Subaru~the lost child~part 2 (Christmas)
You stood outside of Subaru's room with a small gift wrapped in wrapping paper behind your back. You were about to open the door when the youngest brother opened the door and walked put bumping into you. You fell onto the floor but was soon helped up by Subaru "thanks, I got you this as it is Christmas." You said looking up at the male who raised you, and picked up the gift that was on the floor and handed it to him. He looked surprised but his face turned back to what it always looks like. He gently took the gift and unwaped in revealing a stress ball, and a note. He looked up at you with a somewhat angry face but not a serious one, he could never be mad at you, you were like a sister to him, but at the same time more but you didn't know what.
He took out the note and read it 'Dear Subaru, this is to help you carm down get mad and to help you stop making holes in the walls :) Merry Christmas! p.s. your real present is down stairs with everyone else's.' Subaru had a fain smile on his face, this was one of the first Christmases that had brought him joy instead of more missery and depression. He looked back at you "thank you y/n for always being here." He says quietly showing his soft side once again to you. You smile and hold out your hand "let's go down and open the rest shall we?" You asked. Subaru looked at your hand and back up to your face and back down to your hand before holding it. 'I'm going to be as nice as I can be today to y/n, I don't care what my brothers say but the will not ruin her day or mine either. As long as they don't touch her or try and anything to her, she should be fine' Subaru thought, now walking with you down the halls That are decorated with Christmasy things.
You and Subaru were now in the living room sat on the floor by the tree, well you were sat on the floor Subaru was standing next to you. You gathered all the presents with your name and Subaru's name on it and pulled them into two a small pile, "can you carry my pile please?" You asked innosently as you picked up Subaru's pile. The youngest brother picked up your pile, you both walked to one of the many sofas in the room and sat down near each other, with the presents on the floor. You handed one present to Subaru, he looked at it and ripped off the paper revealing a box. In side the box was a pair of new shinny shears (idk What they are called, the things you cut plants with). He put the box to the side and handed you a gift wrapped in white paper and a red bow round it. "Who's this from?" You asked. "Me" he simply answered. You untied the bow/ribbon and unwrapped it to also reveal a box. In side the box was a single white rose and a smaller box. Inside the smaller box was a neckless, there was a charm on it and it was a small dagger and a rose. You smiled and hugged him with out even thinking. "Thank you Subaru!" You ecstatically said. Subaru froze from the sudden contact but then wrapped his strong slender arms around you "Merry Christmas y/n" he said.
I wrote this on Christmas day, sorry if its bad. Sorry I haven't updated in forever once again I had lazyituse. Hope you liked it.
This was requested by Betsy08122001 ,LovelesFlutiles for part 2 Subaru~lost child and XsleighXbellsXringX requested the Christmas theme for this chapter.
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