desire" He explains, stepping close towards me, while I'm frozen with my eyes wide.
What he is saying is precisely elaborating on my entire life up to just a few years ago, and he's absolutely right.
Gaining my confidence back, I swallow to rehydrate my previously dry mouth, my gaze returning to normal and serious once again. Raising my head high while standing proud and strong, I ask my next question.
"Then if you know so much about me, what is it that I truly desire?" I question, curious to hear his response.
Closing the last gap between us, I don't move a muscle, as he grasps both my hands with his own and presses them up to his chest, just over his heart. This heartwarming action causes my eyes to blur with unshed tears.
"You long to be loved" He claims, his eyes holding nothing but passion.
Once again, my eyes widen in shock as my tears slide down my cheeks. I'm surprised how much Reiji really knows about me, without having the deepest parts of the memory revealed. But of course he does, he's gone through something very similar to what I have, which means he probably had the same desire as I.
"I assure you, I can do just that" He promises, wiping away the stray tears.
"A-Are you saying, t-that you...love me?" I utter quietly.
His answer suddenly echoes, as the entire world around me freezes, my mind and body going with it. In a slow motion, my hands are released and Reiji leans his head into my own without hesitation. Forcing his lips down to meet mine, our lips move against each other perfectly in sync, and I can already feel this fuzzy feeling spread from the contact to all over my body. The feeling is soon cut off when Reiji hesitantly pulls away, as time slowly returns back to normal and I can finally get my bearings.
"Then, I love you too"
Okay, well, I hope you all loved this chapter and thank you very much for reading!
So long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!
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