34 - A Little Thanks
I sat down with the three mystery men, who seemed to be older then myself. I didn't know who they were, but if expensive suits have taught me anything, it's that only higher ups wore them. So these three men must be higher ups. I watched my milkshake infront of me, as if staring it down.
"So, first things first-" I look up, watching as they all turned their eyes at me. "-you know my name, but what's all of yours?" I ask, peering at them all. The first one to make any sort of noise was one of the blondes, this one with vivid green eyes and his hair in more of an arrow shape. He wore a light orange dress shirt with a leather tuxedo over it.
"The name's Yamada Hizashi, yo! Nice 'ta rock 'n roll with 'ya sis!" He greets loudly, clicking his finger relentlessly into finger guns pointed at me. His co hort blackette friend gave an audible sigh at his much more lively friends antics.
"Aizawa Shota." He greeted blandly, taking a moment to sip his coffee. He had black hair that was currently tied up, revealing a noticeable scar under his eyes, which were a night black colour. He wore a black undershirt with a dark grey tux over it. The last male piped up, offering a small smile.
"Ah, my name is Yagi Toshinori. Pleasure to meet you, Young Y/N." He greeted happily, holding his cup with both hands on the table. He was the other blonde, but had piercing blue eyes and more sunken features, as if he was triple his age. He wore a yellow under shirt with a dark blue tux, one that had a crimson red handkerchief hanging out of the pocket. I nodded, memorizing each of their names.
"Then, it's nice to meet you all. May I ask what you need to talk to me for?" My question was half answered as Aizawa slid a file towards me wordlessly, taking a sip of his coffee as he watched me glance over it.
"You see, you did a big, BIG thing went you crashed that hella lame party." Yamada whistled, leaning back as he but down on his straw. I raised an eyebrow, hold a finger to the file.
"What... bad things are you referring to?" I ask slowly; cautiously. I didn't know what exactly they meant. Perhaps it was the fire? Or the fact we stole something pricey. Either way, I didn't want to go into detail. Yagi shook his head, making his hanging blonde hair shake along with his head movements.
"Ah, no no! We came here to, well, thank you actually." He waved his hands, but it only led to me being even more confused. I looked over to the blackette, who simply nodded before motioning for me to open the file. I did so and found green cat eyes staring back at me.
"This is 'Jaguar', a gang leader down in the underground. He was the one hosting that little event." He took a long sip, sighing as he placed his cup back down. "He was burned to death." Yamada gave a thumbs up, winking at me.
"And no boss, means no band! So, they've cleared out of that area, aside a couple wanderers, 'course." Aizawa gave an irritated glance to his green eyed partners, but brushed off the intrusion.
"That's our territory, so now that we have that back, we're all good now. So thanks with that." He huffed, swirling his cup with liquids.
"A further question-" I turned to look at Yagi, who was straighting his tie. I nodded, urging for him to continue. "I understand that you have connections with Young Midoriya and his group. Is that true?" He asks, intently focussed with a determined look on his face.
"Yes, I do. What... did you want?" His features light up in a grin, creasing his eyes.
"Well! If it's not too much trouble, I was wondering if you could do me a favour-" He cut himself off, taking an envelope from his pant pocket and handing it over the table to me. "Could you be so kind as to give this to Young Midoriya? I would appreciate it immensely." He wondered, hope in his tone. I gave a smile, nodding as I took the envelope.
"Yeah, of course! It's no problem." I reply, sliding the envelope into my pocket, making sure it's secured.
"Well then, that's all folks! Thanks for the co-op, Y/N!" I looked up to see the three men stand up simultaneously, each stepping out of the booth, with Yagi taking the file back. Yamada took my hand and shook it up and down vigorously as he said his goodbyes, leaving me a little disoriented and with a hand feeling like static. Yagi gave a wave and a nod, leaving after his blonde companion. The last to leave was Aizawa, who looked long and hard at me before tossing an envelope carelessly on the table infront of me.
"That's for you. If you ever need anything, don't be reluctant to try and find us." And with that, he walked off, leaving me to my food and the new object. I shrugged, sipping my milkshake as I fidgeted with the envelope, struggling to get it to open. I did, and pulled out the contents that made it apparently so heavy.
In doing so, I almost had a heart attack and a spasm at the same time.
"35000 yen!? Holy shit!" I whisper yelled, staring wide eyed at the label wrapped around the stack of bills. I silenced myself as I slipped that envelope into my pocket along with the other one. I downed my waffles in a record time and dashed out the door.
Time to find my roommate.
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