~Chapter 21~
Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys!
The next few chapters will be a bit sappy with all the love and stuff, so if you don't like that, leave now, cause by the end, you're gonna be bawling. SO SORRY IF I BREAK YOUR FEELS.
Jk I would love if you kept reading.
No One's POV:
Separating after being newly reunited, the girls strangely distanced themselves from the boys, obviously in shame. Their expressions also darkened when the boys rose to their feet as well, understanding their need for space and time to think, alone. Even though they knew this, they all know that being apart is the worst way to solve their aching hearts, and they should all be in each others company, held in a gentle embrace for eternity.
All at once, the boys disappeared in a flash, most likely teleporting back to their rooms or somewhere quiet to ponder among their thoughts. While all that remains, are the six sisters, voicing their thoughts among themselves.
"What do we suppose Cordeney aimed to gain by showing them our memories" Laita murmurs lowly, yet in a clear tone.
"I'm not quite sure yet, but he's more than likely going to return for whatever he desired when he first messed with our family" Reika calculates.
"Took him long enough, he's been leaving us hanging on edge for years and now of all times he decides to show up" Sura grumbles.
"Well there's nothing we can do but wait until he shows his ugly face again, and then we can finish him off once and for all" Aya influences, her voice determined.
"Precisely. Until then, I think we all have some vampires who need comforting" Shae sighs lazily.
"Or maybe, it's the other way around" Kana adds, a sad smile tugging at her pale lips.
The other sisters give her a sad look of understanding, gradually ascending the stairs to find their way back to their mates' rooms, where they're probably awaiting their presence or just wallowing in sorrow and gloom.
"And don't forget, It's a full moon tomorrow" Reika states, staring deeply into all of their eyes, before disappearing in her own direction down the dark hall.
Realisation strikes temporarily, before it fades and the girls remember the task at hand. To ease their mates' conscious mind, and to seek comfort themselves.
Shae's POV:
Turning the shiny, golden knob on the door, it opens to reveal Shu's fairly neat room, but there was no sign of the sleepy head. Sighing lowly, I step down the stairs and seat myself down on the edge of his bed. Grabbing my hot pink iPod, I shuffle my music as it restarts on one of my favourite classical pieces. Reaching behind me, I grab a pillow from the head of the bed and snuggle it close to my chest. Lying back on the bed, my hair fans out behind me across the sheets, closing my eyes as I breathe in Shu's scent from the soft fabric. Sighing in content, I concentrate purely on the symphony playing in my ears, awaiting my mate to arrive back to his room.
A slight disturbance behind me, causes me to open my eyes as I stare right up into two familiar azure blue orbs, looking down at me from above with a hint of worry. Lifting my arm up, I lightly caress his cheek, hoping to ease the distressed look in his eyes. Immediately, the look in his eyes flashes away as his face softens at the feel of my soothing touch. Raising his own hand, he rests it softly on top of mine, following my movements with gentle strokes.
Dropping his hands down to my sides, his large palms glide down to my hips as he firmly grasps them, pulling my body up to sit on his lap with his arms resting around my waist. Releasing the pillow and putting it to my side, I lean back into his arm that is currently wrapped around my front, as he cradles me like a newborn baby. Getting comfortable in his arms, I rest my weary head on his chest, my cheek and nose nuzzling softly into the crook of his neck.
"I suppose you have questions" I mumble, just loud enough for him to hear.
It takes a couple of seconds before he registers that I'm letting him ask about the sensitive parts of my life so willingly.
"Tell m everything" He utters, his cool breath fanning across my exposed cheek and sending a flurry of goosebumps over my entire body.
It looks like it's now, or never.
"I guess I'll start from the beginning" I start.
At this moment, I dive into the very depths of my mind and dig up my entire past that I hid and locked away. Never did I think I would have to retrieve the key and unlock it all again, telling it to someone no less. I take one final breath, and begin reciting my story.
"I'm an aristocrat and the first born daughter of my family, automatically making me the heir to the household and all my mother's fortune, which all becomes my inheritance. But it all comes with a price. If I was to someday succeed the family, I had to be groomed into the perfect little girl with perfect manners, good etiquette and I had to be really smart. All this responsibility was forced onto me ever since I was born, and I hated it, eventually I just couldn't take the pressure anymore, so I ran away. After running for a while, I stumbled across a nearby village that was swarming with cheerful people. When I approached some people, at first they were reluctant to greet me because I was rich and they were poor, we were polar opposites. Although, after I told them my situation, the villagers were nice enough to put our differences aside and welcomed me into their village. Almost everyday when I had the chance, I would go to the village and help out with chores, bring them food to eat from my home and I would play with the children. As long as it wasn't studying or being taught etiquette lessons, I was happy" I smiled at the fond memory, but soon frowned as I continued.
"Then it all changed so quickly. One night, my father had gotten sick of me constantly disobeying him and putting off my studies, so he locked me in my room hoping that I would study. Instead, I escaped out of my window and ran to the village, but by the time I arrived, I knew something was wrong when I found it completely deserted" I pause, trying to ease the knot tightening in my throat.
I clutch the fabric of his pullover tightly between my fingers, which he pays close attention to by listening intently. This part is the hardest, but it has to be done.
"Out of nowhere, two hoards appeared either side of me, threatening me with their torches as they slowly closed in. Once they managed to back me into an alley, they tortured, beat and burnt me, in hopes of killing me, and, I had no idea why" My voice cracks, as the first tears I've shed in years come spilling out.
At this point, I couldn't bear look him in the eyes, I was already too deep in shame and pain to face his probably horrified expression. My eyes darken, as I share the remainder of the story he didn't see in my past memories.
"After that night, I managed to haul myself back home, just barely though. I avoided everyone and holed myself up in my room for days, although everyone just thought I was studying like my father had instructed. After a week, I still couldn't face anyone directly, so I requested not to be bothered unless food or necessities were being delivered, otherwise, I continued to sit alone in the dark. Then, after at least a month I physically healed up, but on the inside, I was completely broken beyond repair. From that night on, to guarantee that I would never be mentally or physically be harmed again, I became emotionally closed off from the world" Closing my burning eyes, I sighed another breath.
"It was hard not being myself all the time, but I listened to music to help with that. I even found that playing violin and piano really helped with all the emotions building up mentally, so I would let out all the stress by playing my heart out. I guess that's why I became so good at it, because I did it all the time" I manage to heave a small breathy chuckle, but it was more of a humourless one.
"But you want to know the funny thing?" I stop once again, looking up into his, beautiful, wide sapphire eyes.
Placing my hand on his cheek, I look him dead in the eyes with the most passion I've had in my entire life.
"The one emotion I couldn't hide, was falling in love with you" I admit, a watery smile plastered on my face as my eyes glaze over again.
If possible, his eyes widen even further, a sudden burning love lit behind them. Leaning down, he gently captures my lips in a yearning kiss. Forcing our bodies closer together, he deepens the kiss with a certain lust I've never even seen, or felt, in my life. Hesitantly, he tugs his lips from mine and looks into my eyes, glossed over with submission and my mind covered in a hazy cloud of affection.
His eyes flicker between a loving desire and a greedy craving, having a mental battle between these emotions. Lazily, he drops his head and nudges his nose against the throbbing vein on my neck, giving me an unsettling feeling in my stomach. Hearing him suck in a large breath, it then gets caught in his throat, like he's fighting against the animalistic side and the normal side of himself.
"I'm so sorry" He grunts out unsteadily.
Before I can even react to his words, I feel his thick fangs puncture through every layer of skin and straight into the most suppliant vein in my entire body. Because of this, the pain comes out far more excruciating then any other time he's bitten me. Strangely, this pain slowly bubbles into pleasure. My back arches and my eyes open wide, as I suck in a large breath of shock and agony.
The mix between the two polar opposite feelings is driving me completely over the edge. Shu uses his hand around my waist and grips it tighter, bringing the arm that was previously on my shoulder up to my mouth, covering it to ensure no more sounds of my pain escape. The only thing that can be heard now, are my muffled moans and his desperate gulping. New tears line up in the corners of my eyes, causing them to go glassy and glimmer with the reflection of the lights above, as I stare lifelessly at the ceiling.
Is it strange to say that I still trust him, even when we're lying here with his fangs stuck in my neck with no sign of him stopping? Of course, but when I love someone so much, and I know they love me back, all the pain dissipates as quickly as it came, my faith in him still unfaltering.
Pulling away, he wraps me in a tight embrace that I never want to separate from.
"I love you" He mumbles into my shoulder.
Making me flinch, I feel a fluttering warm feeling appear in my chest, spreading throughout my entire body and warming my soul like nothing ever has before. Smiling into his chest, I hug his chest closer, hoping to never let go.
"I love you too"
So long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!
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