-3- Markings
Hi٫ new chapter because yes. So. WWWOOO!
I opened my eyes to the violent morning rays٫ the rays were right in my eyes٫ seriously sun? Flinging the blanket off my body٫ I sat up٫ getting a glimpse of myself in the mirror. But left to the wardrobe٫ wait a minute- I backed up٫ peering into the mirror again.
" What the- " I said to the to the air.
I looked into the mirror٫ confused٫ walking closer to it٫ I seen- something on my face.
" What the hell!? " I shouted to the air.
Black marks were on my face! Mainly in the area of my magical eye. Since when was that there. Walking closer to the mirror more details we're appearing, red and purple seemed to be in it, the markings were just above eyebrow level. I seen something flash behind me, I shouted in surprise, spinning around. Nothing... what in the mother loving f-
I was interrupted in my thought process by knocking on the door.
" Coming! " I yelled down the stairs.
The knocking continued.
" I said I'm coming! " I yelled louder.
The knocking became more chaotic.
" I SAID IM COMING YOU CAN STOP KNOCKING! " I yelled down to the person, sliding down the ladder.
I swung the door open, slightly angered.
" Hey Jimmy... " I said quietly.
" Hey. " He replied.
We stared at each other for an comfortable amount of time.
" So- our trade? " He asked.
" Ah yes! Follow me. " I replied in a upbeat tone.
" Okay? " He said.
I exited my home, walking over to the dye's storage area.
" So- before our trade- I have a question for you. " Jimmy said randomly.
I spun to face him, as soon as I did some concern made it's presence on his face.
" What's your question? " I asked.
" So- erm- " Jimmy cleared his throat.
" What's that black marking things on your face? " He asked.
" Oh! Uhm- I just some makeup! " I said with a mini laugh.
" Okay then... " He replied doubtfully.
I continued going forward, now knowing that Jimmy probably doesn't believe me.
After the trade thing bc yes.
Jimmy waved to me, I waved back at him.
" Fly safe sheriff! " I shouted to him as he took off.
As soon as he left I let out an exasperated sigh, returning to my house, I climbed up the ladder into my room. Falling onto my bed I drifted into an unconscious state.
I opened my eyes to a pitch black room.
" What the- hello!? " I screamed into the darkness, my voice echoed off the walls.
A cold draft passed by me, I shudder, why's it cold all of a sudden? Where even am I!?
" Don't question it. " A voice hissed.
" What? Who are you? " I asked the air.
" Don't question it. " It hissed again.
I could hear it's footsteps echo around the room. I spun in every direction ever possible, trying to find it.
" Stop trying to find me. " It growled.
" What- " I wanted to reply
" I SAID STOP. " I growled. It's form appearing from the shadows.
I shouted and jumped backwards. That thing- that thing is what took my eye! Before I could actually look at it, something flew at me, but was countered with a clear blue substance.
I darted up from my position in bed, breathing heavily. My heart beating like hell, and sweat dripped down my face. I gagged.
Sh||. My mind said.
I ran into the bathroom, letting whatever the hell my stomach had in it out.
I'm not specific on this bc no. So we moving on to when he's done.
I finished whatever just happened, I grabbed the countertop and pulled myself up, hot tears dragging down my face. I hovered over the sink for sometime. Until I saw the skull again. I screeched, spining around hitting my back on the counter. I groaned.
Well that hurt! My mind signalling me again.
I looked around, my eyes darting back and forth. Nothing.
" But I swear it was just there!- " I said to no one particularly.
I flushed the toilet, sliding down the counter I kept repeating 'it was just there.' Maybe I'm going insane? Yeah, maybe I am.
WOOHOO! That's done! Now I can go outside and freeze >:D
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