Chapter 2 - Night School
Mira's POV
The nightmare I had shook me awake. I opened my eyes, which felt sticky and dry, and got up from the pillow. I checked the time only to see it's 6:00pm and decided to take a bath.
I got straight into filling the bathtub with water and taking my clothes off. Looking at my reflection in the mirror disgusted me but not so much as before. My body is littered with scars and burns.
Once the bathtub was full, I put in the cherry blossom-scented bath salts and waited until they dissolved in the water. I got in soon after and began putting on my strawberry-scented shampoo and conditioner.
After my relaxing bath, I dried myself and wrapped my body in a towel then exited the bathroom. Once I closed the door, I saw a school uniform on my bed along with a note:
This is your school uniform for night school. If you have any issues with the size, let me know. Be downstairs in 5 minutes before the limo gets here. ~Reiji
Looking at the uniform, it looked alright but not to my liking. I decided to change it instead, which didn't take that long.
Here's the dress part of the uniform:
(Imagine the blazer worn over the dress and Mira also wears the bow alice band, tights and same shoes.)
I looked myself in the mirror and made sure there were no creases. There were none.
I noticed that I spent 2 minutes and only have 3 minutes left to get downstairs. I got Haku in my arms along with my messenger bag filled with my journal, my notebooks, pens, my phone and my headphones, and my stash of candy.
I made it downstairs to find all the brothers by the entrance hall. No sign of the bimbo though. Of course, she'd be the last one to come.
"Aww~ you look so adorable Neko-chan!" cooed Laito before running towards me and hugging me whilst rubbing his cheek against mine. I felt a blush on my cheeks and hugged back with a smile.
"Thank you Laito," I said.
"Oi! Don't touch what belongs to Yours Truly!" I heard Ayato say and he dragged me from Laito's embrace and held me close to himself. This sort of attention felt so foreign for I was never hugged or given attention because Yui had it all. I had the be the 'demon' in the family, even though I never asked for anything and had to find ways on how to take care of myself.
As soon as Ayato let go of me, and 10 minutes have gone, Yui came running downstairs, smelling of strong perfume which heightened my senses and make me cough and scrunch my face in repulsion. The brothers also reacted the same way.
"Why so late?" Reiji asked in annoyance and repulsion of the perfume.
"S-sorry Reiji-san, it won't happen again," Yui said with that fake innocent tone of hers.
"The next time you come downstairs late, there will be a punishment in order for you. This is your last warning," said Reiji.
"Come on let's go! We're going to be late!" Subaru said, before storming out to the limo.
The limo ride to school was awfully quiet, but I didn't mind. I was sitting in between Shu and Kanato. I put on my cat ear headphones and played some Green Day whilst playing with Haku.
These are her headphones:
I saw movement come from my right and saw Ayato trying to take advantage of Yui.
"What are you thinking about, Pancake?" I turned off my music and listened, but still looked as if I'm listening to music or doing at least something by looking at my phone.
"You have some guts to defy Yours Truly. Will you finally learn to submit, Pancake?"
"Stop calling me Pancake. I have a name and it's Yui Komori!" Wow, this is the first time she stood up for herself in front of someone else other than me.
"Shut up! Your opinion is irrelevant to me so I'll call you whatever I like, Pancake," he said. Before he was going to bite her, the slam of a book halted Ayato's move.
"Ayato, how many times must I tell you this? Take such activities to your private room," Ayato slumped in his seat and frowned.
Clearly the brothers don't get along with each other, so I don't plan on asking them why. Instead, I'll find out myself another way.
"Here," I sensed something get thrown in my direction and caught it with one hand without looking at where it came from, already aware of who did it. The brothers, except Shu because he was sleeping, looked shocked at how I caught it so fast. I looked in my hand to find a carton of cranberry juice which Reiji threw at me. He also threw one to Yui.
"100% cranberry juice is the best cure for weak blood," Reiji said.
"Oh, thank you," said Yui.
"No need to thank me. Just so you know, you are our prey. So, drink this daily." Yui gasped in realisation and began to shiver whilst looking at the carton. This made Kanato and I laugh and we looked at each other with smiles on our faces.
"Hahaha, she is shivering and her teeth are chattering. Teddy, this is what humans look like when they show fear. It's so funny so just look at her," said Kanato. I agreed with him and I let Haku look at her as well. Yui saw this and glared at me, but I just faked a smile at her and scared her more with my eyes whilst drinking from my carton.
5 minutes have passed and we looked to have arrived. The night school we are attending is called Ryoutei Academy which is a school that not just humans study at, but vampires too.
As soon as the limo stopped at the entrance of the school, screams were heard outside, and it hurt my sensitive ears I covered them. I looked through the window, only to groan in displeasure. Fangirls and fanboys.
We all got out one by one, me being last and Yui gone before I did. As soon as Yui got out, the crowd of fangirls and fanboys began to murmur and talk amongst one another saying things like,
"What's that girl doing with them?"
"How dare she associate herself with them!"
"What a slut."
The insults kept going on and on until I got out.
The atmosphere changed and everyone looked at me like they want me.
"OMG! She looks so cute and adorable!"
"Is she the Sakamakis' sister? She looks more attractive than the slut so she could be related to them."
"Please go on a date with me cutie!"
"You look so adorable like a kitten! I want to pet you!"
It was not just the fanboys who said this, but the fangirls too. But what they said made me feel uncomfortable and creeped me out. In my previous school, I had so many fans and Yui began to bully me more for that, without getting into trouble; her being the golden girl meant that she could get away with nothing and nobody will blame her.
Reiji asked Yui and I to follow him so we could get our timetables.
I got mine and found out that I have more free periods than Yui and that all my classes are advanced level and not foundation level. Thank goodness for that, because then I don't have to be with Yui like back in my old school.
" You will be in the same classes as Ayato and Kanato. Follow them," Reiji said to Yui, "unless you desire a whipping later, don't do anything stupid. Is that understood?"
"Well? Do you understand?"
As soon as Yui left to go to her classroom, Reiji handed me my timetable and also gave me a map of the school so I don't get lost. He said that I have some of my classes with him and Shu, but Shu doesn't bother to attend any of his classes but just lounge in the music room as he is "a deadbeat" in Reiji's mind. I didn't care, as long as I complete my year with good grades and no issues, I'm good.
I went to my first lesson with Reiji which was Home Economics. After introducing myself to the teacher and the students, we got on straight away to our given task.
I obviously had Reiji as my partner since I know him and not the others. Our task was to bake a red velvet cake and a strawberry cheesecake in the time limit we were given. As if I read Reiji's mind and he read mine, we both decided on which cake we are each making.
After decorating the finished products, the teacher graded us on our presentation and taste of the two cakes and gave us a Distinction, which I felt happy about, because this will be a good start to the night.
We got to keep the cakes and Reiji decided that we have them for dessert when we get back to the mansion for dinner, but he warned me to let Kanato have his first slice because he loves sweets and wants to have the amount that he desires.
After my first lesson was finished, I had a free period and decided to go to the music room. I wasn't surprised to find Shu lying on one of the padded benches, so I just ignored him and moved to the piano. Playing the piano or the violin makes me feel calm and relaxed, and they were my sources of happiness when living in the church with my abusive adoptive family. The nuns knew about the abuse I had to endure and were considered like mothers to me, but only when Seiji was not around to see them. They helped me recover, gave me food, clothes and even got me my first violin which they taught me how to play.
I began to play a favourite piece of mine which was Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God and it was a commonly heard piece played in church and one which I felt moved by.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
I began to sing whilst playing the song, unknown to the fact that Shu woke up to the song and took out one of his earbuds.
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