~Chapter 19~
Hello fellow fangirls!
Sorry I've been distant lately but I've come back from the dead with a brand new chapter full of suspense and plot twists! Oooooooo~ So I hope you enjoy!
On with the show!
Samaka Sisters' POV:
The six girls wake up to find they are sprawled out across a grey concrete floor, which is very similar to the entrance driveway of the Sakamaki mansion. Looking around, they send each other curious looks and notice their surroundings are almost the exact same as the mansion's entrance, although it seems slightly different, almost as if they're in a different time.
"Does anybody know where we are?" Aya's voice seems to waver slightly in the atmosphere.
"It seems we are outside the mansion, but how did we get here?" Reika wonders, dusting herself off from the ground.
Then it hits them.
"Cordeney" They utter altogether.
"The last thing he said was 'sleep', so I'm going to take a guess and say we're in a dream" Laita guesses.
The others nod along in agreement, until they are sidetracked by childish laughter, as three young and familiar boys run past them. One has short tomato coloured hair, the other with longer and darker red hair, and the last with lavender hair holding a teddy bear.
"Hey, they look like..." Aya begins.
"The triplets" Kana finishes, eyeing the purple headed boy and matching him with his older self.
"They're quite adorable if I do say so myself" Laita indicates, watching the young Laito.
"They sure are, I'm never letting Ayato out of this one" Aya smirks, following her gaze with the little tomato headed child.
Suddenly, a beautiful woman with long amethyst hair and a revealing black dress appears, calling Ayato's name with a stern look on her face. The other brothers quickly flea in case they get yelled at themselves.
"Is it a coincidence or does she look almost like...Cordeney" Sura asks.
"It's no coincidence, it's just scary" Shae claims, and they continue to watch the woman.
She begins to scold Ayato for playing with his brothers instead of studying, which he retaliates by telling her it isn't fair that his triplet brothers don't have to study. Enraged, she begins shouting at him that he is special and must succeed the family, and the only way to do that is to be the best, which is what Ayato responded. That's when he says that, if he doesn't become number one, he is not his mother's child and will be sunk to the bottom of the lake. Then she praises him for giving the correct answer, and she elaborates on how he will belong at the bottom of the lake if he doesn't go to his room immediately and study to become the best. Ayato continues to look down at the ground in shame, before running off to his room, back past Aya and the girls as they stare him down with sorrowful and empathetic gazes.
Aya stares at the retreating boy, her heart feels as if sharp knives have pierced into the sensitive part when she notices how sad Ayato must have been to deal with this everyday. She deeply wishes she could go and comfort the boy, give him hugs and kisses, telling him to continue fighting no matter what his mother tells him...if only she had been like that herself.
Now she knows she will never feel the same towards the cocky vampire. With this newfound information, she will treat his broken heart as if it were made of glass, and one comment about his past would make him shatter, much like herself. So she will make sure to be the one to pick up the pieces, she will be the super glue holding him together if he were to crack even the slightest bit...
And that is a promise.
"Not a dream, a memory" Kana realises, bringing the rest of her sisters to the same conclusion.
Watching on again as the woman sits comfortably on a nearby wooden bench, she calls the little Kanato over to her, requesting, no, demanding he sing her favourite song to her. Kana immediately gets a wave of nostalgia, feeling sorry for the small child who is forced to sing whenever his mother desires and not when he wishes to or not. She also wishes to help the boy by telling him not to follow whatever his mother says when she wants it, to only sing when he likes or when he is ready to. Although she knows that wouldn't help anyhow, because the woman could be threatening him to sing by using something against him, maybe even his own fear...like in the nightmare, or memory, she had that night.
The girls watch on as Kanato sings his little heart and soul out, while his mother and Laito listen intently.
"Well, there is no doubt that this woman is their mother" Reika points out.
A deadly silence takes over, as the sisters ponder their thoughts on just exactly why the strange man had sent them to this dreamland, and just what he hoped to accomplish in doing so.
"Who are the people over there?" Laita interjects, causing the girls to look over in a different direction.
Strolling over to the people, they notice they are sitting under a gazebo in the middle of the garden. Who sits beneath it is a young boy who has all the features a young Reiji would, and an older woman sitting beside him embroidering, along with the familiar butler that took their luggage upon their first arrival at the mansion. This woman has long honey coloured hair tied up in a sophisticated bun, her ocean blue eyes concentrating on the art she is creating on her lap.
Judging by her appearance, she is an aristocrat no doubt.
"Reiji..." Reika utters, as she notices the young boy with his head buried in a book, completely silent yet determined.
The sound of footsteps alarms the girls, causing them to look over at a younger version of Shu. He is carrying a small, fudge coloured puppy, laughing cutely as the puppy gently paws his face. Shae smiles at the cheerful young boy who is much different to the one she has met, although she remembers that she used to be quite cheerful when she was little, before the...incident. The girls continue to eavesdrop, as young Shu walks up to his supposed mother, presenting the adorable puppy to her with a large smile on his face. The woman's face remains serious as she tells him to get rid of the filthy mongrel, while Reiji looks on with a displeased expression. Then the woman tells him of his status as the eldest brother and next head of the family, and that he must conduct himself at all times as a good influence for his younger brothers. The butler then steps forwards and wrenches the dog from his grasp, which Shu reluctantly releases the dog and lets him take it away. In the moment, Shu runs away in sadness and anger of his mother's behaviour, while Reiji follows him with his cold stare. When the woman sits down again, Reiji takes his chance to tell her that he achieved to memorise the entire book that he was reading. Although his plea was not heard, as she ignores him and continues her embroidering, which makes Reiji glare back at his book and continue reading.
Reika watches on with heartbroken eyes, greatly wanting to comfort him or give the woman a good scolding for treating her own son that way. Alas, there was nothing she could do in a dream, this event had already passed and seemed to shape him into the cold, almost heartless man he is now. Although, Reika is now determined to bring out his hidden personalities she believes he is hiding behind that thick shell.
When Sura begins to step forward, she stops when she notices her foot stepped on the spiked stem of a white rose. A white rose, which immediately made her think of Subaru's sleek, angel white hair, as she carefully picks it up and avoids being pricked by its thorns. That's when the girls find themselves standing on a large bridge path that leads to a large cobblestone tower. Walking forwards, they stop when they notice a small boy in front of them, looking up at the tower with a silver knife by his side. Sura walks in front of the boy and sees that he is a young Subaru, as she suspected, who was looking up at the tower window with a guilty and saddened look on his face. Sura followed his gaze and noticed a woman who looked like Subaru, and realised she was probably his mother. She also notices that the windows are barred, as the woman looks down at Subaru for a few seconds, before leaving the window. The knife he is gripping so tightly, suddenly drops the ground and lets out a metallic clang as it hits the cobblestone path.
The sound of the knife hitting the ground snaps Sura back into reality, as her blood boils in anger at how all these mothers treat their sons terribly, especially the white-haired boy beside her. Clenching her fists, she suppresses her anger and reminds herself of the dire situation they are currently facing.
"Not like we're in any rush, but how exactly are we supposed to get out of here?" Aya asks, slightly panicked that they may be stuck in this dream-like state if they don't act soon.
Soon enough, the question was answered and the girls collapsed onto the hard ground, drifting to sleep once again.
"Guess I didn't have to ask" Aya grumbles before shutting her heavy lids...
~Back to the present~
Peeling open their eyes once more and letting out loud groans, the girls found themselves back in the room they seemed to 'fall asleep' in. Sitting up again, they rub their heads out of confusion and disorientation to were they are and where they came from, especially if what they all just saw was real and not some fantasy plotted by the mysterious man and his unknown gem.
"Would you mind removing yourself from me?" Reika let out an irritated growl as her eyebrow twitches.
Laita looks down to find that she has been stacked on top of Reika and trapped either side by her triplet sisters. Shae's legs were also trapped by Aya lying on top of her while Kana squished Reika in-between Laita and herself. To top it off, Sura has awoken to find herself fallen above but in the middle of both Laita and Aya, leaving no room for any of them to wiggle out of the predicament.
"I would love to, if not for my sisters sandwiching me from the sides and behind" Laita shrugs, hinting for them to get off her as well.
Shae's face is also practically squished into the carpet because of the heavy weight of the eldest triplet completely smothering her from behind.
"Get...Off...Me" Her voice is muffled by the floor her face is so firmly pressed against.
"Huh?" Aya slowly sits up while still leaning all of her weight on her older sister.
Instead of attempting to reply again, Shae uses her elbow to 'not so softly' poke Aya in her most sensitive area...right in the boob. Immediately, she lets out a shrill and girly yelp of immense pain and rolls back off her sisters and onto the floor, clutching her chest to dull the ache.
"Mother fucker!" She shouts, still recovering as she groans helplessly on the floor beside her now sitting up sister, who's wearing a satisfied smirk.
Sura also realises her position and releases a horrified squeak and immediately pushes away from the pile, landing ever so non-gracefully on her behind.
"That is the closest I'll ever be near any of you again" Clearly not a fan of affection and close proximity, as she stands up to rub her sore butt.
The remaining sisters take their time to un-stack each other from their large family sandwich, dusting themselves off from the embarrassing situation...Aya still holding her 'fatal' injury tightly.
"I'm not the only one who had that strange dream with all of us in it, am I?" Laita quizzes, hoping she hasn't made a fool out of herself.
"No, what we all just witnessed was definitely not just our imagination, it was their memories compiled into one big dream. Most likely planned out by Cordeney and that strange stone he held" Reika devised.
"Surely he didn't plan to willingly show us their pasts without their consent, while not expecting to receive something in return" Sura responded.
"We all know Cordeney is that kind of man, deceiving and playing tricks on people to get his way or what he wants" Shae reminds everyone.
"So if he showed us their pasts, does that mean he's going to show them ours to make it even?" Kana queries, a look of fear beginning to show upon her delicate features.
Everyone tenses up immediately at her statement, the air around them seeming to become thick and slow down with time, as fear and shock slowly ether its way onto all of their faces. Immediately snapping from their daze, the six girls rush to the now unlocked door and wrench it open with an unimaginable strength. They rush downstairs in fear of not only letting their painful pasts being revealed, but in fear of their mates' safety. Hoping that horrible man hasn't harmed them in any way, they bolt across the living room, which happens to hold six unconscious vampires either strewn or slumped on the chairs and couches, or some lying limp on the ground.
Rushing over to each one of their mates, they carefully inspect their bodies for any physical injuries, sighing in relief when they find they haven't sustained any.
"I think we're too late to hide them from the truth" Their expressions turn grim, but they accept that there is no turning back once they have entered the scarring memories of their past.
"Indeed, it has already begun"
Thanks for reading today, I hope you loved this new chapter, and don't forget to vote and comment, or even tell your Dialoving friends! I appreciate all your support from my Dialover readers and always love reading your comments.
So long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!
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