Howedy my perverty children it's me, Wattpad's Perverted Mom, Amie. And I want to say is that I'm coming back fully (when I have time) to make more stories for you guys. I'll continue with the others and make some new stories (maybe...-_-) and do those requests that you guys left for me a while. Here are the ones I'm going to do.
Number 1: Virgin!Laito x Virgin!Ayato x Gentle! Seme Male Reader.
Number 2: Innocence! Kou x Neko!Yuma x Onii-san! Seme Male Reader
Number 3: Shy! Kanato x Shy & Innocence! Arusa x Senpai! Seme Male Reader.
Those are the threesomes for the moments and if you want requests some too. Here are the regulars.
Male! Yui(Cause why not?)
And any more other characters I forgot to add, Just tell me and I'll them to the list.
So I hope you guys enjoy this and please leave requests and comments for more. I'm going to go because I don't have anything else to say and I don't want the boys to eat up all of the food without me! Ja Ne!
Amie, Jems and Happy the cats, Tonton the pig, the three dobes and the two sneaks.
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