Chapter 13 - The Awakening
Reiji's POV
I went to collect the tea tray on the kitchen table until I felt a strong force pull me back then push me until my back hit the ground. It didn't hurt as much, but as soon as I looked up, Mira was hovering above me. She was able to pin my wrists to the sides of my head with such strength I didn't know she had. That's not all, because my eyes looked at hers to see they have changed. They're not red anymore. Her hair has also changed. Her eyes were gold with cat-like pupils and her hair kept their silver colour, but the cherry blossom pink gradients of her hair darkened to a dark purple-brown. Her skin had became more paler than normal.
(A/N: Simply a female version of Carla.)
What mostly caught me off-guard was that her canine teeth elongated to long sharp fangs. She's not human anymore. She's a vampire. If she's a vampire, then how come when I sensed her, she gave off a human presence? Did she know that she's a vampire before she came to live here? There's clearly a backstory to her that I don't know about. Not her past as a Komori, but her other one. And if I'm also correct, someone else would know about her past as well. The question is who.
I tried to get out of Mira's hold on me, but her strength is remarkably high and I could only lift my wrists about a centimetre off the ground. Her head moved closer and closer to my neck, close enough that I can smell her blood. She was thirsty. The scent of her blood changed and it was more intoxicating and aromatic than before. Her scent also made me feel quite drowsy and tingly on the inside, like a drug. As Mira inched close to my neck, she licked a line, found a vein, then plunged her fangs deep into my neck. This was the first time I got bit and for some reason, it felt good. She bit me softly then lifted my upper body off the ground.
As if my hands had a mind of their own, they landed on Mira's upper arms, squeezing them. My mind started to feel foggy and my eyes started to feel heavy that I almost closed them. She drank as much as she wanted, then she pulled away from my neck, licking off the excess blood dripping from the corners of her lips and looked me in the eyes. She gave me a warm smile and without warning, kissed me on the cheek. I was shocked at the gesture since I was never given such attention in my whole life. I was always cast aside because of my mother. It was always about Shu since he's the eldest.
My body felt a bit weak and getting up was going to be a pain, because I was drained of blood. As if Mira sensed my struggle, she held onto me and teleported us to my room. She then propped a pillow upright so I could lean on it and laid me down on the bed. Before she left, or more like teleported, I failed to notice a faint look of sadness in her eyes.
3rd Person's POV
Mira, now in her vampire form, returned to her bedroom. She faced the body mirror, taken by surprise at her appearance. She changed. She thought that's the only thing that changed, until she began to remember some things. New memories in fact.
Meanwhile in an abandoned room...
Richter's POV
It's almost time for the awakening. Not long until Cordelia takes hold of the sacrificial bride. I felt a change in aura and presence. Mira, I thought. Only then I knew that she's turned back to her original vampire self. I stared at Cordelia's torn dress in front of me, remnants of her blood on it from when I stabbed her in the chest and pulled her heart out.
Exiting the room, I walked down the small spiral of stairs until I reached to the end of the corridor. My footsteps echoed, not having a care in the world if the brothers heard me. They might think that I'm disloyal and not the most trusting uncle ever, but they don't know what I have planned for when the time comes. The time when I reveal the truth. But first, it's time to pay a visit to a certain someone, or more like two certain people.
Ayato's POV
Damn it! Where is that flat-chested blood bag? It's almost full moon and I'm getting more thirsty. I swear as soon as I get my hands on Pancake, I'm going to squeeze her neck until she is asphyxiated!
She was not in her room and not even in the living room or the kitchen. So then I decided to go outside. I walked around the garden until I reached the marble-white gazebo. I stopped for a moment there. I could hear footsteps. I turned around, not expecting him. It was my uncle, Richter. What's he doing here?
"Tch! What are you doing here?" I asked him with slight hate. Not full-on hate since he let me and my brothers get revenge of our whore of a mother. Which is strange since Cordelia and Richter had a fling with each other. Wonder what changed his mind.
"I have important business to attend to," said Richter. What's he up to now? Usually he has nothing on his agenda.
"What's so important that you need to be here?"
"Do you think I'd tell you about that. But if you want to know the whole story so badly, you'll just have to wait. The awakening is at hand. As for the sacrificial bride you're most likely looking for, she's on her way to the music room." Richter ended the conversation at that and teleported away.
I stood there, processing what he just said. What awakening? What's going to happen? Anyways, I went back inside the mansion and to the music room. Not bothering to walk all the way up there, I teleported into the room and there Laito was there and Pancake was there. Kanato also teleported beside me.
"Ayato-kun, Kanato-kun," she said. She sounded like she wanted to ask something.
"Well, spill it. You want to ask us something. Out with it," I said, already in a hurry to have my fill of blood and leave.
"Who is your mother's name?" she asked. I cringed in disgust at the mention of her. Laito's faced contorted into a frown, Kanato hid his face into his teddy bear and I also frowned, my eyes narrowed while I stared at what's in front of me.
"Cordelia," I said. I then explained onto what Laito, Kanato and I did with her. Then Pancake's face changed to fear and she left the room just like that. Well there goes my meal.
I stood in the same place, then walked to the window, looking outside and at the near full moon.
"Guys," I said, my focus still on outside. Knowing that Laito and Kanato are paying attention, I continued, "Do you know anything about some awakening? Apparently, I had a run in with Richter and he said the awakening is near. Could it have something to do with Pancake, or most concernably Mira?" I waited for a response, but didn't get one so I turned around to face them. They looked lost in their thoughts.
"Yui asked about mother when she described her appearance. And I remember mother's heart had gone missing," said Kanato.
Wait a minute. Cordelia's heart...Pancake seeing her...awakening...
Cordelia's heart must be inside of that sacrificial bride. I guess she was a good choice since she's rude like our mother, and doesn't even care about Mira like a sister would. I could only guess who put Cordelia's heart into Pancake.
I knew there was something going on between him and Cordelia. But once the awakening starts, I'll get the answers.
I teleported out of the music room and went to sleep on the same sofa I slept on since Mira and the other one first came here. As soon as I closed my eyes, I was out like a light.
3rd Person's POV
Mira looked at herself in her vanity mirror, staring at her new appearance in amazement. What now, she thought.
Her mind ran into a spiral of questions, mostly around the fact that she sucked Reiji's blood in a rush of hunger and felt what he felt. Everything. Mira could only guess that it has something to do with her vampire powers. And it's true. Her new appearance also proves that. Also because she could feel all her senses heightened, just like a vampire's. This also brought her back to how she could tell when something doesn't feel right, and she thought it's just instinct and a special ability she probably learnt over time. But it's actually one of her vampire powers, but slightly weaker.
She looked away from her mirror and went to her wardrobe, pulling out some soft clothes to wear.
(A/N: Just ignore the phone case, headphones and hair.)
She then went to her bedside drawer, pulling out a bag with the remainder of her home-made sweets. She wanted something sweet right now. She didn't want to drink someone's blood again, not wanting to experience someone's feelings at the moment, to the point where she is mentally exhausted and could not think. She popped one sweet into her mouth savouring the sweet taste. She then got up, with the bag of sweets in hand and teleported outside where she could clear her mind and relax. Mira got so used to teleporting, she felt it was much easier to travel to one place without exhausting herself than she already is.
(A/N: Man I wish I had the power to teleport, because then I could go to any place I want in the world, mainly to Japan though. Would love to visit Fox Village, Cat Island and the Studio Ghibli museum.)
She found the gazebo and sat down on a bench, placing her bag of sweets on her lap. Enjoying the calm tranquil breeze blowing gently onto her face, she closed her eyes and took some deep breaths, feeling the stress in her head slowly go away. Then, out of nowhere, the same bat that greeted her when she went to pick some roses flew towards her and landed on her outstretched legs that are crossed below her. Mira knew the bat is a male, because male bats mostly hunt in farmlands, cities and rivers; the mansion is situated by the farmlands and is a few meters from the city. The bat carefully climbed up her legs and flew a bit to cling onto the material of her top that covered her chest. He looked up at her with his big brown eyes that looked as if he wanted something from her. She raised her hand and pet the bat on the head, scratching behind the ears. He found it so soothing that he rest his fuzzy little head against her chest to where her heart is. This helped her relax a lot better.
An hour felt like minutes with Mira absentmindedly petting the bat on the head and munching on her sweets every few minutes that she ate 2/3 of them. She suddenly got up, alerting the bat as well, and walked out of the gazebo to someplace else. The bat perched himself on her head and made himself comfortable. Mira walked until a small stone structure entered her line of sight. Someone is in there, she thought. Curiosity got the best of her and she reached the archway until she caught a glimpse of orange-blonde hair. It was Shu. He was laid out on the stone bench with his earphones in and a music book in hand.
Mira didn't want to interrupt him, so she left. But she only took a few steps, because Shu called out to her, "Hey Mira, come here."
Mira obliged without hesitation and went closer to where he is.
"Yes Shu?" she asked.
"You have changed I see. How did I not see this before?" Shu said, more to himself.
"Oh you mean my appearance. Yeah, I decided to wear something warm for tonight since it's slightly cold," she said, with slight humour in her voice.
"That's not what I meant. You've changed; physically and aura-wise," he said. He pulled himself up from his laying position and put his music book down. He stood up at full height, towering over Mira. He reached his hand to stroke her cheek while staring into her changed eyes. It made Mira slightly blush as the contact. His hand then reached down to her neck, his eyes following his hand.
"You've changed so much. Your skin is so cold. Just like ours. You're one of us now," he said. Mira knew that he could tell she is a vampire. I mean hello. Vampire senses.
"I knew you'd be able to tell. To tell you the truth, I didn't know that I was a vampire until some time ago. Came as quite a shock if you ask me," she said. Shu then looked into her thin-pupil gold eyes. Something about them triggered something in him. Something so familiar that it's on the tip of his tongue, he couldn't be able to grasp it. His hand then went to her soft lips, running his thumb on her bottom lip, opening her mouth. His thumb then reached a sharp fang it pierced his skin. Small droplets of blood ran down his thumb and some landed on Mira's tongue. The taste was so sweet, but not overwhelmingly sweet. Thoughts ran inside Mira's head. Did he prick his thumb on purpose to test me, she thought. With that thought in mind, she resisted the temptation to drink his blood by pulling away from his hand. Shu put his outstretched hand to his side and looked down. He looked to be in thought, but Mira doesn't know.
Shu then lifted his head to face hers and was about to say something, until footsteps were heard. Both turned around to see Yui. She looked pissed at Mira. Mostly because her appearance changed so much that Yui envied her. She was also pissed because Mira stole Shu's attention away from her.
"What are you doing with him, you slut?!" Yui exclaimed. Mira was really starting to get fed up with her threats and bouts of jealousy that she moved a few steps away from Shu so she could leave, but Shu had other ideas. He grabbed hold of Mira's wrist to tell her not to go anywhere.
"I wanted to talk to her. So shut up," Shu said with a bored tone. Yui was shocked at what he said.
"Why do you like her more than me? Am I not good enough for you? What does that bitch have that I don't?!" Yui said, her anger growing more and more. Shu sighed at that.
"Unlike you, Mira never cared about getting into someone's pants so she could get some attention. She also cares about what's inside and not what's outside. You wanted to get close to us because of our looks. You only cared about yourself. You abuse her when she did nothing to upset you." That was the most Shu had got to talking about something so emotional. Mira's face spelled shock, but also guilt that he stood up for her. What she didn't know was that Shu wanted to stand up for her. He was sick and tired of Yui, and the church she was brought up in, hurting her for no reason. It reminded him of the times he got punished when he did something that his mother didn't like. Even the time he got punished by his father who teleported him to the North Pole so his father could leave him there to freeze to death. He also lost a dear friend who died by a huge fire that burned down his village.
(A/N: You all know who that 'friend' is.)
Before Yui could retaliate, a voice intercepted the conversation. They turned round and there stood before them is none other than Richter.
(A/N: Oh no! I did an oopsie! I meant to post yesterday. My bad! But yeah, this chapter was longer to make up for the long wait. Stay tuned for the next chapter!)
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