~Chapter 12~
Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys!
Damn...isn't Shu just the hottest lazy ass you've ever seen?
A little warning, the first part is a bit brutal, but isn't bad enough to give anybody nightmares, don't worry😋. Just a reminder, Shae is still wearing her formal attire from last night's diner party (if that's what it even was...). Also, a heads up, all the dream scenes in the next few chapters will be in italics. That's all for now, my fellow Dialovers!
Anyway, enjoy!
Shae's POV:
My heartbeat thunders in my ears and thumps rapidly against my ribcage, along with my ragged breaths seeping from my dry lips. Turning another corner, my footsteps echo throughout the dark alleyway, my eyes widening in fear as I realise the dead end strewn with dumpsters and trash. My beautiful ornate shoes slide across the moist stone floor and loose their grip suddenly, causing me to fall roughly into the sharp concrete rubble. The only thing softening my fall being the filthy puddle beneath me, which splashes dirtied water all over my expensive clothing and flowing, honey-blonde curls. A hoard of footsteps stomp their way in my direction, as I helplessly pick myself up from the ground. Hearing the loud cackling of their laughter as they look down at my pitiful state, the flames from their torches dance across my petrified crystal eyes, that are brimming with unshed tears of fear and betrayal. After the laughter dies down, they all stalk forwards with a murderous glint in their eyes. A pained shriek pierces through the silence of the night, my tears finally fall as many more blood curdling screams tear through my throat and resonate through the cobblestone streets. All the while, the moon's illuminating rays shine down on me, my lifeless eyes staring back, as I'm left alone to die in the end of the alley.
A strangled gasp is released, as I desperately suck in gulps of air with my eyes wide in fear. Now in a sitting up position, I try to control my hoarse panting and light sweat forming on my forehead. Being so caught up in my nightmare, I didn't even notice the fully awake Shu lying next to me, staring back intently with a look of...worry? Swallowing my saliva, it hydrates my dry and scratchy throat on its way down, my entire body still shaking with fright along with my shrunken pupils.
Propping himself up in a similar position to mine, Shu hesitantly lifts his arm onto my back and rubs up and down in a soothing manner. Slowly, my breathing returns to normal and my body settles down, especially with his comforting touch. The awful nightmare flees from my mind, as my tired eyes droop down again and I turn to look at Shu.
"Thank you, but don't waste your time giving me your sympathy, it won't fix anything" I mutter lowly.
Slipping from the bed, his arms slides down my back and drops back onto the silky white sheets. Ascending the stairs to the door of his room, I look back to witness Shu's rejected and slightly saddened expression, which claws painfully at my heart. Although I continue to exit his room, leaving him alone to question the events that occurred and ended so quickly.
Padding down the abandoned hallway, I tightly clench my eyes shut as the nightmare from before replay in my mind like a movie. My eyes burn with hot tears, as I try to force them away, I come across a door that beckons me to enter and discover its inhabitants. Stopping in front of the chocolate coloured timber, I lift my hand onto the knob and turn it painstakingly slow, in case I change my mind at the last minute. After hearing the faint 'click', I silently enter the cold and deserted room, shutting the door quietly behind me. An unwelcoming and freezing draft lingers in the air, removing any sense of comfort I had from Shu's touch from earlier.
In the middle of the room sits a large grand piano, which I leisurely stroll over and sit on, removing the lid and revealing the glossy black and white keys. The keys beckon me to play them endlessly and I reluctantly place my hands in a comfortable starting position for the suitable song.
Luckily it's the weekend, so I don't have to worry about going to the trouble of getting changed and going to school where I would have to spend my day nodding off to boring nonsense they teach us these days. Either that or I spend the day with Shu in class, which isn't so bad at all...unless he decides to work up an appetite for my blood, but I certainly don't want a replay of yesterday.
Plugging in my headphones, I turn on the appropriate song to match the tune I'm about to play. Hearing the rhythm begin to play softly in my ears, my fingers press down on the heavy keys as they emit a glorious melody. Picking up the tempo, my fingers glide effortlessly up and down each end. How I missed being able to play the piano so freely.
Having my music on full blast and the added sound coming from the keys, I didn't even notice the presence that arrived in the room. Only when two strong hands encircle around my small waist and interrupted my piece, making me flinch in shock, do I realise the figure behind me. Who is none other than Shu, although I expect nothing less.
Resting my fingers above the keys and switching off my music, I lean into his embrace from behind as he clutches me in a pleasant hold. Using his immense strength, he lifts me from my seat and holds me briefly above his head, as I suck in a breath of surprise. Sliding onto the seat I was previously sitting on, he first sits down comfortably before placing me gently on his lap afterwards. Heat flushes to my cheeks almost immediately, but luckily since I'm in front of him, he doesn't notice. Bringing his hands forward, he softly grips my own and guides them, along with his, back towards the piano keys.
Together, we resume the melody I was performing before, playing the song flawlessly while keeping in perfect sync. Our fingers roam up and down, gliding professionally across the keys, producing more of the amazing symphony as we continue on playing for the next couple of minutes. Once the song was finally complete, we come to a graceful end.
"I didn't think you could play, especially not with that level of expertise and elegance" I disclose.
Then I feel a cool breathy chuckle against my neck, which brings the pink tinge back to my cheeks.
"I could say the same thing about you, although I expect nothing less from someone as beautiful and talented as you" Shu willingly divulges.
Once again, my blush increases largely, Shu uses his now raised hand to tilt my chin in his direction. Exposing my flushed pink cheeks, he grins happily at my unusual reaction, which he probably planned.
"Damn you and the things you do to me" I sigh out in utter embarrassment.
He just chuckles lightly in return to my comment. Leaning in close, he unexpectedly connects his lips with my own, in a soft and passionate kiss. Pulling away almost as quickly as he came close, he looks me in the eyes with a burning love hidden just beyond his gleaming sapphire orbs.
Breaking out of my daze, I loose all my shame and my cherry red cheeks, as I lean in once again to lock our lips in another tender kiss. Turning around for a more comfortable approach, I remove my mouth from his and gently stroke his soft locks.
"I haven't bathed in a while, how about we have a bath together?" I offer, smirking slightly.
*Don't worry, they'll be fully dressed like in the anime. I'm not suggesting anything, to all those dirty minds out there...who are probably thinking what I'm thinking, yep I'm talking to you!😉*
"Dirty girl" He chuckles softly, but I return with a nickname of my own.
"Lewd man"
I hope you loved today's chapter, don't forget to vote and especially comment, it lightens my entire day when reading everybody's funny opinions and replying myself. Also, where the heck has time gone?! I swear it was only a few weeks ago when I was cheering that it was finally December and almost Christmas, now it's only a week away! YAY!
So long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!
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