Ruki ~tea sets
You were wondering the halls, in search for something to do. You walked past Ruki's kitchen and saw his tea sets shin. You smiled and walked in. You went up to the tea sets 'I should bake some cakes, then make tea and then have a little tea party to my self!' You though as you looked through the cubbords to find every thing you needed. You got butter, suger, eggs, flour and vanilla. You started to measure out all of the ingredients, whist making a lot of mess. You mixed them all together and put it all in a large round tin. You stuck it in the oven for 15-20 minutes. You turned round and saw Ruki starring at you with disbelief, you dropped the bowl you had in your hands. The bowl smashed into a million pieces.
"What are you doing in my kitchen?" Ruki asked. "I was going to have a tea party, would you care to join me?" You asked sweetly thinking you could get out of this on. "No, for your punishment you need to wear a maids outfit whist cleaning this hole room and call me master." Ruki said smirking. Ruki went to his out and came back with a maid dress (The one in the picture) and handed it to you. You looked at the dress, 'its way to short and really revealing' you thought as you took the dress.
You walk into a bathroom near by and get changed into the revealing dress. You walk back in with a slightly red face. You bent down and started to pick up all the little pieces of the bowl. Ruki was starring at you watching your every move. Once you stand back up you put the pieces in the bin and stated to dust the shelves whist standing on a chair. As you dusted the shelves Ruki came up behind you and placed his hands on your hips. You jumped and looked back to see Ruki with a surprised look on your face. "W-what are you doing Ru-master?" You stuttered falling back into his arms. "Making sure you don't fall off." Kuki said as he places you onto the side. You looked at his blue/grey eyes that carfuly examen your body, your every move planing what to do with you.
Ruki slides one of his hands to your inner thigh and startes to massage it as he inches forward. His forehead was now touching yours. "You need to be punished once more for making me worry y/n-chan." Ruki said, placing his cold pail lips onto your lips. You froze, widening your eyes. You didn't know what to do, but soon kissed back. Your lips moulded perfectly with his. You moaned as he moved his hand up a little further up your thigh. When you moaned Ruki took this moment to slid in his tounge into your mouth. You attacked his tounge but failed to win dominance. You let his tounge search all of the unclaimed land. He pulled away. You panted, letting out a small whimper of disappointment. Ruki looked up at you, he lifted you up and brought you towards his room.
You woke up the next morning tired and really really soar from the events that happened. 'That really was a rough and long punishment' you thought as you turn around to see Ruki's sleeping peacefully next to you.
Shout out to Qmuybelle who sent a request for Ruki.
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