What if they meet Azuosa+KnB Character (Special Chapter)
Continuation~ Hi guys sorry for not updating because again i have sick... Its my 63k+ no i think now its 68k+ Readers.. //laugh im so happy every day or a day or a hour my readers are growing so fast thank you to all of you//smile.
Azuosa : Okay (Your Name), where the hell are you? //searching for you
Azuosa : Hmm.. well i should give them a time.
(Your Name) & (Favorite Character) were having fun. Then (Favorite Character/Lover) put out a box.
You : Thank you (Favorite Character/Lover)
(F.L) : your welcome.
Midorima : Hm.. its getting bored in here you know that Takao //adjust glasses
Takao : It know but its not bored when you saw Azuosa~
Midorima : TAKAO!
First i hate midorima then one day i fell for him and im so bloody hell crazy.
Takao : Oh.. so thats the story
Aomine : Its so bored in here.
Ruki : Then why are you here?//serious face
Aomine : Im here to Azuosa
Kuroko : Aomine-kun Azuosa is mine.
Aomine : i did not say anything.
Azusa : Eve..... azuosa... is mine //hug me
Akashi : So azuosa/miki why do you have two lover?
Azuosa : I don't know, its just they are special to me.
Akashi : Let me punish you.
Kou : Eh.. don't hurt M Neko-chan.
Akashi : hmmm... fine
Azuosa : So lets end in here
Ayato : No!
Laito : Ehh my fans still want me
Azuosa : Then give them a hug
Laito : Give you a hug *hug*
Shin : //transform into a wolf
Carla : Shin your a human not a wolf
Shin : //back to be a human
All KnB Characters are OUT!
Azuosa : Hmm Kuroko is not here now
Ruki : There time is out
Kou :Ehh i want to see M Neko-chan
Shu : //sleeping
Kanato : //talking to Teddy
You : Loving lover (F.Character)
Azuosa :So we end up here.
Hi guys sorry for not updating for a day as i say i have a sick and im getting better now. Yesterday i should update this but im out of house im on vacation.
So lets start to say ' Thank you 'so much to all of you. I feel happy when i see that all of you is happy reading my story but some of you not i think because you know some of there has a story but she is more popular than me she has a very high readers but im happy to have a readers like you all.
I would like to say that you for 68K+ readers and for all your votes thank you and keep supporting me.
Hmmm.. i'll tell something about my story.. Well you see every chapter i made is base in the picture. Did you all notice it?. well its kind of weird for me.
Well thank you all Dialover.
Taking Request? Ofcourse !
Azuosa OUt'♡'~~♢
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