-4- Past of glory
I was laying on my bed, staring into nothingness, but from others sight probably looking at the roof, I eventually snapped out of my trance and removed my blankets from my body, looking towards the bathroom cautiously.
Nothing. My mind spoke, I squinted my eyes. Yup, absolutely nothing, huh, weird...
I pouted my lips, ticking my tongue in confusion, un-pouting my lips, I bit my lip, gingerly walking to my wardrobe. I got out my clothes, removing my pjs, I slid my slightly dye stained white t-shirt on and a pair of black trousers, buckling on my belt and equipping my pouch bag thing, I relatively forgot what it was called... oh well. Sliding on my jacket and placing my fedora on my head, hoping into my boots I left my room, looking around every spot and every corner.
Something has to happen right? It has so many times before... I sucked in a breath between my teeth.
Maybe Shelby can explain this- happening.
I smiled to myself, that'll work. Hopefully. Placing my makeshift elytra over my jacket, I fixed the flaws and adjusted the wings, grabbing my rockets of the countertop I exited my home, jumping into the air using a rocket to launch me further.
' Your there now Scott. '
What the hell?! Who are you?!
' Raven, now shut up and land or you're gonna crash. '
I snapped out of my thoughts, this 'Raven' was right, I was gonna crash, my eyes widened and I braced myself for a crash, instead, I landed, hearing the squelch of the mud under my boots. My face turned into a disgusted look.
Blech, I hate this mud on my clothes. Wait what? Since when? What the hell?
I blinked in surprise and confusion, shaking the thought out of my head, I walked up to the door, longing to leave the muddy area, what? I'm confused- I'll just ignore my hate for that now! I'm still confused-
' Yes I know Scott just knock on the blinking door. '
' Ye, knock on the door or I'll make Shelby slam it into your face. '
Okay! Okay!
I lifted my hand and knocked on the door, this day is confusing. Shelby opened the door, I smiled to her.
" Oh! Hey Scott! I didn't hear you land at all! When did ya get here? " Shelby asked a bit surprised.
" Like a minute ago. Or something. " I said with a shrug.
" Ah... " Shelby said, I bit my lip.
This is awkward...
" Can I come in? " I said breaking the silence.
" Yes yes of course! " Shelby said, letting me inside.
I slid off my boots, Shelby dragging me along to the living room.
" So! What brings you here? " Shelby asked as she led me to the living room.
" Oh, I want to have a chat with you. " I replied, Shelby nodded. Throwing my onto one of her couches.
" Onnnn what? " She said.
" Magic I guess " I shrugged.
After like- two hours of talking on magic
I tapped my foot on the ground, taking a breath, gaining confidence in myself.
" Hey Shelby, " I said.
" Yeah? " She replied
" I've been having... visions lately. Or what I think are visions. " I said.
" WHAT?! " Shelby exclaimed in surprise.
" Yeah! I've been having these dreams on this place called Rivendell and a demon thing! " I replied.
" You should go to Lizzie for that! " Shelby said.
" What? Why? " I questioned
" She has history books, she'll probably know. " She said shrugging.
" Okay... see you at some point I guess! " I exclaimed running to the door.
" Byeeeee! " Shelby drawled, waving to me.
I slid my boots on, rushing through the door, I took off to Critter City.
Anddd time skip.
I landed in Critter City, a few feet ahead of Lizzie.
" Oh Scott! Didn't expect you to be here. " Lizzie said.
" Nor did I expect your landing to be so good! " Lizzie said, I nodded.
" Yeah... erm- I was wondering if you had history books? " I asked.
" Of course I do! What's gotten you into history? " Lizzie asked.
" I've been having visions every night about a place called Rivendell, and a demon person called Xornoth I believe? " I said with a smile, trying not to seem crazy.
" Ah yes... come with me! " Lizzie walked up to me, grabbing my wrist dragging me along.
We eventually arrived at a library, Lizzie led me to the very back, grabbing a book off the shelf, blowing the dust of it, she passed it to me. The book was white, with a cyan fade nearing the bottom, the edges lined with gold details, lines of gold spread across the cover too, the thing that caught my eye the most was the golden stag head on the centre, my finger gently traced it, taking it in.
Those are the antlers from those buildings!
I realised, before I knew it, a hand was in front of me, well, more of a paw.
" Helloooo? Scott to earth? " Lizzie called.
" Ah sorry- these antlers are from my visions- " I said.
" Cool, this is an ancient elven book, so it's in elven too. " Lizzie said.
" It is? " I asked, puzzled.
" Yeah? " Lizzie replied.
" It looks english to me... " I mumbled.
" Okay? " Lizzie said.
" Can I have it? " I asked.
" Sure. Can't read in elvish anyhow. Take it forever if wanted. Actually have all the elvish books. " Lizzie walked back to the shelf, grabbing five more books.
" Thanks? " I silently questioned as she gave me the five other books.
" Ye welcome Scottish man. " She said.
I put the books into my inventory, Lizzie shook her head. Probably the dust.
" Okay! I shall be going now! I have books to read! " I declared.
" Yup, bye. " Lizzie said blankly.
I slightly rushed out of the library, taking off into the sky again.
I returned home, rushed into my house, climbing up the ladders I sat down at the desk, and pulled out the first book. Flipping open the page I began reading it.
And we leave it here.
Jk we still going!
I opened my eyes, what the hell? I was in Rivendell again, but... as me? But this place was standing one thousand years ago and was destroyed... what the hell? The cold wind whipped my face. Blowing my hair everywhere. I looked to my left. A mural? In elvish? Huh.
Mural says:
' To the remembrance of the champions of Aeor and Exor.
King Scott Gilded Major of Rivendell
And his brother
Former Prince of Rivendell Xornoth Eternal Major
May the champions be the last '
What. The. Hell! My name is Scott Gilded Major! Who is this... 1,000 year impostor! I looked up, to the statue above it, my eyes caught the king, he looked like me, to every detail. So... the king is me? I'm him? But didn't me kill himself and go into an afterlife of goodness? Am I a reincarnation or something? So much information... nothing to explain.
My head violently rose from the desk, so violently I fell off my chair, I stared up, not moving. I eventually got off the ground and reset the chair, walking over to my bed and face planting into it.
Well, I'll pretend that never happened.
I got into the bed properly, drifting asleep in seconds.
Well the plot has changed- Scott's still going insane yes. But judging by the very hefty mention you can guess what's happening.
Platonical love of thy reader
Bye bye <3
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