My fingers slid the SD card into my laptop and watched for the file to pop up.
"LIBRARY HALLWAY #2" Made it's way into the screen and it made my forehead crease, "Two?.." I click it and look down at Olivia wore the same face as mine, curiously angry at whatever could be on this camera.
"I'll do the most recent date first.." I click yesterday and lean back with her in my lap and gently played with her hair, earning a content sigh from her.
"The crowd is scared! Cameras flashing! Will she fall? Will she survive?" Olivia's voice pops up and I feel her stiffen under me. I bite my lip to hold back my smile as I watch her walk into view, balancing plates in her hands as she walked on the lines of the carpet. I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips as she fell off the line, earning a whine and a pout from her.
"Stop laughing at me!!" She holds her hands up to cover my eyes but I pull them away and kiss her fingers, "You're adorable, baby. I can't help it." I laugh softly and watch her cheeks puff up with a small pout.
The videos to follow were Olivia bounding down the halls full speed like a wild child and me grumbling about that stupid fairy as I traveled back and forth from the office. Olivia laughed loudly as she watched me curse out the fairy,
"Oh I'm in danger! Please help!" My voice raised to mock it before I kicked the carpet, "I'll help kill ya.. swear it.." I grumble after and walk back into the office.
Olivia looked back up at me, a large smile practically tearing her face in half, "Do the voice again! A-And say Salami with the voice on pleaaaase!" She laughed louder until her hands clutched her tummy. I pout and look away as I felt my cheeks heat up, "Shut it." I snap but it does nothing as she laughs and tries to copy my voice, making me helplessly crack a smile.
"Let's watch this one, then." I land the mouse on a video with her in the hall and she goes to pull my hand away but I click it quickly, making her whine.
"And your Daddy is James Deville. He's a demon so your half demon and half human so you have like the best of both worlds! I'm kinda jealous.. I wonder if I'll get demon powers.. I want some cool horns or be super fast too." She rubs her tummy slowly as she made her way down the hall, "I hope you get my curls.. and your Daddy's eyes." She disappeared out of the frame but we could still hear her giggles.
My chest swelled with pride at the sight of my love talking to our child, "You want her to have my eyes?" She nodded her head slowly, "I want her to look like you..if they are a girl." She giggles softy and I smile, My hand moved to her stomach as I gently pulled her closer, making her cheeks turn red, "I like that..A mini version of myself.." I gently scratch my bread in thought of a second terror to this world.
We would be unstoppable. We could rage world wars or even open the gates of hell and unleash chaos together.. Then come home to dinner with Olivia and talk about our day.
"She's gonna be a terror.. a little devil like me." I sigh happily and Olivia gives me a side eye, "Nope! She's gonna be a good girl and go far in life." She snaps and I roll my eyes, "By go far you mean become the queen and rule the Earth? Because I'll make that happen." Her eyes widen and she quickly shakes her head, "No no no! My precious Angel would never want that.. She just wants to be happy." Olivia cooes softly at her stomach and I shake my head, "That's it. Bed time." I stand up and watch her cling to me like a koala, her arms and legs holding herself up as she burst into a fit of giggles, "Wait! I wanna watch some more!" I move my hands to her thighs and hold her up,"We watched them all, babe.. We're good now." I press a kiss to her head as I began to walk to our bedroom.
"A weeks and your stomachs gonna be to big to be held like this." I chuckle softly and she looks at me confused, "You mean months? It's only been one, my love." She giggles softly and I shake my head, "You already have a little bump.. You are growing a demon." I chuckle and watch her eyes widen as she looks down at her visible bump.
"So how long does this last?" I could see the slight fear in her eyes as her hand moved to rub her tummy. "Depends on how strong it is.. With my blood, probably four or six months.." I scrunch my nose as I try to think. I'm trying my best not to worry her as the hesitation and fear sparkles in her big doe eyes. "I-I'm happy but.. it's gonna hurt so bad.." Her legs tightened together as I pressed a kiss to her temple, "You will be fine, my love. You are plenty strong enough." Her shoulders relaxed slightly, "If you believe so.." I chuckle softly.
She sighs, "We gotta make more videos for the future, though.." She mumbled softly as she nuzzled her head into my neck. I hum, "We can watch them with the babies." I could feel her body tense, "Um you mean baby??" She pulls away slightly and I shake my head, "We're having eight kids minimum." Her eyes widen, "You mean two!" She corrects and I shrug, "Sure.. at least two." I smirk and she huffs softly but doesn't argue as she plops her cheek onto my shoulder.
The bedroom was warm and cozy as we stepped through the doorway. It was gonna be the first time in a while when I've been to bed at a decent hour or without a book. Olivia looked more excited than me as she slid down my body and made her way to the bed, climbing in with a big smile on her face. I watch her tap the sheets next to her excitedly, "You're a bit excited.. You missed my cuddles that much?" I chuckle as I crawl in next to her, taking my place beside her. She was on me in an instant, her head on my chest as her arms wrapped around my torso, "Very much.. I'm so tired.." Her muffled whines made me chuckle as I planted a kiss to her head and closed my eyes, "Goodnight, my love," I listen to her sweet giggle as her arms tightened, "Goodnight, my love."
The moon was high in the sky and the room was black as my eyes slowly opened up again. I look down to Olivia who slept peacefully on me, drool running down her cheek onto my chest as she mumbled softly to herself. I plant a kiss on her head and watch her lips lift in a little smile.
With slow movements, I sat up and moved her onto the bed, putting a large pillow in her arms. Hopefully she wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I look back at her one last time and smile as she wrapped around the pillow like a koala. I hesitated on leaving, wanting nothing more than to hold my baby through the night but I knew better than to wait any longer to look into this.
My feet padded silently down the halls as I made my way back to the library. The computer light was bright and enticing as I stepped closer and closer until my ass sat right back in my office chair for the millionth time this week. I click the videos and go to the oldest, feeling a weird tightness in my gut.
The video played and for a while there was nothing but silence and static. The hours passed slowly as I fast forward through the minutes until a black blob made me stop. "What the-.." I lean in and play the video, watching the hooded figure turn down a hall which lead towards the kitchen. The video cut quickly soon after, making me rewind it.
The hidden figure had a rose sewn in on the chest of the robe and a glint of metal flashed from under.
I screenshot the video before taking notes on the emblem and writing a few guesses of what the metal could possibly be.
I click the next video,
The hours passed by slowly again but this time more than one blob popped up. I stop the video and rewind to see a group of hoods this time. The three stood together in the hall, talking in hushed voices that I couldn't make out what they were saying. The rose emblem stood boldly on their robes and I time stamped the hour, "2:30 am.." I look back at the screen and watch them walk down the hall towards the kitchen again.
My thoughts go back to when I caught Olivia in the oven. She could unknowingly walked right into a trap or something we both know nothing about.
I look to my notes and try to wrap my head around the situation. A group of hooded figures meet once a year in the witching hours in order to travel through my kitchen.. This is ridiculous.
I throw my pencil and look back at the screen, "I need to find the other cameras." "You need to come back to bed. Olivia's voice made me jump as I looked at her standing angrily in the doorway. Her eyes narrowed as she marched her way up, "So you left me alone and cold in the bed to do what, exactly?" She tapped her foot impatiently and I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off, "To watch more videos without me?! Even after I said I wanna watch more!" Her arms crossed angrily over her chest as she eyed me hard.
I throw my hands up in defense, "I wasn't watching an vids! I was just.." I pause and pick up a book from off the desk, "Researching more into "Fairies and mythical creatures." I read aloud and she relaxes slightly, "Mhm.. And what did you wanna know so bad that you left me?" I slowly pull my chair and stand up to lean over the desk, "My mate is locked under the curse of a winged rat.. Of course I'm just tryna see if I can break it some other way.. like killing it." Her cheeks puffed as she guiltily looked to the ground, "W-Well I just wanna cuddle so come back to bed." I smile and stand back up, "That's all you had to say, princess." I walk around to her side and place a kiss on her head.
She more than happily took my hand in hers as she lead me back to the bedroom. I felt split in two as I looked back at her and then the office. Sure one night won't hurt but every second I don't spend looking for a solution felt like another second closer to her getting hurt.
I look down at Olivia who walked on the thin lines of the carpet, making sure not to step off as she used my arm to balance herself. A laugh left her lips as she accidentally tripped over her own feet and stepped off the line. I move behind her and do the same, following her and holding her hands as we carefully walked in the lines.
Just like now I'll do my best to protect her and guide her. I won't let her slip and fall to her doom. I'll be the hand she reaches for and the body to fall back on.
I swear it.
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