midnight snack
I GRIPPED MY WALKIE TALKIE WITH MY LEFT HAND AS I RAN. I didn't know where, just far away.
"Code fucking red! Gordon Ramsay saw me, I'm toast. I'm gonna go hide, I'll be fine!" I whisper shout. I hear multiple foot steps somewhere down the street. I cursed as I turned the small device off and leaped into some bushes to my side, praying they would just ran past. I grabbed my ears and held them down as I crossed my legs and held them up to my chest. I felt like a child playing hide and seek. But the seekers were going to mutalize me.
I flinched as something feel on top of the bush besides me. The figure groaned as they sat up, rubbing its back.
"Ouch..." it mumbled. I raised an eyebrow, recognising the voice. I saw eyes meet mine, a wave of surprise on them. "Y/N?" I quickly clamped my hand over his mouth and lunged closer to him. I stayed completely still as rushed footsteps ran past, eventually fading out. I sighed before turning back to the man.
"Sero, what the hell are you doing here?!" I asked, taking my hand off his mouth. He gave a deep breath before sitting up properly, facing me. He threw his hands up in exasperation.
"Looking for you! Why are you here?!" He asked loudly. I held my hand over his mouth again, as well as a finger over my lips.
"Shh! I'm trying not to die here!" I whisper shout. I sighed, dropping both of my hands.
"Fine. Let's just get out of this bush first." He popped his head out, looking around before shuffling out, letting the leaves brush off him. When he was out, he held out a hand to me. I took it and was yanked out of the bush. The yank was really hard, so needless to say, I crashed into the blackette. I squeaked as I quickly pushed him away.
"T-Thanks." I whisper, looking around. I see the smiley male give a thumbs up. I glanced at him to see him wearing a white long sleeved undershirt with black suspenders that connected to his black trousers. He rolled up his sleeves and crossed his arms.
"Well? What happens now?" I stiffened at the question.
'Well you could be a real gucci god and let me skedaddle out of here.'
"Well you could be a super nice guy and let me run the hell away." I gave a hopeful smile. He seemed unimpressed. He leaned down and studied my features.
"What do you know?" He asks, rubbing his chin. I perced my lips, feeling his breath fan my face.
"Uh, nothing much. Kaminari scared the hell out of me before I could hear the juicy stuff." I admit. He raised and eyebrow.
"Oh. Sucks to be you then. Let me guess, Todoroki sent you out here?" He asks. I gave a sad nod. He sighed as he leaned back, a frown on his face. "Knew it. Trying to know our plans and such." A voice yelled out, making us both flinch.
"DUCT TAPE! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" I winced at Bakugou bellowed at Sero. The voice came from behind him, which means I was still hidden behind Sero for now. Sero didn't move.
"I, uh, didn't find her! Just taking a leak!" He shouted back, turning his head. I heard a disgusted sound from Bakugou.
"WELL HURRY UP!" And with that, he dashed away. I let go of a breathe I didn't release I was hiding. I looked up and grinned at Sero.
"Thanks for that Sero, I owe you one." He turned his head back around, a grin on his face.
"How does dinner sound? Sneak missions sound like an appetite to me." He asked quickly. I felt my jaw drop. Fucking smooth.
"That, um, sounds good." I reply, rather unsurely. His grin got wider as he fist pumped the air.
"Awesome! I'll be seeing you soon then, sugar." He gave a wave before turning back to the far away mob and using his quirk to skedaddle. I felt myself growing confused
Two dates in on night? What the hell, I haven't had a date in years. Scratch that, ever.
I felt uneasy as I approached the top floor, the elevator feeling slower as the time ticked by. I failed the mission pretty much, am I going to die? Well, it'd be better then the hands of Bakugou. Who knows what he'd do to me before my inevitable death. I flinched as the elevator doors opened wide to reveal the office full of Todoroki's squad. Everyone's eyes were also on me.
I walked quietly to the desk with everyone standing around it, biting my lip. I looked up to see Uraraka's chocolate orbs on me.
"Are you okay?! We heard what you said on the walkie talkie, but it was unclear..." she trailed off, scratching the back of her neck. I gave a small nod. Of course they wouldn't know Gordon Ramsey.
"Sorry, I kind of screwed everything up. But, I did manage to overhear a few things." I reply, tugging at the helm of my shirt. I saw Todoroki give me a nod.
"And that would be..?" He elaborated.
"Well, I didn't get to hear the first part, but apparently Bakugou was looking for a girl. He said she would be the key to winning these territorial wars. I didn't hear a name." I sighed, feeling mildly disappointed. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to meet cheerful green orbs.
"You did great! Thanks for this, it's really helpful." Midoriya smiled, making me feel that much better about myself. He had a special skill at that I noticed. I looked to the mismatched male to see him give a ghost of an amused smile.
"Indeed. Thank you Y/N. It's almost midnight, get some rest." I gave a nod as I said my goodbyes and walked towards the elevator. I waved as the doors shut, and I was on my way down.
I walked out and slipped outside, warily looking around. There was no moon in the sky, so the streets were duller then usual. The street lamps did provide good lighting however. I gave a deep breath, enjoying the somewhat clean air.
"Hey! Y/N!" I whipped around to see a Sero walking towards me. I felt my eyes brows raise.
"Uh, hey?" I reply, stopping so he could catch up. "Why are you..?" I trail off, tilting my head. He stood besides me and gave a chuckle.
"I did say I'd take you out to dinner, did I not?" He winked, giving a grin. I felt myself freeze up.
"You... did say that." I mumble. I shrugged and continued to walk, with the taller man by my side now. "How about a midnight snack?" I ask, glancing over to him. He gave a nod.
"Sounds great, I know this good joint as well." He replied happily. I gave a small smile. Hopefully, this won't be half bad.
We walked until Sero pointed out a steakhouse, the billboard on the roof read out 'Salt and Pepper Diner'. I smiled as he held the door open for me. The interior was homely, with a large bar and multiple window booths. I also noticed a large jukebox in the corner.
I saw Sero go up to the bartender, who was a large, happy man with a large beard and a spatula in one hand. He gave a hearty bellow at something Sero said. I walked over and waved at the man.
"So Sero my boy, what does your lady want?" He gave a wide grin, nudging Sero from across the table. I saw the blackette give a roll of his eyes.
"Well? What would 'ya like? Anything you can think of, this place will probably 'ave it. Just nothing too fancy, y'know?" He pointed a thumb to the larger man. "Grissel isn't exactly a five star chef." I gave a light chuckle before turning to the man.
"A steak burger and chips please. Oh and a chocolate milkshake as well." I ask. I see the bald man give a satisfactory nod, making a mental note of my order.
"Make no mistake toots, my burgers are top tier. And the size of the chips?" He asked, still wearing a large grin.
"A small please." I reply. I see Sero snicker.
"She'll 'ave a large."
I felt my jaw drop slightly. He. Fucking. Knows. I blinked as I looked at the blackette, impressed.
The man gave a howl of laughter. "Coming right up. I'll bring your orders to you soon, so you can just relax." I thanked him and allowed the smiley blackette to lead me to a seat. We sat at a booth opposite eachother next to a window. I looked out the window to see the darkened street and little activity.
"Y'know, Grissel is one of the most decent guys out there. If you ever need a feed, he'll treat 'cha right." I turned to Sero and gave a grin.
"Yeah, he seems really nice. Not a lot of people like him making an honest living anymore." I replied, crossing my arms on the table. Sero gave a chuckle at that.
"You ain't wrong there, sugar. Speaking of that, why are you working for Todoroki's bunch?" He asked, leaning forwards. I gave a shrug.
"Todoroki more or less saved me from Bakugou, so I kind of owed him. And besides, it was a one time job. I hope." I explain. He gives a thoughtful nod.
"I can believe that. Working for the main bomb himself isn't exactly all peaches and rainbows as well. What did he do to you anyways?" He asks, giving a narrowed gaze. I let out a nervous chuckle.
"Nothing too bad, he just burst into the bar one day and snatched my wrist. Luckily, he did it right besides Todoroki at the time. I was more worried about what he might have done if Todoroki wasn't there." I looked back up to see him hold a thin frown. His lips curved back into a smile.
"No need to worry there, he wouldn't really hurt you. He was probably just pissed you slapped the brain cells outta him." I gave a laugh. I took my hands from the table as Grissel laid down our food in front of us. Two large burgers, a basket of chips, dipping sauce, a glass of coke and my milkshake.
He held his fingers to his lips, as in a pincing gesture. "Bon appetite!" We thanked him before he walked away. I picked up my steak burger and tried to find a reasonable place to bite down. It was huge to say the least. I glanced over it too see Sero pull out a flask. I watched him as he poured some of the contents into his glass of coke. I recognised the contents as whiskey.
"I'm supposin' you don't want some in your shake?" He joked, giving a small chuckle. I shook my head.
"I'll have to pass thanks." My mouth was practically watering as I eyed the burger, trying to be polite about eating it.
"You gonna eat it or what?" I looked up in time to see Sero take a giant bite of his burger, with onion sticking out and sauce splattered on his face. I giggled as I shook my head.
What the fuck.
I gave the burger a big bite, throwing any ounce of tidyness out of the window. I moaned as I chewed the bite. Grissel wasn't lying, he really did make the best burgers. Sero just stared at me while I devoured the burger. He gave a laugh as he finished his mouthful.
"Damn... never seen such a lovely lady eat a burger like that." He commented, giving a sly smirk. I waved him away, swallowing the bite.
"I skipped lunch okay?" And with that, I took another bite, leaving Sero to take a sip of his mixed drink with a large grin while he watched me.
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