Hi loves, Happy New Years Eve!!
Can you believe it's almost 2016?!?
Anyway yeah, not the best year for me but I hope next year is better. Hope you guys had a great year :)
"How about these. They're nice." Harry says, holding up a pair of ratty black skinny jeans. Louis grimaces and shakes his head.
He continued to look around the store, completely bored. He didn't like any of the clothes in this store. It was all so bland and boring. He looks to the side, adjusting the beanie on his head.
Harry said it was better for him to hide his ears and tail, said some people weren't as nice as him.
Louis saw a girl wearing leggings and a pretty blouse and jacket.
"I like what she's wearing." Louis comments and Harry follows his gaze.
"Lou...that's for..." He stops himself before shrugging. He can't tell him what to wear. He grabs the small boys hand, taking him out of the store and looking around.
He's never shopped for women's clothing before, other than his sister and his mum. He found a Forever 21 and led Louis to it.
The small boys eyes shined when he saw all the pretty clothing and bright colors. His hands found their way to skirts and dresses and blouses.
Harry smiled at him and helped choose out some things that he liked.
"This is pretty! C-Can I get this, sir?" He asks and Harry chuckles.
"I already told you. Get whatever you like." Louis beamed and continued picking things off the rack. He ran to the dressing room, Harry trailing behind him. The woman at the counter eyed him curiously before letting him go through.
Harry sat on a bench inside the corridor of the fitting room and waited for Louis to come out. It only took a few seconds and when Harry looked up, he gasped.
Louis stood in the hall, wearing a black skirt with a red crop top.
"D-Does this look okay?" He asks, spinning around. The skirt flits up to reveal his tail and maybe a bit of his bum. Harry definitely did not stare.
"Uh--yeah. Lovely." He coughs, looking down. Louis giggles and skips back into the dressing room.
He comes out seconds later in a blue dress with white flowers on it. Harry's jaw drops as he stares at him, and he has to look away so he doesn't start thinking about him in a way that's definitely not appropriate.
They stay in the dressing room for another half hour as Louis tries on different clothes and when they leave, Harry has five bags in his hand.
They aren't done. He takes Louis to a shoe store and the boy chooses different flats and boots and even a pair of heels.
When they're leaving Louis stops and looks into one of the stores. Harry looks at what he's staring at. Victoria's Secret. Oh.
"These are so pretty." Louis mumbles, pulling his beanie down a bit as he pointed to the panties the model on the poster was wearing.
Harry hums and swallows thickly.
"Do you--do you want something from here?" He asks and Louis doesn't waste his time before nodding. They make their way into the store, earning a few odd looks from people.
"Why aren't there any boys modeling this? Don't they want to look pretty?" Louis asks and Harry smiles softly.
"Some people think that clothes have a gender. A lot of people think that boys shouldn't wear this because it's for girls." Harry explains. Louis furrows his eyebrows trying to comprehend what Harry is trying to say.
"Do you think I shouldn't be wearing this?" He asks.
"I think you look beautiful in whatever you where, kitten. It's who you are. You don't have to listen to what anyone says. Clothes are clothes. Not a gender." Harry says and Louis blushes.
"Thank you, sir. You're so nice." Harry grins and Louis plucks different panties from the racks ranging in colors from black to baby blue.
Harry tried not to imagine him in them.
The two boys pay for them and leave the store quickly, Louis saying he wants to change into all the pretty clothes.
When they reach the flat, Louis runs into the bedroom, trying to carry all the bags at once. Harry chuckled and set some of them down on the couch.
He plops on the couch and turns on the television. Only a few seconds later Louis comes out.
"Sir, have you seen the bag with the sweaters you got me?" Harry turns his head to look at the boy and his jaw drops at the sight.
Louis stood in the room, clad in just a pair of blue lace panties.
He doesn't know how long he's been staring. Oh my God, he has to turn around right now. He can't handle this.
Louis looked absolutely sinful. Harry swallowed thickly, wondering how lovely he would look if he bent him over the couch and--
"Did you hear me, sir?" Louis asks and Harry shakes his head, coughing awkwardly.
"I--yes. The bag is on the side of the couch." He rushes and turns away. He shouldn't be thinking these things. The boy is sixteen for heavens sake.
He only gains control of himself for two seconds until Louis turns around and bends down to pick up the bag. The panties stretch over his bum, his tail flicking softly.
He really couldn't help himself when he moans. It was really out of his control. He closes his eyes and leans his head back on the couch.
Louis looks at him worriedly. He slips on the white cashmere jumper that fell a little past his bum.
"Sir, are you alright. Are you hurt?" Louis asks, walking over to the older man. Harry doesn't answer. He has his head thrown back, his arm over his eyes as he breathes heavily.
"Sir?" Louis sits next to him and waits patiently for Harry to answer him.
"Lou...I'm--" Harry glances a look at the small boy and moans again causing Louis to jump. He clambers onto Harry's lap, hands flitting over Harry's face, worrying that he's hurt or something.
Harry's eyes widened and he finds himself staring back at blue blue eyes.
"L-Lou, what are you doing?" He asks, his voice strained.
"You sound hurt. Are you okay? Can I help?" Louis asks. Oh my God, he's so fucking innocent. Harry wants to tell him, yes, yes he can help but he just can't tell him that. He can't take advantage of him like that.
"I-I'm fine, darling. I just--" Harry groans when Louis shifts on his lap, accidentally grinding onto him.
"Am I hurting you? Oh I'm so sorry, sir!" He clambers off of Harry's lap, leaving him dazed and breathing heavily.
He tells Louis he's fine before getting off the couch and wobbling to the bathroom to have a wank in the shower, definitely not thinking about thick thighs and blue eyes.
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