-7- Dissapearence
Couple of days after the incident bc yes
\~| JIMMY'S POV |~/
It's been a couple of days since anyone has seen Scott, and since the...incident per say. So, I decided to go see if I can find Scott, I'm still somewhat disappointed in Scott about the market. But, everyone's worried. Expect Joey, but Joey's Joey so, yeah. I groaned, wondering were I should start.
I should ask the emperors, see if they've seen Scott!
I subconsciously nodded, I should start of with Dawn, just incase.
Time skip:
Only three more empires...and no luck with anyone before. The Evermore was next, hopefully Shelby has seen him.
Time skip v2:
I landed in the Evermore's centre, walking over to Shelby's house. I knocked on the door, Shelby answered.
" Jimmy? " She asked.
" Yeah, hi, I have a question. " I said.
" Alright, shoot! But not literally... " Shelby said.
" Have you seen Scott after, or before the incident? " I asked.
" Uhhh... yes! I have! He came to talk to me about magic actually! " Shelby said happily.
" Oh? Continue. " I said.
" Yeah...he came to me about visions on...Rivendell was it? Yeah it was...so I directed him to Lizzie! Because I believe I heard her talking about that." Shelby said.
" Alright, I'll go to Lizzie then, thank you for your time Shubble. " I said.
" Bye byeeee! Find Scott for meeeee! " Shelby called before I left.
Time skip v3:
I landed in Critter City, and began my walk around to find Mayor Lizzie. Which would be hard, as there's a lot of districts to look through.
I went through the main district first, as the books say, the first one built. Lizzie wasn't their.
Then I went through the...green...district. I don't know it's name. Lizzie wasn't there either.
Then I traveled up to the highest district, the blue one. Lizzie wasn't there aswell.
Only to places left, the...other district and the main place in Critter City. The main place was bigger, so may as-well get that done with.
I look through whatever the main building was called. Lizzie wasn't there. One more place.
I went through the final district, Lizzie wasn't seen.
Right as I was going to give up, some was behind me, I yelp and backed up, equipping my sword for defence. But putting it away immediately. As the pinkette stood proudly in front of me.
" Did I scare ya?' Oh wait! Yes I did! " Lizzie chuckled.
" Haha. " I replied.
" I know, I'm hilarious. "
" Okay, stop it. " I said.
" You scream like a girl~ " Lizzie singsonged.
" Shut up... " I muttered.
" Yeah, okay, what're you here for? " Lizzie asked.
" Shelby told me that she sent Scott to you, I was wondering what that was about or for? " I asked.
" Oh, yeah. " Lizzie hummed.
" Well... he said that 'he had visions on a place' which Shelby might've told you as Rivendell, I saw that mentioned in some books I couldn't read, he could. I gave to him. He left. " Lizzie said.
" Ah, alright...has he returned said books? " I asked.
" Nah, I just gave them to him. " Lizzie shrugged.
" Okay, thanks for the information and your time. " I said.
" Yup, bye bye! " Lizzie said waving.
I waved back to her, now it was time to visit Stratos.
Time skip v4:
I arrived at Joel's empire, landing on the floating part.
" Timmyyyy? " Joel called.
" Yes, hello Joel. " I scoffed.
" What're you doing here? " Joel asked.
" I'm just here to ask you a question. " I said.
" Okay? " Joel said.
" Have you seen Scott? At any point really. " I asked.
" Hmm, the only time I saw him was at the incident. I seen him once in Chromia wandering after that... and then a second time after that. He was leaving I believe? " Joel muttered.
" Which way? " I asked.
" Uhhhm, that way I believe. " Joel pointed towards a distance forest.
" Alright, thanks. " I said blandly before leaving.
I flew over to Chromia, just for a quick look to see if Scott was there.
I entered Scott house, the manor one, not the smaller one. I should probably check that though. But better to start of bigger.
I searched through the entire building, the only room left was Scott's.
I entered the room, the walls were slashed and burnt, everything was thrown around and the desk in the corner askew. The window was blacked out, and there was no sign of life in the room. Dagger marks laid dormant in the walls, on a picture actually, it was a picture of all of us. All the emperors, in one photo. Scott's part of the picture was torn out, it was burnt on the ground, looking back up to the main picture, all of our faces had holes in them. Gem's had the most, she was barely recognizable because of it. Looking back around the room, I seen some books, I walked over to them. Examining them, they seemed to be in a different language. On the desk...well, partly, was a notebook. Picking it up, the notes were scribbled out, but English. I looked up to a nearby map, extra paper on the walls, different places and different names. Some places there were fictional, at least that's what was thought. I followed a translucent red line up. To a place, it was the jungle, scribbled out was 'The Lost Empire: Ruined'.
Ruined? What does that mean?
Looking around the map was more places. Most of them were ruined. But for what?
'The Ocean Empire: Ruined'. 'The Cod Empire: Ruined'. 'The Grimlands: Ruined'. 'Mythland: Ruined'. 'The Undergrove: Ruined'. 'House Blossom: Ruined'. 'Gilded Helianthia: Ruined'. 'Kingdom of Mezalea: Ruined'. 'Pixandria: Ruined'. 'Crystal Cliffs: Ruined'. 'Rivendell: In repair'.
In repair? Interesting.
The red line branched off to all those places, a certain spot in a forest near...Rivendell was circled, maybe that's were Scott is.
I should probably take this...or gather everyone here in the morning, yeah gathering in the morning seems better.
I left Scott room and decided to stay in the tavern for a night. Until the morning at least.
Finally we're going somewhere!
Okay bye bye
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