Chapter 1 - Arrival to the Mansion
(A/N: Mira is wearing the kimono in the cover picture.)
Mira's POV
Yui and I were already in the taxi and made our way to the Sakamaki Mansion, but the only problem was that Yui had to come and she had to be the one to look after me when really I'm the more mature one. It's a fact.
Yui being the stupid girl she is tries to be the smart one when in the end it doesn't work and she talks with missing gaps. Also she tries to be brave but she's scared of almost everything. She's older than me by one year and she still hasn't grown mature enough yet.
I swear it's like living with a Neanderthal!
I was listening to music on my phone and had my eyes closed, only to be interrupted by a rude shake on the shoulder from Yui and she said, "Get up you brat! We're here!" Okay, she more like yelled than said it.
I got my luggage out along with my teddy bear Haku and thanked the driver who smiled at me before I was going to pay him the fare. He just shook his hand and said that the ride was free.
This is Haku:
The mansion looked so big and grand from the outside, but I bet it looks even more grand on the inside.
It began to rain, but I didn't bother with it for I liked the rain, but as soon as the thunder and lightning struck, Yui squealed like a pig and ran to the main entrance. I took my time and just admired the beautiful fountain and the rose bushes. Whoever grew these roses, I want to learn how to grow and take care of them too.
I made it to the double doors only to find Yui missing, so she must be inside. So rude.
I entered the mansion, only to silently gasp at the interior for it all looked expensive. The chandelier was huge and glistening with a soft crystal light, the red carpet looked like something a king or queen would walk on, and ahead there was a wide staircase that could be seen in a castle. I think I'm going to enjoy my stay here.
Before I could enjoy the decor more, I heard that familiar squeal coming from my right so I went to check it out only to find Yui hovering over a tomato-haired man who looked to be sleeping. But Yui thought he was dead and decided to call an ambulance. Wrong move, because I noticed a twitch of the guy 's hand and it immediately snatched the phone from her.
"Damn, you're noisy," said the guy and as soon as he opened his eyes, I was entranced for they looked beautiful and the pupils being thin like a cat's. Is he secretly a cat? I love cats.
"This isn't your house, so be quiet," 'You tell her!' I thought in my mind. I swear she breaths and makes noises to the point where it sounds like she ran a marathon.
"'re alive!" Obviously.
"Why wouldn't I be alive? What do you think I am?" I saw his mouth open when he talked and noticed what looked like very sharp canines for teeth. Is he really a cat or...?
"But your heart was stopped." 'Okay never mind he's not a cat,' I sulked mentally but didn't show it. This made me realise that he is a vampire for he had no heartbeat and had fangs.
The next thing that happened was that the guy pushed Yui onto the sofa and hovered over her instead. I just took this time to not listen to what's happening between them and just looked around and admired the rest of the decor. A sudden voice interrupted my train of sight, "Ayato, what's all the commotion?" So the redhead is called Ayato. I looked to my left to find another guy with purple hair that fades to a lighter shade and eyes the colour of magenta which were, again, beautiful. He had on glasses which made him look smart and he donned on a uniform like Ayato but more formal and pristine. He looked like a butler crossed with a pigeon, but better.
"Damn, not you, Reiji," Ayato said with a 'tch'.
"This is the entrance hall. This is meant to be used as a place to greet our guests. Take your activities to your private room," said the guy whose called Reiji.
I noticed that Ayato was staring at me and he blushed when I stared back at him, though this didn't go unnoticed by Yui and she glared at me for this.
"Well, that was dull," I glanced at Reiji to see he looked annoyed at Ayato which told me that this sort of thing is common. Yui ran away from Ayato and yelled 'help me!' I mentally facepalmed at this.
Reiji glanced at me and I merely bowed at him before I said, "I apologise for our surprise entrance, but my name is Mira Komori and this girl is Yui Komori. We were sent here by our father to stay here because he had to work overseas."
Reiji's POV
The girl, who I now know is called Mira, seemed more polite than the other girl who's less polite and loud. What I noticed was that Mira was wearing a traditional kimono, where as the other girl was wearing something a lot more revealing. Also, Mira looked more mature than her sister.
"At least you have manners unlike your sister over there. Ayato, do you know about their arrival?"
"Huh?! How would I know? Why didn't you tell me earlier about why you and Melons are here, Pancake?"
Mira's POV
I mentally laughed at this.
"Because you attacked me out of nowhere!" Geez, how much can this annoying girl yell in one day? Oh that's right, forever! *sighs*
"Wait you said Pancake. Were you talking about her?" she asked acting all innocent, whilst pointing at me. Is she blind?
"No you idiot, Melons there got more chest than you do, Pancake!" The emphasis on Pancake was strong. This day just keeps getting better and better.
"That's strange, I was never informed about your arrival," Reiji said.
"Um, who are you?" Are you deaf or something? Ayato just said his name and you were clearly close within hearing range.
"Let's not talk here, we'll discuss this in the living room. See to their things," Reiji said and Yui yelled, and I know why. A butler took our things and disappeared in the shadows. I smiled at this and saw Yui staring at Ayato in which he just glared at her. She ran away after that and I just sighed. Ayato saw me and smirked at me, and I smiled back at him. He blushed and I just did a close-eyed smile before I gave him some of the candy I have in my black and blue messenger bag. He stared at it before he took some and put them in his mouth, only to gasp as the flavours exploded on his tongue.
"Hey Melons, these are so good!"
"Thank you, I made them myself. I can make some more for you if you like," This made him grin and nod in happiness. I'm glad that I at least made him happy.
We went to the living room and I just stood for I didn't want to sit next to Yui.
"Now, for the sake of formality. Introduce yourself and tell us what you are doing here," said Reiji, all polite and no smile.
"Yes, well um, that's um..."
Before Yui could say anything, a chuckle resonated around the room but I already found the source. It was coming from the banister. I looked up to see a boy who looks a bit like Ayato, except his hair is orange, with his eyes a beautiful green but different and darker from Ayato's. He also wears a silk fedora with a red ribbon around it.
"Fufu, what have we here? Could it be that we have two cute human girls here?" said the fedora guy. I suddenly heard a yelp on my right and saw the fedora guy had licked Yui on the cheek. He teleported. Yes, this mansion is run by vampires.
"Mmm, you smell so nice and sweet~"
"Let me have a taste," Another new voice came from my right and it was a purple-haired boy with purple eyes, dark circles under his eyes to show lack of sleep and he is holding a teddy bear. I wonder if Haku would like to be friends with him.
"Mmm, she is sweet," said the cute one, after he licked Yui's other cheek.
They noticed me and the fedora guy blushed along with the cute one and they both licked each side of my cheeks, but I didn't yelp, and instead just smiled at them.
"Wow, this one tastes so much better than Bitch-chan~" said fedora guy and the cute one nodded in agreement with a smile that one would find creepy. Not to me. They are obviously vampires.
Yui looked angry and pissed, but was trying to hold it back, when fedora guy called her a bitch. I agreed with him, because she's always been a bitch to me.
"Now you two, don't you think that's impolite behaviour, towards these women you just met?" Reiji said with a stern face.
"Hm, but doesn't anyone want to taste something so yummy? Right, Kanato?" said fedora guy.
"Yes," said the the cute one now named Kanato.
"Knock it off you guys! Yours Truly saw them first. Yours Truly is going to be their first everything!" Ayato said with an aggravated look. Possessive much?
Another voice sounded in the room but the person was nowhere to be seen, "Lame, I'm so sick of you calling yourself 'Yours Truly'!" I so agree with you. I got out some strawberry pocky and munched on one. I noticed Kanato look at me and the sweet treat in my hands, "Would you like some?"
"Yes please!" replied Kanato who looked so eager to have them. I handed him an extra box of pocky from my messenger bag and gave it to him. He took it with, this time, a genuine smile.
"These are so good! Thank you! I'd like some more!" At least I made another person happy.
"I have more where that came from. You can come to me whenever you'd like some more and I also have some candy that I made myself too."
"I'd like that as well! Also, Teddy says thank you too." So his teddy bear is called Teddy.
Ayato stood up and yelled, "Screw you! I know that's you Subaru! Show yourself!"
"Right here," said the voice and I looked in the direction of where it came from only to see a guy with white hair that fades to a pink that's similar to my hair colour, red ruby eyes and a uniform that consists of a ripped shirt, his blazer sleeves rolled up, a key necklace and white boots. Why is he named after a car? Who knows.
"I though it smelt like human in here! So that was you? How dare you wake me with your stench!" Subaru said, looking at Yui instead of me when he said that. Though it's likely that he's referring to both of us or he didn't notice me.
"W-where did you come from?" said Yui, talking all stupid when it's obvious that he teleported here. He also mentioned 'sleep', which means he came from his room.
"Answer my question first!" he yelled with anger before punching the wall and leaving a large crack in it. Poor wall.
I walked to where he was and held his hand. This put him off guard but I didn't care, "Does it hurt?"
He blushed and tried to cover it up by turning his head away from my direction. I rubbed his hand to soothe the abrasion and let go of his hand. He looked dumbfounded after that. It was funny, but cute.
"Does anyone know the reason, as to why these two ladies have come to live with us?" asked Reiji with his fingers on the bridge of his glasses. Yui, being the rude girl she is, decided to leave, "E-excuse me, I think there must be a big mistake so I'm just going to leave now," I swear I want to slap some sense into this bimbo. We wouldn't be here without a reason and the address was correct. Also the fact that these guys are vampires means there's no way of escaping them. They'll always find us.
"Just a moment, I am attempting the verify the information about who you are. Wouldn't it be rather impolite to just leave?" Reiji said this in a strict voice.
"But, but I-," No point in trying to say sorry, Yui.
I talked to Haku in my arms in a whisper, saying how stupid Yui is and how much of an embarrassment she is right now. Also by how pathetic she can be. I believe Kanato heard it because he was looking in my direction.
"Oh, I forgot to introduce you to him," I said, motioning to Haku in my arms, "this is Haku."
"It's so nice to meet you Haku. Teddy would like to be your friend, isn't that right Teddy?"
"Haku would like to be Teddy's friend," I said. Kanato smiled.
"Of course, Teddy says yes." I smiled in happiness and content. Haku made a friend!
"I wonder if they are the women he mentioned," said a new voice which came from the sofa on the back side of the room. I looked to see him lying on the sofa with earphones in his ears that are connected to an MP3 player which is in the form of a choker. I wish I had one of those. I'll look into asking him where he got them at some point.
"Shu, do you know something about these girls?" Reiji asked him but it had a hint of dislike in it.
"Maybe..." Shu replied, still with his eyes closed. I wonder what colour they are.
"Don't 'maybe' us. We want an explanation," said Kanato.
"That guy...contacted me the other day. He said we have guests arriving from the church so please treat them with respect."
"So you're telling us that Melons and Pancake here are the prospective brides?" Yui sounded confused, but I didn't care what will happen to me.
"Oh, is that all?"
"Hmm, they're more like sacrifices than brides if you ask me."
Shu opened his eyes this time and I saw they were a beautiful ocean blue. Oh well, they are vampires. They're meant to look beautiful and perfect.
"Oh, he also mentioned not to kill them," Shu said.
"Really? Looks like we're going to have a very long relationship with these women," said fedora guy with a perverted smile, but I could tell it's fake.
"It would seem there is no misunderstanding, so allow us to introduce ourselves. That is the eldest son, Shu," Reiji said motioning to the blonde one.
"I am the second son, Reiji. This is the third, Ayato."
"You won't get away next time."
"Please let me sample you both sometime."
"Laito." So fedora guy is Laito.
"Pleased to meet you Bitch-chan, and you too, Neko-chan."
"And finally the youngest, Subaru."
"Tch, what a waste of time." I know right?
I decided to introduce myself this time, "Nice to meet you all. My name is Mira Komori and I love animals." I said this with a smile. I waited for Yui to introduce herself but she had to be impolite again, and instead said, "But wait, this must be all a mixup. No one told me about brides and, you're all...very...weird."
There was silence until Yui decided to call her father (he's no father to me), but Ayato had her phone.
"Hey, that's my phone. Give it back!" Yui yelled. *sighs*
"Should I?" Ayato taunted her by getting it out of her reach. It looked hilarious from where I'm standing. Subaru's hand then grabbed the phone.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm doing this," Subaru said before destroying the phone in his hand.
(A/N: This is a cellphone! I threw it on the ground! Haha, sorry! xD)
"You monster!" More like you're the monster, Yui.
"Get lost!" Subaru went and stood next to where I was. I had my passive face the whole time Yui was making a scene.
"There there, Bitch-chan. You're about to be spending a very long time with us so you won't be needing a silly cell phone," said Laito, behind her.
"I've actually been feeling kind of peckish," said Kanato, squeezing Teddy in his arms.
"Oh yeah~ You smell so delicious, Bitch-chan," said Laito, about to bite her. She screamed after that and the next thing you know, she tripped...on air...
The sight of blood on her knee meant trouble for her, because the vampires' eyes began to glow.
"V-vampires?! Take this you monsters!" She pulled out her rosary and held the cross in front of her. I mentally facepalmed at her antics.
"Honestly. Did you really believe in that fairytale written by a mortal? Claiming that vampires are hurt by garlic, holy crosses and sunshine. This goes to show how arrogant humans are."
Yui ran out the doors after that and I just stood there waiting for someone to take me to my new bedroom.
"Her manners are deplorable," said Reiji, already ticked off at her. I feel you Reiji, I feel you. Ayato, Laito and Kanato teleported away, looking for the bimbo.
The other three vampires' attention were on me and they looked like they were waiting for me to do something against them.
"Are you not going to run?" asked Reiji.
"No, why should I? This is where I'll be living from now on and you are all vampires. This means that no matter how many times I escape, you'll always catch me."
"Hmm, at least you have common sense. Anyways, follow me and I'll take you to your new room," Reiji said.
I followed him to a long, widespread corridor with many rooms. There were lots of windows that overlooked what looked to be the back garden, which looked magnificent because there were roses in all different colours everywhere.
We made it to my new room and I must say, I'm glad it's not pink.
Here is her bedroom:
It's a gorgeous champagne and gold combination with huge curtains and the window with a beautiful view of the mansion grounds. I also noticed my luggage placed in front of the pouf. I love it!
"It's beautiful. Thank you so much, Reiji-san."
"You're most welcome. If you ever need anything, feel free to let me know. My room is right next door on the right." I noticed Reiji slightly blush when he said this. I guess he never said things like this to anyone. He closed the door and left.
I sort myself out and placed all my clothes and other things in my wardrobe and my drawers. I placed Haku on my bed and got changed into my cat onesie.
Before I got into bed, I heard a scream. I just ignored it and went to sleep.
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