~Chapter 11~
No One's POV:
After Shae's late arrival, everyone begins consuming the delicious selection of food set out before them. With the room shrouded in silence, the only thing that can be heard is the scraping of cutlery and the distant sound of chewing. Although Laita stares at her food with a look of sorrow, her eyebrows knitted together in deep thought and her hands resting uselessly in her lap, clenched together tightly.
Aya notices the lack of movement from beside her and lightly elbows Laita out of her tormenting trance, causing them to lock eyes. Aya beckons Laita to eat by flicking her eyes between her food and her glossy neon eyes, while Laita returns the gesture by sighing quietly and looking back sadly at her untouched meal. Aya continues to devour her own food civilly, harshly tapping her food against Laita's shin and causing her to flinch and yelp on impact, while glaring back at Aya viciously. Obeying her sister's wishes, she consumes most of the food on her plate without anymore hesitation, which Aya watches her with satisfaction.
After everyone has successfully finished off their dinner, Reiji dismisses everyone from the monthly dinner party and they all return to their assigned rooms discreetly.
Shae's POV:
Removing my flats and socks, I place them carelessly beside my suitcase and slide into Shu's comfortable bed adorned with dark navy sheets and pillows. Curling up on one side, I snuggle comfortably into the sheets and roll the comforter up to my shoulders. The earbuds still resting in my ears continue to play soft classical melodies, which help calm my mind. My warmth immediately spreads across the bed, as I slowly drift off to sleep, until a soft shuffling cuts through the silence.
The shuffling gets closer to the other side of the bed and I feel the bed shift under someone's weight. The presence behind me begins edging closer, as I feel a slender, ice cold hand slither around my body and tightly grasp my waist while pulling me into a well built chest. Then a pointy, soft noise buries itself in my hair and drags through all the curls and tangles, inhaling my intoxicating scent. Knowing already that it's the sleepy ass, I relax under his soothing touch.
Hugging my body closer to his, my warmth encircles his cold skin to which we both sigh tiredly in content.
Although I underestimated his motives, and my eyes snap open wide when I feel two piercing needles in my neck. Strangely enough though, the action is so gently executed that I barely feel any pain at all, but I can still feel him draining the juices from my shoulder.
"Am I some sort of midnight snack?" I inquire, now fully awake.
"I would call it more of a craving" He mumbles out, although I don't know how when his mouth connected with my skin.
Of course, I guess that's all it ever is.
After finishing his quick midnight snack, he pulls his fangs from my skin, and a spongey, wet object follows straight afterwards. Probably his tongue cleaning the wound for it to heal faster, considering vampires have healing saliva.
*Why is she so calm about this!😵*
After being fed on twice and Shu receiving his fair share of my blood, a wave of exhaustion flows over me. My eyes then begin to get heavy, and we steadily fall asleep in each other's embrace.
Reika's POV:
Slipping off my shoes and stockings, I decide against sleeping in Reiji's bed before he hasn't given me the permission to do so. Grabbing a book from my suitcase, I sit on a nearby dark grey sofa, and begin reading about a certain formula that will perhaps lead me to finally figuring out the solution to a concoction I've been trying to perfect for years. *Jeez, that's a mouthful, I'm not sure I even understand what I just wrote😂* Although every time has resulted in failure.
After revising a couple of pages, the complicated science begins to lull me into a deep sleep. Closing my book, I remove my spectacles and place them on the table near me. Since Reiji still hasn't arrived back to his room, I remain on the couch and lie down on my side, making sure to keep my feet dangling off the side so he doesn't get mad that I have dirtied his couch.
Besides, I would hate it if anyone else did that, so I won't do it.
As I drift off, I hug my book to my chest and gather some warmth. Only after what seems a couple of minutes, I hear footsteps travel across the carpet and stop just before the couch. The temptation to open my eyes grows larger by the second, although I know it would probably be best if I pretended to be asleep and besides, I'm quite curious how Reiji will react to my position.
Eagerly awaiting his next move, I hear some shuffling and suddenly, two strong arms bury themselves underneath my legs and just below my shoulder blades. Then, my peaceful figure is lifted and hugged into a muscular chest, as Reiji carries me across the room. Soon enough, my body is gently dropped onto a soft, fluffy bed and the arms are removed from around my body, as they retrieve the book resting in my arms. Hearing the book connect silently with the wooden bedside, the covers of the bed are pulled up to rest comfortably on my shoulders. Feeling the bed shift beside me, the same pair of hands carefully grasp my upper arms and pull me back into a familiar, yet welcoming chest, finally settling and hugging me from behind. Together, we are engulfed by darkness as we both fall asleep.
Aya's POV:
Taking off my shoes, I turn my head towards the wooden coffin laying on the ground which is supposedly meant to be what I sleep in tonight. Definitely a downgrade from a normal bed, but it looks like it's either the couch or that uncomfortable thing.
On second thoughts, I think I'll take the couch...
"Where do you think you're going, Melons?" A voice speaks.
Just as I make my way over to the couch, a cold hand grips my wrist and tugs harshly on it, causing me to fall down. Although I fall safely into the secure embrace of Ayato's arms, surrounded as well by the walls of the coffin. Looking up, I see Ayato's usual grin plastered across his face, his fangs peeking out from under his lips.
"I was deciding against sleeping in this uncomfortable thing you call a bed" I huff.
"Like hell you're sleeping alone, you belong with me and only me, all the time" Leaning his head down, he nuzzles my neck in a comforting gesture and tightens his arms around my body.
"And besides, I can make you comfortable" Then he slides his body further underneath mine and moves my body over the top of his, making his body act as a cosy pillow.
"In this position, I'd half expect you to drink my blood" I smirk.
He grins and shows of his pearly whites and pointy canines, his emerald eyes lighting up on impulse.
"That can be arranged" A low growl vibrates from deep in his diaphragm as he eyes my neck lustily.
Fuck, I'm an idiot.
"Jeez, you just had dinner, how can you still be hungry?" I sweatdrop.
"I will never get tired of your blood" Is the last thing he says before hooking his fangs into the soft flesh on the top of my breast.
He just has to choose the weirdest places doesn't he, and the most painful. Well, he's a sadist, so it's expected, he's enjoying this a lot more then I am. Not that I'm enjoying it at all!
I mentally slap myself for thinking such things, suddenly groaning out loud from the aching feeling of his fangs digging deeper to extract more blood.
"There's the sound that I adore" He cuts his session short and treats the wound with his special saliva.
Relaxing my once tense body, I calm myself with even breaths to surpass the pain. Snuggling closer into his warmth...or rather his cool, I wrap my own arm loosely around his waist.
"I could definitely get used to this" I sigh uncontrollably in content, my eyes closing as a small smile spreads across my features.
"Me too" A muffled sound responds.
It takes me a few minutes to realise that the sound originated from my chest, where Ayato's face is stuffed in my top, resting particularly in my cleavage. Peeling open my eyes in shock, I realise that he already begins to fall asleep peacefully, with his face on my chest. It's a mystery how he manages to breathe, especially when his face is crammed that far down my shirt and snuggled cozily into my chest as if I am a plush pillow. Suppressing my embarrassment and slight anger of his perverted actions, I drift off to sleep, surrounded by the tender and relaxed atmosphere.
Kana's POV:
Placing my shoes neatly by my suitcase, I slide off my long socks and find the correct place to store them in until another day. The colourful range of toys on the floor peaks my sudden interest, as I kneel down to inspect them as well as let Beary have a look.
"Look Beary, new friends to play with" I beam at the collection.
Before we can become acquainted, a wooden creak comes from the door where Kanato now stands. Watching me curiously as I back away from the toys, in case he gets the wrong idea that I was violating them in any way.
"Don't be scared, you can play with my toys whenever you please, although... I would prefer it if we played together" Kanato suggests sweetly.
Cowering away with Beary held firmly in my arms, slight fear flashes across my face again as I remember the painful events from earlier today. As I take a step backwards, he steps even closer towards me.
"Am I that frightening?" Tilting his head to the side, a slightly disappointed look adorning his features.
Noticing my distrust in him and trembling figure, his eyes brim with crystal tears as his lips curl into a dissatisfied pout. His saddened expression causes my fear to disperse immediately into worry and shock at how easily his mood can change, it also makes me realise how fragile he really is. Hesitantly creeping forward, the already pooling tears spill from his eyes and run down his face as he releases some small whimpers. Witnessing his broken state, I immediately run over to his quivering body and embrace him in a reassuring hug.
"Please don't cry, Kanato" I beg hopelessly.
Even with my short figure, he nuzzles his head helplessly into my shoulder and stains my shirt with wet tear marks. Hearing his muffled sobs, I hug him tighter to my chest and tighten my arms around him. As he slowly loses his support to stand up, to avoid us both losing balance and falling, I carefully lead us backwards so I can hold his weight when I sit down on his bed. Cautiously resting on his mattress decorated with dark sheets, I feel his arms crawl up to my shoulders and his weight suddenly increases as he pushes down forcefully on my shoulders.
With the force of being pushed backwards and his weight beckoning me to fall, I buckle underneath the pressure and lie back into the welcoming plushiness of the mattress. Still having his head buried in my shoulder, he takes my vulnerable state as a chance to bite down softly into the skin. I rest my head back on the bed and stay silent, squeezing my eyes shut tight, as the room is filled with audible sucking sounds and my silent whimpers.
He takes a small amount of blood to satisfy himself, but not enough for me to black out again. Lifting his weary head from my chest, I realise his tears have dried and a small smile is plastered on his face.
Wow, his mood really does change quite drastically.
His smile becoming contagious spreads onto my own face, as his cheerful mood brightens and returns to normal. Dropping down in front of me, the bed bounces on impact as he rests his face just centimetres from mine, his expression mirroring one of serenity and happiness. So we fall asleep, face to face and enveloped in warmth.
Laita's POV:
Getting out of my shoes and socks, I gently pick my fedora off my head and place it neatly on my bedside. Also slipping my jacket from of my shoulders, I place all my discarded clothing away in my suitcase and my shoes beside it. Suddenly, I'm startled when two hands firmly grasp my upper arms from behind, and a cool breath fans the side of my face as words are echoed in my ear.
"Would you do me the honour of accompanying me to my bed, my dear Little Mate" He whispers tenderly.
Recognising his voice instantly, and the nickname, I turn to meet his face plastered with the usual cocky smirk. Now wearing my own smirk , I oblige with his request.
"Gladly, Laity" I retort, bowing slightly and continuing the role-play.
Settling myself down on his deep forest green sheets. Looking back at where Laito once stood, I notice nothing but blank air as a long arm sneakily snakes around my slim waist. Before I can question it, I'm yanked back into the comfort of Laito's hold, letting out a small squeak in surprise.
"I love the adorable noises you make, Little Mate, it really gets me going" He growls deeply.
Now lying with my back flat on top of him, I tilt my head back to study his beautifully defined face, his closed eyes smiling back at me cheerfully and a playful aura surrounding him.
"Do these noises please you, Laity?" I question innocently, knowing the answer already as I mentally smirk.
He must understand I'm toying with him and his perverted personality by leading him on like this, because his grin morphs into a wonderful smile. I return his heartwarming smile with the same amount of joyful spirit as my eyes gleam with a long anticipated bliss.
"Why yes" He replies cheekily.
Turning both our bodies over to the side, he entangles his legs with my own along with his hands clenching mine.
"I do enjoy this little role-play we're having, but I'm afraid it's time for us to sleep" He instructs.
Wow, never thought I'd hear Laito reject the perfect chance to sexually harass someone...he must really be tired. As if he read my mind, he softly chuckles cutely into my ear and rests his chin gently on my shoulder. Our breaths even out, and eventually, we settle down into the world of sleep.
Sura's POV:
Placing my shoes, socks and jacket safely out of the way, the exhaustion finally sets in and my eyelids begin to feel heavy. Eyeing the polished, white cobalt coffin, which vampires consider a bed, I approach and kneel down in front of it. Gripping the smooth stone surface of the lid, I firmly push on it to reveal the inside. Abruptly, two large hands grip my shoulders and scares me half to death. Flinching away suddenly and gasping slightly in shock, I let out a large breath of relief when I turn to see who it is.
"Don't...do that" I breathe, my heart rate slowing down again.
"I wasn't trying to scare you, besides, I didn't think you would be scared that easily" He smirks a bit when he says the last bit.
"Don't make me hurt you" I glare slightly, raising my fist beside me, which kind of catches him off guard...good.
Giving him a devilish look, I return to pushing the lid further off the coffin so it now has a large enough opening for us to lay in. While I climb inside, Subaru kicks his boots to the side and joins me, although it's quite cramped once we're both snugly inside. We end up being partially stacked on each other, having my shoulder squished against his and the other half of my body pressed up against the wall of the coffin. Moving around to get comfortable, we just manage to clash against each other again, getting us completely no where. With the constant rubbing together of our bodies, we both look at each other's magenta tinted faces.
"Tch. Screw this" Subaru clicks his tongue, still in a blushing mess.
Taking hold of my upper arms, he turns me so I'm lying on my side and stuffs my face in his chest. Blinking a couple of times, I feel my cheeks aflame as I adjust to the new position, his arms relaxing around me and I rest my palms flat on his chest for comfort. As our breathing returns to normal and our flushed faces disappear, together we sink into the depths of darkness.
🖤 🖤 🖤
...All seems peaceful, but the sisters are in for one hell of a horrific night...
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter...and the super creepy OST to go with it...Anyways, that's about it for today. Thanks to everyone who votes for the story and everyone who gives up their precious time to read it😁.
So long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!
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