35 - Mr Therapist
"KISHIMOTO!" I yell, bursting the door of my apartment open, allowing it to slam on the wall. A strangled scream rang out somewhere in the apartment, making my ears twitch and face the direction of the noise. I closed the door and skidded to a halt at the couch, to see a face down deep purplette hugging a pillow. I groaned, hanging over the couch as I pathetically hit his back with closed fists.
"Wake up weeaboo! This is important." I urge, waiting for him to roll over and flip me off. Instead, I ate a face full of cotton as he abruptly turned around and flung the pillow into my face. I gave a yelp as I fought with the pillow, letting it hit the floor as I gave a huff.
I grumbled a few curses, walking around the couch to sit on the armchair. A smug grin plastered to his face, Kishi was now sitting up, arms crossed over his chest.
"Eat that, Batbitch." He snickered, making me roll my eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, I got some tea." I reply, brushing off the crude nickname. He raised an eyebrow, sitting a little forwards.
"Continue..." giving a sigh, I sat up straighter, leaning towards him.
"You know how you said that I was the big gay and would never find anyone even remotely within my league?" I explain blankly, watching the male nod, giving a small snort. "Well, might've found, uh, well, it's complicated." I watch as his face lights up in a grin.
"Ooo~ bitch tell me all about him." He sunk in a wide grin, elbows on his knees as he cupped his chin with his hands. I let out an awkward laugh, rubbing my neck as I glanced away and stared at the wall.
"Well, uhm, 'hims'." I coughed, looking back to see him shaking his head, letting out a sigh.
"Oh honey no," he breathed, rubbing his forehead with his thumbs. "How many off then are you gunning for?" I paused, and then looked at my hands, counting my fingers as I internally said their names. I stopped counting and looked up to see his jaw drop.
"Nine. Nine?!" Shrieked Kishi, making me wince.
"I know, I know!" I fell back into the couch, sighing as my eyes flew up to the room. White paint curling and chipping off, not to mention the ceiling beam I usually hang off.
"So," he pushed, eyeing me, "tell me all about these gents. Or what I can assume to be dudes." I let out a chuckle and knitted my fingers together, holding them on my head.
"Pick a colour." I say, glancing at him. His cloudy grey eyes showed confusion for a moment.
"Weird flex, but ok. Yellow." He replies, making me smile vaguely
"Well, there's this guy called Kaminari. He's super sweet and pretty dorky, but chill as well. He may be a total idiot, but he's funny and thoughtful." I explain, watching my roommate nod thoughtfully, thinking over the highlight blonde he's never met.
"Hey, I mean, whatever floats your boat." He leaned back, slapping a hand on the arm of the chair. "Red." I pause, before my face breaks out into a grin.
"Well, then there's Kirishima. A real manly man, y'know? I ain't lying when I say he's the definition of the sun. And he's got such enthusiasm, like, damn gimme some, bro." I give a short laugh, swinging my legs onto the coffeetable. He hummed, pondering over my response.
"Sounds like a soft boy. Alright, green." He adds. I shrugged, chuckling.
"That one's called Midoriya. He's a quirkless guy, but he's sweet and gives great advice. If I ever needed him, he'd be there in a heartbeat. Also really cute." I hum, glancing briefly out the window, seeing the clouds edge by in the barren, blue sky.
"Now THAT'S a literal soft boy. Uh, is there black?" I gave him a glance, which made him suddenly stutter. "Not to be racist or nothin'." I snorted and shook my head.
"Nah, you're fine. His name is Tokoyami, but I get to call him Fumikage. He's like my dark knight, per say. He likes dark stuff, but not to the point where it's emo or anything. Hell, his quirk is based off the darkness." I hum, remembering all about the bird like male.
"I think I know the guy. Ain't he that guy that walked you back a couple times?" I nod. "I think we'd get along. Okay, orange?" I paused, thinking of the words.
"Well, that would be Bakugou, but he-"
"Bakugou?!" I glanced from the room to him to see his face etched in surprise and confusion, but mostly horror. "Oh hell to the no. Did you forget that he- oh I don't know, kills people?!" I frowned, before holding a finger to my lips.
"Shh, lemme explain. He's actually nice when his angers not directed at you. And besides, he's hilarious when he wants to be. You know he labels his stuff in the pantry. Like, sugar and such is called 'Diabetes'." This got a rise out of the purplette, who snorted before looking over to the kitchen.
"Damn, we should do that." He waved a hand, leaning back again. "Anyways, blue seems like a good choice." I nodded, my lips curling into a smile.
"Well, his name's Iida, and he's the gentleman of the batch. And damn he's naive. One time he came to get me for something, and I said no homo while saying goodbye, and he didn't know what it meant." My male companion gave a grin, tilting his head.
"Please tell me you said it was about 'the big gay'." I shook my head sadly, cursing myself for being so PG with the tall male.
"No, no, that would most likely ruin him. Just told him that it was a saying for if you don't like someone romantically." The purplette, groaned, leaning back.
"That would've been incredible. Anyways, let's go with white." I hummed before nodding to myself.
"Ah, that would be Todoroki."
"Oh my fucking god-"
"Uh, I'm not finished." I cut in, eyeing the male, who looked exasperated." He's pretty aloof, but also kind and humble. Pretty cute as well and I am really grateful to him." I finish, watching the male flop on the chair.
"I swear, you and these gang guys. What's left?" He asks, a frown on his face. I stayed silent for a second before piping up.
"That would be purple and pink." I reply happily. He snickers for a moment, and then kicks his shoes up on the table.
"I knew there was a girl. Let's go with pink." I gave an awkward chuckle, rubbing my neck.
"I'm, uh, still straight. Pink was the last colour I thought of. His names Sero and he's pretty cool. Knows the best joints in town I swear, and he's really funny as well." I crossed my legs on the couch, placing my hands in my lap.
"And the last one?" He asked, eyes staring at me. I pause before giving a shaky breathe.
"Uh, well, it may or may not be Shinsou-"
"Shinsou?" He gave a face, as if he had just eaten a lemon. "Bro forget Bakugou, Shinsou? How though?" He asked, genuinely concerned. I shrugged before looking away.
"Well, he saved me from the wraith of Bakugou when I don't even know him, and besides, he did help us get that paper back, right? And he is kinda hot, let's be real." I tilt my head, trying to convince him. He could only offer a head shake and a laugh.
"Y'know what? Whoever you pick, I'll try to be happy for you." He grimaced, looking tiredly at me. Shrugging, I crossed my arms over my chest.
"So? Which one do you like the most?" I ask, smiling a little as he raised an eyebrow. He sighed, leaning back and placing a finger on his pointed finger in front of him.
"Well, let's see. From what you've told me, yellow seems to be the stupid one, red seems to still believe in chivalry, green's plain innocent, black is the only one I like, orange... let's not go there, blues uptight and naive as hell, white is the definition of daddy issues, pink sounds good and purple... is a bit of a pussy. Did I get all of them?" He looked at me for approval, to which I nodded.
"Pretty much. That still doesn't explain what I have to do though..." I frown, shoulders sagging. He hummed, before breaking out into a smirk.
"It's pretty obvious to me, batty." I frowned even more, not understanding where he was going at.
"Oh yeah? Enlighten me, please." I sass, looking at the male expectantly. He gave a shrug, the smirk still plastered to his face.
"Well, just fuck 'em all and find-"
"What's the matter? I'm not wrong exactly."
"This is the last time I come to you for advice..."
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