It had been years since the last time you had seen Daryl. You remembered meeting the devil himself, but you didn't remember the promise you made him. You'd lied to yourself and everyone else when you said the burn on the back of your neck was just a birthmark.
You'd gone to two, going on three, church masses with your aunt and cousins. You lived with them because your parents died when you were young. You didn't remember the details of it, all you could remember was seeing a strange shape drawn in blood.
You ignored that thought as you endured yet another church mass. Still nothing, no spark of faith. Your aunt had told you that you'd go and speak to the priest after mass. So you waited in boredom until mass was finally over. Once it was over you approached the priest.
"Excuse me Father, may I have a word with you?" He turned to you "Of course my child, how may I be of service to you." You explained to him how you'd never been able to feel a spark of faith. You'd told him you were a lost child simply seeking faith.
The priest pointed at the "birthmark" on the back of your neck "Perhaps this is what has been causing your lack of faith." You felt the back of the neck "My birthmark?" The priest's eyes widened. "Your birthmark is the Satanic cross?! Out of this house demon child! Out! Get out!" You were forced to run out of the house.
You stayed silent on the ride home. "I'm gonna go for a walk." You said as you walked out for a walk on the town. You walked around until a boy about the same age as you approached you. "Hey." You looked up at him "Hi." The two of you conversed until he asked if you wanted to go get coffee.
You agreed so the two of you went to the local coffee shop where you got (favorite coffee) and he got a capuchino. He revealed his name was Aiden, and like you, he didn't care to go to church except on holidays. You went to pay for the coffee, but Aiden stopped you. "No, I got it. Don't worry." He paid for the coffee then took you back to his house.
Once you stepped inside you were met with a Golden Retriever. "Hey buddy, how're you? Huh?" You said as you petted the dog. "We rescued him from a shelter when he was a puppy. We've had him for about three years." Aiden explained.
"Awww, that was sweet of you to save him." You said. Aiden nodded "Follow me for a minute." You followed him to his room. "Is this your room?" "Yeah." You looked around but then you were pinned to the bed. Aiden used his shirt to tie your wrists to the headboard. "W- what the hell Aiden?!" Aiden just smirked "Relax, I'm just trying to have some fun with my girl~"
All of a sudden a demonic voice yelled "YOUR GIRL?!" Daryl appeared in flames. "Daryl! Help me!" Daryl's eyes narrowed. "Get the fuck out gramps. If you wanna go bang a slut go find your own." Daryl snapped his fingers and at once you were pulled to his side, freed from your restraints.
"Thanks Daryl... Wait, Aiden did you just call me a slut?" Aiden looked down "N- no- yes." Daryl's eye twitched in fury. "I think he called me a slut." You said. Daryl's eye twitched even more.
"What the fuck did you just fucking say about her, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I was responsible for millions of massacres all across time, I’ve been involved in thousands of horrific slayings, and I have billions of kills on my resume. I am armed with supernatural powers that I can use to destroy you in an instant. You are nothing to me but just another human. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me about my wife? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of demons across the pits of Hell and your soul is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in magic and combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Hell's demons and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will drag you down to Hell and you will burn in there forever. You’re fucking dead, kiddo." Daryl snarled.
You stepped away from the two of them in fear. Daryl grabbed Aiden's throat "Enjoy Hell you little fucker, I'll be seeing you there soon enough." Daryl opened a portal to Hell, threw Aiden in, then closed the portal. Daryl went back to you "Are you okay Y/N?! Did he hurt you?!" He asked as he checked for injuries. "No, I'm okay. Thankfully you got here when you did. If you got here later I would've been seriously injured." You said.
Daryl hugged you "I'd never let anything hurt you, my dear. I promise." Daryl kissed your forehead. "Thanks. By the way, what was all that talk about 'your wife?'" You asked. "You don't remember? When you were five you agreed to marry me when you turned (age)."
"But I'm (age minus 2). I'll be (age) in two years." Daryl nodded. "I know, I've been protecting you all these years. I just haven't had to step in like this before." He explained. You hugged him "Thanks. I never knew guys could be like that." Daryl hugged you back "You're welcome my dear. I promise I'll protect you."
You looked at him nervously "You're not gonna go crazy like he did, are you?" "No, no of course not. I just want to protect and love you, and be loved by you in return. It's all I ask for." He said. "Well, you may want to make yourself worthy of my love for that to happen. And the way you saved me from my potential rapist like that was a little excessive, but at least it's a start. If that ever happens again, just try not to go so overboard." You said.
"Sorry about that love, I just hate the idea of anyone trying to hurt you like that. I'd prefer it if you willingly agreed to it rather than be forced into it, I want you to be happy." Daryl explained. "So you'd rather I agreed to let him do that to me than try to fight him?" You asked. "I'd prefer that you agree to let someone you love do that to you rather than someone tries to force themselves on you." He said.
"Oh, okay. Yeah, Aiden was kinda cute, but he was also kinda dumb." Daryl nodded in agreement. "And besides that, I could try to make you happy." He kissed your knuckle. "I can get you anything your heart desires, I promise." He said. "A lot of people say that." You replied. "Unlike humans, I can fulfill my promises and get you anything your heart desires." He said.
"Anything I want the moment I ask for it?" You asked curiously. He nodded "Indeed, watch this." He snapped his fingers and a (favorite sandwich) appeared in front of you. You gasped in wonder. "That's not even the limitation of what I can do." He informed you. "Can you get me... Land... Or even... Power...?" You asked.
Daryl smiled "Of course dear, I specialize in that. Like I said, anything your heart desires. Though I can't help you with anything regarding religion or God, he hates me." He said.
"Could you make me into royalty? Actual royalty?" You asked. "But of course dear, I can make you into a queen." "So no one would be able to stop me?" "I wouldn't let anyone stop you." Your mind raced with the possibilities.
"If you could make me into a queen, could you make me into a therapist?" Daryl nodded. "Of course, I could give you the knowledge and credentials you need to be a therapist for hire." He told you. "How curious..." Daryl smiled "Anything to make my lovely queen happy."
You came to the conclusion that he had supernatural magic. Or something like that at least. "If you really have supernatural magic that extends beyond comprehension, can I have some of that magic? I'd like to be able to make a better living than the one my cousins say I should make." Daryl nodded. "Of course love." He placed one hand on your forehead and another on your chest, over your heart.
"I need you to trust me completely, do you trust me?" "More or less... You did save me from Aiden, but the way you did so was a bit excessive..." "I'm sorry about that dear, I just wanted to make sure he can't hurt you again." You took a deep breath "It's okay. I forgive you. And I trust you." Daryl nodded and gave you a small amount of his power.
"There we go, go ahead and try it out." "What did I get?" You asked as you stared at your hands. You had the strangest feeling of empowerment. "Slight pyrokinesis, some telekinesis, the ability to create whatever you want out of thin air with the snap of your fingers, and the ability to not be able to drown or suffocate. What do you think?" You asked.
"That's awesome! I can swim, burn things, lift things with my mind, make things, and not choke to death!" You said excitedly. "I do hope you like what I gave you." You excitedly tried out your new powers by summoning a piece of paper, moving it close to you, then burning it. "I love it!" You exclaimed.
You hugged Daryl out of gratitude. He hugged you back gently. "I'm gonna make so many friends at parties!" Daryl tensed "I hate to burst your bubble darling, but you can't go around and show off your abilities. It's dangerous to do so, people will think rather negatively of you. I'd hate to have to deal with that much bloodshed." He said. "Bloodshed?" You asked.
"Yes, I know it seems extreme but no one can just go around and threaten to harm you without me becoming protective of you. In that instance I do what I can to neutralize the threat, which typically results in severe bloodshed." "You know you can just scare them off, right? Or I could scare them off so they don't bother me." You said. "I could try that..." You smiled and hugged Daryl. "Thank you Daryl." "You're welcome my dearest Y/N."
"I apologize my dear, but I must be going. If you need me then just call out my name, or think it. I'll be there as soon as I can." You nodded, trying to remember his name. "It's Daryl, Daryl Van Horne." He informed you. "What an interesting name." He chuckled "I get that a lot." "O- oh, I'm sorry." Daryl gently grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckle.
"Don't be, there's nothing for you to be sorry about." He said. You nodded "Farewell for now Y/N." "Bye Daryl." Daryl disappeared in flames as you made your way back home. You couldn't let anyone see you using your powers, not without there being serious consequences at least.
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