~Chapter 15~
Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys!
Sorry to keep you all waiting, but your newest chapter has arrived! HOORAY! Hope you enjoy today's creepy OST, can anybody guess which scene this one's from? I sure do, and one creepy scene it was.
P.S. The pic up top is the outfit she puts on, if it's not to your liking, feel free to recreate it with those genius minds of yours~
Anyway...on with the story! Enjoy!
Kana's POV:
Wandering down the hallways alone, my throat still burns from the other day and I can barely speak. It even hurts to swallow, but I ignore the pain and continue to walk aimlessly. Suddenly, a tall figure stands behind me and puts its large hand on my shoulder, using its strength to guide me in another direction as it talks.
"Come, Kana darling, I have some friends who are dying to hear you sing" The voice convinces.
"B-But, my v-voice is still broken fr-om the other day" I reason in a strained whisper.
"No need to worry, as long as you don't mess up, everything will be fine" It reassures me.
Keeping my eyes lowered, I let out a small whimper of fear, frightened of the outcome if my voice won't let me sing like I usually do. Ushering me into a dimly lit room, I notice there are a few different people I haven't seen before, although this person always seems to have new friends every time it asks me to sing. The person tells me to continue out to the front of the room where my voice can be better projected, but my fear of presenting and completely failing in front of these people, begins to set in. Considering there are only about six people and I already recognise two, I convince myself I'll be able to do it. After all, the punishment for messing up in front of them is only being yelled at, right?
Clearing my throat quietly, I steadily begin to sing it's favourite song. After I begin singing, my heartbeat increases in fear as my normally beautiful voice starts faltering and breaking, making my vocal chords strain painfully and come out crackly and flat. Trying to make my voice work, I just end up making it worse, as I break out in a large coughing fit. That's when the insults begin.
"I thought you said she could sing?" One questions
"Having a broken and strained voice doesn't count as good singing" Another points out.
"My apologies, she doesn't seem to be very cooperative today" The person grits out.
Marching over to me, it grabs me roughly by the shoulders and forces me into another room next door. Although, wherever we go, I'm sure anyone will hear this person's shouting that's about to begin.
"What were you doing?! You made a complete fool out of me!" The shouting starts.
Grabbing my throat in their hands, they squeeze painfully on my windpipe, causing even more pain for my already broken vocals and shutting off my air supply. Never has it lost it's temper this badly before, maybe I ought to start fearing this person more than I already do.
"Do you like making a total fool out of yourself?!" The grip on my neck becoming unbearable.
Clawing at the hands around my neck, my silent cries fill the air as my world slowly turns dark.
"You're lucky I don't take away your blessing of a voice right now. Be grateful I spared a worthless life like yours" Is the last thing I hear before I completely black out.
Sitting up suddenly in bed, my entire throat feels like the air has literally been removed from my lungs, even though the entire vision was all a dream. Sucking in breaths violently, my hands clutch my neck firmly as I recollect my surroundings and realise there is no present threat. Before I wake Kanato from his slumber, I decide to quietly get changed into some new clothes while he isn't looking. If he gets riled up easily when he's awake, who knows how bad he could be when he's just woken up from a deep sleep.
As quickly and silently as I can, I slip on my new clothes and even risk changing into new undergarments. Thank goodness for the dark room, or Kanato would be getting a nice surprise waking up and catching me stark naked while changing...another advantage of being a vampire, having night vision. Like I'd let him get away with something so ludicrous and undignified, Beary and I would chase him until the end of earth to make sure he gets a suitable punishment for that.
After having all these naughty thoughts, I'm again grateful for the darkness of the room that hides my bright pink blush, newly painted across my cheeks. Once I'm finished safely changing without prying eyes, I seat myself on the side of the bed wiht my head in my hands.
"Are you alright?" I notice Kanato half lying down next to me, as he gives me a dazed look.
Nodding hesitantly, I calm down immediately when he begins to stroke and play with my hair, twisting the violet curls between his fingers. Leaning into his comforting touch, I relax towards him. Then I suddenly strike an idea and excitement fills my body, my face newly adorned with a cheerful smile. Sometimes I even scare myself with how quickly my mood can change in a heartbeat, but no bad dream is going to bring me down!
Hopping off the bed briskly, bringing Beary along with me, I sit down comfortably on the carpet in front of Kanato's collection of toys.
"Let's play!" I exclaim happily.
Seeing my sudden change of emotion, Kanato shares my smile and joins me on the ground. Using both our teddy's and the rest of his toys, we enter the imaginary land of the living stuffed toys and dolls. At one point, we even end up going downstairs and baking cupcakes and tea for all our stuffed friends, with lots of icing of course. Returning back to his room, we enjoy the cupcakes and tea in silence, relishing their sickeningly sweet frosting, just the way we like it. I find it soothing how both Kanato and I share the same love for sweet things, whether it be food or certain things in general.
"Really Teddy? I like her too" Kanato chuckles cutely, completely out of the blue.
"Huh?" I tilt my head curiously, eyeing him with confusion.
"Teddy was just saying how cute you and Beary are, and that he likes you very much, which I agreed with" Kanato indicates.
Blushing profoundly, I use Beary to cover my now burning cheeks. Then he leans in dangerously close to my embarrassed figure, but I surprisingly don't cower away. Bringing his hand up to Beary, he lowers her down to my lap and reveals my cowering, blushing face.
"There's no need to hide your beautiful face, Kana-Chan" Kanato encourages.
With his hand already cupping my cheek softly, he slowly leans in and presses his supple lips against my own. Melting into the kiss as well, we press our lips together more firmly, when Kanato gets a sudden sweet craving. Using his fangs, he bites down ever so softly on my plump, strawberry lips, causing them to split and dribble hot crimson blood. A high pitched squeal emanates from my mouth, but is muffled because it is blocked with Kanato's lips as he sucks small amounts of blood from my wound. Licking over my bottom lip several times to clean the cuts, he tastes the remaining blood before pulling away and giving me a lustful look.
"Your blood tastes so sweet, won't you stay with me and Teddy forever?" He inquires, his question catching me off guard.
Smiling sweetly at him, I answer with an equal affection.
"Of course Kanato, I promise Beary and I won't ever leave you. That's what mates are supposed to do right?"
Awww, these two are so cute together, aren't they?
Hopefully today's chapter was satisfactory, if not, please do say so in the comments, and don't forget to vote and share this story with your Dialoving friends!
So long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!
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