-chapter three-
(Perla/ 'X' pov)
I noticed that the person in blue, what was her name again? Whatever it doesn't matter, talking to it seemed like another version of Two.
'Hm. It seems like they know what she's saying.' I thought that this could be bad.
"Oh dear!" they said. "Well, it's going to be okay my friend!" They said.
Whoever said that they're voice wasn't the most annoying sound in the world, would most likely be lying. But sadly, I had to act "Nice" to get these fools to trust me.
"So! What are your names?" I ask, mostly toward the new people.
"I'm Two! That's Nine and Six!" they said.
'So, I was right.'
(Y pov)
I looked around. We were on.. Grass? The void never had a ground. Where is this.?
"Heya Y, where are we? This doesn't look like I've been here befor-"
We saw other ghosts?
"Go fi-" Someone who looked like a number version of Fourteen said before falling back.
"You fell by the way." A number version of Six said.
"I KNOW!" They said, annoyed.
"Who's that.?" Gaty asked.
"Fourteen.. You died?" I ask, surprised if he even remembered me.
"Where are we?" Four asked, in a more complaining tone.
"If I knew, I would tell you." I say to them.
"Infinity got you guys too..?" Six said, seemingly disappointed.
"No?" I respond, confused.
"I got it working! Wait." I saw an even odder person say.
"Who even are you guys?" Gaty asked, confused.
"Did Two even say there were more algenbraliens?" I ask.
"Well, once or twice, not much though. They never said names really." She said.
"Huh?" The green person looked toward up. "How do you know my name?" he asked.
"Oh, no I was talking about my theyfriend! Sorry for the mix up!" Gaty said. "Wait, your name is Two?" she said.
(a pov)
I was really surprised how many people were here!
...even more so that they all looked so different to the people I'm used to...maybe their friendly folk! I mean,I like these guys...but it gets kinda boring being dead for so long...
While their discussing,I jump into the conversation,unable to contain how happy I was to have some new company
"So who are you guys?" I asked excitedly,leaning in towards the periwinkle girl
"Uh...I'm Gaty,this is four,Y,X..." they gesture to the other people
"X?..." i was shocked..but...it's probably a different x. They looked different anyways...so definitely not my brother. Don't get so excited a! It's like you want your brother to die...how terrible of you!
Oh uh...I should introduce myself too!
"Well,I'm a,and these are fourteen,six,three,sixteen,negative one,and fifteen!"
"That's...a lot of people." The green person said next to me.
"And your two?" I say,spinning on my heel to him
"Oh uh...yeah. And this is 86." He gestures to the other person next to him.
"Oooh! You guys look funny!" I say,not intending it to be rude or anything,as I poke 86's cheek,to which he recoiled. Two raised an eyebrow "and...so do you." He gestures to my integer body,which I just give a thumbs up
Six sighs,as they stand up,stretching "jeez,let's just cut the chit chat and get to the point where we all realise we're all dead."
A moment of silence passes,as they continue
"Great. Now,let's go back to go fish."
"I was losing though..." fourteen grumbled,as three replied
"You...just aren't good at this game."
Two cringed at the sight of three "eugh...you look terrible..."
Three did look like a gross burnt piece of meat,missing part of his jaw and all that stuff...
"Yeah. Crazy." Three glared over to four,who just looked confused,as I whisper to them
"I don't think that's our four..."
"Probably not...but I'm still upset." Three mumbled back.
Sixteen was talking with x...I wish she was my x,but I'm glad he gets to live...too bad this x didn't.
Negative one writes down on a piece of paper 'so why are we all here? We're clearly not all from the same universe." As they held up the sign
"That's a good point...why are we all here?" Y asked,as I chime in
"Maybe fate brought us together to be friends!"
"Ooh! I like that idea!" X replied,as four adds "...I'm pretty sure that's not the case."
Sixteen pulls out a mirror,peering into it to see through to the living world,noticing the group all talking and such.
"...huh. That's weird." They mumble,before they turn to the rest of us
"Seems we aren't the only ones who've met alternate universes..." they point to the mirror,as all the ghosts huddle over and look into it,watching the group...
(TD's POV)
I don't trust that 'Perla' person. Most especially when that person who it is was called X.
Why aren't people noticing the weird amount of 'X' on their outfit?
'Why are people so dumb? It's obvious that it's not what it seems!'
The Creature looks over to me.
"What's wrong?" They ask.
The other group, after a little bit of silence, answers.
"Well, I'm Two. That's Nine, Gaty, Four" They said pointing and introducing everyone.
But they had no idea what they had gotten themselves into.
(The Creature POV)
I was at the Odrinlin, also known as my cell.
I had to be contained very heavily, as I was THE subject, the one that never failed, the one that was kept alone. I disliked being how I was, I should've been able to help, not torture the innocent, but Announcer was my keeper. I was always the innocent subject, I was made to bend negative emotions to help people who needed it. Yet it all changed that one day.
September 2nd, 2015.
'The String'
(Past Creature POV)
"Todays the day, Creature!" Said an employee, my green eyes glimmered in excitement. "We're going to the string?!" I had screeched, I was waiting for this moment for quite awhile now! Today was the day I would find my home, my owner. This would feel insane for most people to hear, but in this facility everyone wanted somebody else to take care of them, it showed dominance. I was quite likely to be bought, as I had immense powers. I was brought down to the String, I liked to call it that because it had a lot of strings all over the place. Immediately when I walked in, I was greeted with stares. One of them was cold, terrifying, scary, even for a 14 year old 'Monster'. I sat down on a chair, next to what seemed like a healer. I tried to talk, but then was shushed by an old woman. Another person had stood up, making me third in line. " And here we have a puppet, any buyers?" Said the woman, nobody wanted this poor kid. I was looking around in the crowd, and soon spotted the person who had given me that cold glare earlier. I tried to ignore it, but it was nearly impossible. "No buyers? Okay! Dtrail, excort him to the firing squad." Said the man, I felt horrible for this poor kid, he was going to die because he didn't get bought. That's just the way that this factory ran, unfortunate but true.
It was the 'Healers' turn, it seemed to be a number. "And next we are met with 86, a lightly coated god." The old woman to my side had said, and this had spiked multiple people's interest. "2,400!" Screeched a feminine voice, yet that wasn't enough. "7,500." Said a robotic voice, my eyes were darting across the crowd, as I was met with the guy staring at me, once again. "10,000." Said the weird guy, as I observed him, he had a speaker on his head. "Sold for 10,000!" Said the old woman, after a long pit of silence. The number had been directed to the man with the speaker on his head, and was now sitting very close to him. It wasn't very hard to tell that he was uncomfortable. At last, it was my turn, I was shaking a lot. "Here we are met with 'Creature', he has multiple mechanics of power, and is considered the god of emotions." The old woman had said, and I was immediately bombarded with voices screaming numbers. "900!" "1,200!" "4,000!" Yet then it went silent. The speaker-headed person had spoken, his voice was overwhelmingly loud, and it had said; "29,700..?", and I was waved goodbye by many, yet was kicked in the leg by Mason, who had always said that he would be the death of me. My thin arms had felt tighter as I walked closer to the man, he seemed young. "H-Hello..!" I said, trying to be as pleasant as possible. "You cost me a lot of money.. better be worth it child." He had said, his voice lingering with mischievous tints.
"Let's get going now.. I want you both to be on your best behavior for me." He had said, now wrapping chains around both of our wrists, clearly trying to make it as tight as possible.
(Announcer POV)
I was quite excited to mess around with my new found toys, I was thinking of torturing the so-called 'Creature', as he was meant for good. This thought had filled me with joy.
Once I arrived at my dimensions' border, I quickly opened it for them, and soon threw 'Creature' into the torture chamber, while keeping the other in my close grip. He seemed older, about my age.
"Hmm~ may I get your age..?" I asked- no.. not asked. DEMANDED. "17 sir.." his quiet voice said, I could sense his fear. "No need to be afraid just yet, my child.." I had assured him, he was still shaking majorly. "O-okay.."
(The Creature POV)
I don't remember much, yet all I know is that when is as in the torture chamber.. many of my bones were snapped- no.. Shattered. I was burnt by acid quite heavily, my skin has been sensitive to whatever this acid was made out of ever since, I assumed it had light in it, as I can get heavy burns that I can't regrow once I am met with light. I wish I wasn't like this, I wish I was normal! I had lost track of time, and I was soon greeted with 'X'
('X' POV)
"Hey,are you there?" I say calmly to the creature,snapping my fingers in front of his face
"Oh...yes,I'm here." The creature replied,blinking slightly,before we turned to the group again.
"So...Number two...why'd you look so freaked out when you saw infinity's passed out body...? Well,more freaked out than normal." Person nine said,shrugging a little
"Oh uh...it's...not important." Number two replied
Td was still signing to person two,which made me skeptical. I don't trust she's 'saying' anything good about me or the creature.
I hope ya liked it as always ^^
TD HAS HERO ARC!??!?!?!??!??!
anyway buh bye, til next time! :D
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