-2- Somethings wrong...
Hi I'm back.
For a new chapter.
I don't know what to do tbh. Nor write.
So oh well.
\~\ JIMMY'S POV /~/
I folded my arms, tapping my foot on the ground, how long were Scott and Joel gonna take??? It's getting annoying now, I just wanted this meeting to start quicker so it can finish quicker, there never important anyways. Right before Fwhip was going to speak, Joel came into view, landing in outside critter city's meeting haul, he slid through the door, crouching down next to the the table.
" So, were's Scott? " Gem asked Joel.
" Apparently he's not coming because he's 'sick' " Joel replied, putting air quotes on sick.
" He was sick a two days ago! There's no way a person can get that sick that fast. " Fwhip said.
" I know! It was a bland lie. But he's probably off somewhere now, there's no point in finding him. " Joel said with a shrug.
" Ok, can we get on with my meeting now? " Lizzie asked everyone.
Even though I was confused with the news, I didn't question, you could visibly see Scott hated almost ever meeting ever. So I guess he just didn't want to go.
Some hours later bc who likes reading about boring meetings? I don't that for sure.
I paced back and forth, debating on whether to go see Scott or not...
" Argh! What am I gonna do??? " I exclaimed to the air.
Norman meowed, casually sitting on a chest nearby.
" Do I go or not?! " I said, looking at Norman.
Norman meowed, sitting up and jumping onto a desk, sitting down next to something.
" Oh Norman you genius! " I almost shouted.
I scared Norman on the head, he purred at the touch, such a smart cat! Why didn't I think of a coin? I sat down, taking the coin in hand.
" Heads is go nowhere. Tails as well. " I said.
" Sideways is go to Scott. " I was talking to Norman, who mewed at my saying.
" Fine. Heads nothing tails Scott. " I said with a sigh.
I flipped the coin, it landed I placed my hand atop it, I removed my hand.
" GOSS DARN IT! " I exclaimed. Of course it had to be tails.
I scared Norman on the head before leaving, of the Chromia I guess.
I landed in Chromia, the flickering of the lights were the only thing lighting my path, the normal very vibrant coloured empire seemed... dull. It could be the fact that it is pitch black out. But, still, somethings not right.
I approached Scott's home. Knocking on the door. It opened, there was the colourful man, he rubbed his eyes.
" Oh... Hey sheriff. " Scott said with a yawn.
" Hi Scott, mind if I come inside? " I asked.
" Nah your fine. " He said.
I entered his home, barely lit.
" Sorry if it's too dark... I was asleep awhile ago can came down for a snack because of a nig- something that happened. " Scott said.
" Okay?... " I said suspiciously.
" Do you want some tea? " He asked.
" Yeah sure I'll take some! " I replied with a smile.
I'm losing motivation so skip past the tea making.
Scott gave me one of his less vibrant cups, he had one to, guess you wouldn't want to burn your eyes out at so late of a time. Especially when you just woke up.
" Why'd you come here Sheriff? Don't you have Tumble Town to deal with instead of me! " He asked looking up at me.
" Oh- erm- it was on a coin. " I said.
" Awe... not even out of heart... " He gave a fake sad look. He's joking, he's better at acting than this. So yeah.
" Sorry, I'm a busy man. " I said with a shrug.
" If your soOo busy wh don't you go back to your busyness or something? " Scott retorted.
" I'm sorry for having some concern for you! I guess I should've stayed home Eh?! " I louden my voice.
" Yeah! Maybe you SHOULD'VE! " Scott louden as well.
I finish the tea, placing it on the coffee table, Scott glaring at me, I glared right back at him.
" If your SO busy go back home and do the stuff that's MAKING YOU BUSY! " Scott said.
" I came here to check on you! I'm not leaving until I know your safe and fine! " I replied.
" I'M F*)~¥]G FINE JIMMY! " Scott said, slamming his fists on the table, almost breaking it.
I leaned back in my seat, surprised at scared at Scott's action.
" I- oh gods- Jimmy I'm- I- " Scott snapped back to himself, falling backwards onto the floor.
I felt myself fill with concern. I don't think he's ok...
" I'm sorry I didn't mean to!- I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to! " Scott kept repeating himself. A entire dictionary's worth of sorry's and didn't means to's.
" Hey! Hey it's alright Scott. Your fine. " I go out of my seat, walking towards Scott who backed himself in a wall.
He looked at me in the eyes, his body frozen in time, in fear. That's when I noticed something, under his hair was, something, it was to dark to see what it was and it itself was to dark to see, maybe a marking or makeup. He's Scott after all.
" Jimmy- " Scott started.
" Shush. " I said.
I pulled Scott into a hug, he tensed at the movement, but eventually softened into my embrace. And then began the flood gates, it's started with some sniffing and weak sobs, but then became full on sobbing and crying. I rubbed my hand on his back in circles, trying to give him some comfort while he was breaking down. After awhile I felt his body go limp in my arms, the crying had stopped awhile ago, he just didn't let go. I looked at him, letting out a lighthearted scoff, he feel asleep. I picked Scott's sleeping body up, climbing up the ladders somehow, placing him gently in his bed, I removed his shoes, jacket, hat and jewellery. Ruffling his hair before leaving, I looked back on him once more. He was sleeping soundly, and so peacefully... he wouldn't mind if I stay for awhile right? I turned around, sitting on a chair, he had many books, I took one of them and began reading it, falling into a slumber while reading.
There. End. Bye bye I need sleep.
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