-chapter one-
-if the font is ood, then just know I copy and pasted from Google docs BC IM NOT REWRITING THAT-
(NOG worm POV)
I was crawling around, looking for my next living organism to take control over, though I was interrupted
shortly after by a green portal forming in front of my worm-like body. I didn't mind, as I could just crawl away.
That's what I thought..
I was sucked into the sickening green portal, it wasn't the most pleasant experience for my petite body. It seemed as if I went onto earth, though this earth wasn't what I was used to. Quite the opposite. Disgusting figures walking down the charcoal black streets, as if it was an infection of mistakes. I figured that these weird figures wouldn't be the best prey, so I went into what looked like a blocked street. I was happy with what I saw.
A figure, like the others, yet different. I saw something tall, yet with arms longer than its body. I immediately went over to try and control the figures, though I was interrupted by the weird figure picking me up.
It examined me for a few seconds,as if it was trying to figure out exactly what I was,before it's voice echoed to me
"What are you,exactly?" It asked,looking down at me in its long,bony hands.
"I am Perla...and you?" I say,shifting slightly as this figure had pretty uncomfortable hands.
"I am the creature." It replied,before following up with "I haven't seen anything like you before...where do you come from?"
"Well...I'm from a very far away place...but it certainly isn't anywhere near here,I believe."
"That would make sense." The Creature said.
(No ones pov)
Nine, Six, and Two showed up randomly to wherever this is.
They see a group, just as confused a little ways away.
"Wait, where are we? I thought we were with the Zeros?" Nine asked.
"I don't really know." Two answered.
The group of others, looked their was and they seemed to just have seen a ghost.
The group was numbers? That's odd.
"Wait, are those numbers?" Six said.
"It seems like it." Two said as Nine waved at them.
"Hiii!!" She said, as she walked toward them.
"I guess that means we're going over to them.'' Six mumbled as she and Two followed their friendly friend.
The three of them get over where the numbers were.
"Why do you guys, uh" The orange number Ten said.
"Look really weird?" The blue number Four finished its sentence.
"Your on-" Two cut Six off.
"Don't be rude Six!"
"You didn't even know what I was about to say!"
"Finish your sentence. I wanna hear it." The number Four said.
"You're the one to talk. You're just numbers." Six said.
"Don't Fight! We still don't know where we even are!" The purple number Five said.
"I agree," Two said
"What does it matter where we are? We just need to get OUT!" Said the number four, crossing his arms bitterly. "We have to know where we are to get out in the first place, be patient." Five said, attempting to establish a plan. "Maybe we could ask someone..?" Said the number six. This would be hard, yet worth it.
(ML Four POV)
School had just got out, and I was planning to walk X home. I sat down at a bench, shortly after the variable came down the stairs. "Hi Foury!" X had said, quite excited to see his 'friend', at this point everybody knew they were lovers, yet they still tried to cover it up. "Hey X..!" I replied, now grabbing his hand. He began to walk, quite swiftly, as if he was hurrying. "Why such a rush..?" I asked him, catching up to his pace. "Sorry! I'll go slower.." X had mumbled, now walking slower.
Though he stopped in his tracks...
"Foury...?" "Hm?" "Are those.. humans?" "..." I had stopped walking, I had let go of X's hand.. these unhuman-like creatures were talking to each-other, I didn't know what to do next. "Let's go see what they're talking about!" X said, I obliged by trailing behind him. "Hello!" X had said, in his usual squeaky tone. These things made me feel uneasy.. How could we trust them?
(NOG 'Sevens' POV)
I was arguing with infinity or...whatever it called itself now. I would've killed it,but something was wrong with my powers...it must've affected it too. Good.
I did hear someone's voice behind me,as I turn around and see these...flesh...creatures. I involuntarily scrunched my face a little since I waæsn't used to these things. Infinity pushed me,and replied to the boy that spoke "hello there...who are you?" They ask,smiling. What a faker. "I am x! And this is four!" He replied cheerfully,gesturing to the slightly taller one behind him,who seemed to not trust us. I mean who would? I shove infinity out of the way as I ask
"What are you guys?" I say bluntly. I didn't want to sugarcoat the fact I had no clue what these two were.
"You first. You look...weird." The taller boy,four,says,as the shorter boy whispered to him
"Let's be friendly! We don't need to start any unnecessary conflicts..." he says to four,as four simply sighed and nodded.
I decided to reply to fours question,since I didn't have any reason not to...but...it would be a slight...
Bend of the truth,to put it.
"I am an algebralien,seven,to be exact. same with 'infinity' here." I should've just called it out right then and there.
"Yep,we're algebraliens...now what are you?" Infinity points a finger in fours face...probably to be annoying.
Four's eye twitched,as he pushed infinity's finger away before replying "we're humans. I didn't think algebraliens was an actual species...sounds like a made-up Star Wars thing."
"What's Star Wars?" I ask,tilting my head. I didn't find anything useful in my vessel's body,just...jumbled thoughts.
"...never mind,it'd take too long to explain." Four replied,waving a hand.
"So where did you come from?" X chimed in,as he looks at us expectantly.
"We're from the planet algebra,but reside on a different planet...similar to yours,but inhabited by sentient objects." I explain.
"That sounds stupid." Four said bluntly.
Infinity was definitely thinking of doing something,so I jab it with my elbow to shut it down. I don't need any bodies on my hands...
"So...why not give us a tour?" I ask
We were in for a LOOONG ride..
anyway I hope you enjoyed the first chapter
no joke, me salty and ex0r3al1ty spent at least an hour on this
anyway buh bye! :D
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